Laravel 4,->withInput(); = 未定义的偏移量:0


我在这里和 Laravel 论坛上进行了长时间的搜索,但我找不到这个问题的答案。->withInput()咳出Undefined offset: 0.



public function getJobs()

            $position_options = DB::table('jposition')->lists('friendly','id');
            $category_options = DB::table('jcategory')->lists('friendly','id');
            $location_options = DB::table('jlocation')->lists('friendly','id');

            $result = $query->get();
            return View::make('', array('position_options' => $position_options, 'category_options' => $category_options, 'location_options' => $location_options))->withInput();



<form action="{{ action('JobsearchController@getJobs') }}" method="post">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="large-8 columns">
      <input type="text" name="realm" placeholder="Keywords/Skills" />
    <div class="large-4 columns">
       {{ Form::select('category', $category_options , Input::old('category')) }}
  <div class="row">

    <div class="large-4 columns">
      {{ Form::select('location', $location_options , Input::old('location')) }}

    <div class="large-4 columns">
      {{ Form::select('type', $position_options , Input::old('type')) }}
    <div class="large-4 columns">
       <input type="submit" value="Search" style="width:100%; padding-top: .5rem;
padding-bottom: .5rem;" class="button border-btn" />



最终目标是提供我从上一个问题中收到的答案db:raw 产生的不良结果并有一个页面加载“过滤”表单并在重新加载时显示相关结果并记住表单中的选择。


更新: 根据评论,我更新了控制器和路线,结果仍然相同:


Route::get('jobs/search', 'JobsearchController@getSearch');


Route::post('jobs/search', 'JobsearchController@getJobs');


 public function getSearch()
                    $position_options = DB::table('jposition')->lists('friendly','id');
            $category_options = DB::table('jcategory')->lists('friendly','id');
            $location_options = DB::table('jlocation')->lists('friendly','id');

            return View::make('', array('position_options' => $position_options, 'category_options' => $category_options, 'location_options' => $location_options));

        public function getJobs()

            $position_options = DB::table('jposition')->lists('friendly','id');
            $category_options = DB::table('jcategory')->lists('friendly','id');
            $location_options = DB::table('jlocation')->lists('friendly','id');

            return View::make('', array('position_options' => $position_options, 'category_options' => $category_options, 'location_options' => $location_options))->withInput();


withInput()只是一个方法Redirect班级。它不可用View class.

Calling View.withInput($data)有不同的行为:它将以下键值对传递到您的视图:'input' => $data。这会导致您的代码出现错误,因为您没有向该函数传递任何数据。





View::make(...)->with('input', Input::all());

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