在逻辑应用程序中将多个具有相同结构的 XML 文件合并为单个 xml


  1. 从 FTP 服务器位置,我的逻辑应用程序正在获取可以容器的 zip 文件夹包含“N”号。示例结构的 xml 文件

  2. 我可以通过将 xml 文件解析为 JSON 来读取 for-each 循环中的内容

3. 现在,我希望我的逻辑应用程序将 JSON 中的多个 xml 文件合并到单个 xml 文件中

请建议我如何实现上述第 3 点。 我有集成帐户来存储映射文件。

输入文件 1:-

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
            <user_email>[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection</user_email>          


    <price> 10</price>
    <customer>CompanyName RM Team</customer>


输入文件 2:-

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
            <user_email>[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection</user_email>          


    <customer>CompanyName RM Team</customer>



 <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <user_email>[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection</user_email>


      <customer>CompanyName RM Team</customer>
      <price> 10</price>
      <customer>CompanyName RM Team</customer>

由于您想要合并多个 xml(json) 文件的部分内容,并且您的示例很复杂,所以我简化了它们。








For this requirement, I initialize four variables at first(the variable "isFirstTime" is used to judge if it is the first loop in for each). enter image description here

Then I connect to ftp and parse the xml file get from ftp to json format. enter image description here

Next, I set the variable value with "order_id"(in this step, you may need to set some other variables such as "username", "user_first_name".....) enter image description here

Next step, I create a "if" condition to do different work. enter image description here

At bottom of the "For each" loop, we need to set the variable "isFirstTime" to false. enter image description here

After complete the "For each" loop, we have last two steps. enter image description here The expression of "fx concat(...)" is

concat(concat(concat(concat('{"orderQuote":{"order_id":"', variables('order_id')), '","quotationCollection":['), variables('jsonstring')), ']}}')


  "orderQuote": {
    "order_id": "AZS000001",
    "quotationCollection": [
        "quotation": {
          "quote_id": "345678",
          "rate_id": "ABC001"
        "quotation": {
          "quote_id": "8975545",
          "rate_id": "ABC002"

By the way, we'd better to do some settings before we use "For each" loop, click the "…" icon beside the "For each" action --> click "Settings" and then enable "Concurrency Control" and change the "Degree of Parallelism" to 1. enter image description here enter image description here


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