Node.js 按域计算带宽使用情况



有谁知道我没有遇到过执行此操作的 API 调用吗?



有谁知道可以放在任何 Web 服务器(node.js、apache 等)前面的轻量级代理/服务器,它可以通过检查域来记录这些带宽统计信息?

在不修改 node.js 核心的情况下,最好的选择似乎是使用 bytesRead 和 bytesWritten 变量在套接字级别跟踪它。

这实际上比仅仅测量 http 请求/响应字符串的大小(如其他一些带宽跟踪器计算传输的数据)更准确。

您有 2 个选项:1) 记录每个请求的字节,或者 2) 记录 TCP 连接关闭时的字节。



var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  // setup a counter for bytes already logged
  req.connection.bytesLogged = (req.connection.bytesLogged || 0);

  // output the bytes read by the socket
  console.log('Socket [' + req.connection.remoteAddress + '] [' + + '] - Bytes Read: ' + req.connection.bytesRead);

  // calculate the bytes of the request (includes headers and other tcp overhead - more realistic)
  req.bytes = req.connection.bytesRead - req.connection.bytesLogged;
  // output the bytes size of the request (note this is calculated after the TCP packets have been collected from the network and parsed by the HTTP parser
  console.log('Request [' + req.connection.remoteAddress + '] [' + + '] - Bytes: ' + req.bytes);

  // log the bytes to a memory array, DB or disk (implementation not shown)
  // [code here]

  // add the request bytes to the counter
  req.connection.bytesLogged = req.connection.bytesLogged + req.bytes;

  // normal http server processing like return document or file
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
}).listen(1337, '');
console.log('Server running at');


var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {

  // create some variables for data we want to log
  // due to the way node.js works the remoteAddress and remotePort will not
  // be available in the connection close event
  // we also need to store the domain/host from the http header because the http
  // request also won't exist when the connection close event runs
  var remoteAddress = req.connection.remoteAddress;
  var remotePort = req.connection.remotePort;
  var host =;
  var connection = req.connection;

  // output bytes read by socket on each request
  console.log('HTTP Request [' + remoteAddress + ':' + remotePort + '] [' + host + '] - connection Bytes Read: ' + connection.bytesRead);

  // setup handle for connection close event
  // to avoid the handle being added multiple times we add the handle onto
  // the connection object which will persist between http requests
  // we store the handler so we can check whether it has already been added
  // to the connection listeners array - a less robust alternative would be to
  // add a flag like connection.closeHandleAdded = true
  connection.handle = connection.handle || {};
  if (!connection.handle.onconnectionClose) {
    connection.handle.onconnectionClose = function() {
      onconnectionClose(remoteAddress, remotePort, host, connection.bytesRead);

  // check whether the close handle has already been added to the connection
  // if not add it
  if(connection.listeners('close').indexOf(connection.handle.onconnectionClose) == -1)
    // attach handler to connection close event
    connection.on('close', connection.handle.onconnectionClose);
    // set connection idle timeout to 5 secs for testing purposes (default is 2min)
    connection._idleTimeout = 5000;

  // process http request as required
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});

}).listen(1337, '');
console.log('Server running at');

function onconnectionClose (remoteAddress, remotePort, host, bytesRead) {
   console.log('connection Closed [' + remoteAddress + ':' + remotePort + '] [' + host + '] - connection Bytes Read: ' + bytesRead);

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