如何模拟 FileReader 的失败


我有一个函数可以创建一个FileReader。在该函数中我还设置了load and error事件处理程序

      let reader = new FileReader()
      reader.onload = this.handleReaderLoaded;
      reader.onerror = this.handleReaderError;


我想对其进行单元测试handleFileSelect正确设置错误处理程序并且错误处理程序(handleReaderError) 被调用如果FileReader失败了。但我不知道如何制作FileReader fail.


fit('should call error handler when file doesn\'t get loaded successfully', (done) => {
    let newPracticeQuestionComponent = component;

    let file1 = new File(["foo1"], "foo1.txt");
    File reader will load the file asynchronously.
    The `done` method of `Jasmine` makes `Jasmine` wait
    When handleReaderError is called, call a fake function and within it call done
      console.log("called fake implementation of handleReaderError ",event);



If the reader的行为正在呼唤onerror when readAsDataURL失败了,这应该做:

spyOn(newPracticeQuestionComponent.reader, 'readAsDataURL').and.callFake(() => {

由于这将作为同步调用运行,因此您可以在测试结束时简化断言(遵循三个 A),如下所示:

// Arrange
const newPracticeQuestionComponent = component;
spyOn(newPracticeQuestionComponent, 'handleReaderError');
spyOn(newPracticeQuestionComponent.reader, 'readAsDataURL').and.callFake(() => {
let file1 = new File(["foo1"], "foo1.txt");

// Act

// Assert
expect(newPracticeQuestionComponent.handleReaderError).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ type: 'abort' });

但我不建议期望参数传递给函数,event.type, 因为它是另一个单位的规格我们目前没有测试。 (我们正在测试newPracticeQuestionComponent不是的行为reader用事件调用错误)



// Arrange
const newPracticeQuestionComponent = component;
spyOn(newPracticeQuestionComponent.reader, 'readAsDataURL');
let file1 = new File(["foo1"], "foo1.txt");

// Act

// Assert


希望这可以帮助 :)


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