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            We Have the Finest Physicians, Staff, and Systems for the Finest Healthcare
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            Our state-of-the-art technology ensures that we provide the finest healthcare. Our practice continuously invests in systems and equipment so that physicians can diagnose problems in the most accurate and efficient manner possible.
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            Advanced Electronic Medical Records
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            Our advanced electronic medical record improves patient care and gives physicians all of the important patient information they need in one place.
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            Premier Radiology Services
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            Filmless radiology capabilities provide rapid results and allow physicians to view images on an office computer screen within minutes. Our premier radiology services include MRI, CT scan, ultrasonography, nuclear medicine, bone densitometry and mammography. We offer computer-aided diagnosis (CAD), which is a tool to assist the radiologist in more accurately diagnosing breast disease.
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            Our Employees Make MyMed a Special Place
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            MyMed values each of our employees’ experience, diversity and dedication. Ideas and backgrounds that our employees bring to our company enable us to be more effective in anticipating and exceeding our patients’ needs and expectations. <a class="blueLinks" href="http://www.mymed.com/talented_people.aspx">Click here</a> for the opportunity to meet some of the employees who greatly contribute to our success.
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            Wide Range Of Insurances
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            A big advantage to using WESTMED Medical Group is the <a class="blueLinks" href="http://www.mymed.com/participating_insurance.aspx?id=473">wide range of insurance coverage</a> accepted. This means you should be able to keep your doctors even if you find you have to change insurance plans. We care equally about every patient regardless of the insurance provider.
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  1. 如何确保无论我如何调整大小,标题上的背景图像始终填满 DIV?
  2. 如何确保文本不会像第二张图片中那样相互重叠?

Use background-size: 100% 100%完全填充(可能被拉伸) 其他明智的使用background-size: cover正如@Andras所说


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