jquery getJSON 跨域问题


使用 JQuerys getJSON 从另一个域拉入 JSON 文件时,我似乎无法使该文件正常工作。我已经将回调部分放在了 url 的末尾,但仍然没有任何乐趣。 Firebug 告诉我这是一个跨域问题,这似乎是有道理的,就好像我将 json 文件放在下面的代码本地(不包括?jsoncallback=?工作正常)

这是 Jquery 部分

        if (show5More.nextSetCount < json.items.length) { // Check not on last group of data
            $('#lineupswitch li').hide();  // Hide the existing items    
            $.each(json.items, function(key,value){ // Loop over the returned data from the json file
                if (key === show5More.nextSetCount) {  // If the itteration is equal to the datablock continure
                     show5More.nextSetCount = show5More.nextSetCount + 1; // 
                     $(value).each( function(index) {
                         if( (index % 2) == 0) {
                             $('<li class="even ' + this.cname +'"><a href="' + this.href + '" class="lineup-thumb"><img src="' + this.thumbimg + '" /></a><h3><a href="' + this.href + '">' + this.titletext + '</a></h3><p>' + this.paratext + '</p></li>').appendTo("#lineupswitch");
                          } else {
                              $('<li class="odd ' + this.cname +'"><a href="' + this.href + '" class="lineup-thumb"><img src="' + this.thumbimg + '" /></a><h3><a href="' + this.href + '">' + this.titletext + '</a></h3><p>' + this.paratext + '</p></li>').appendTo("#lineupswitch");                              
                     return false;

还有我已经验证过的 JSON。

  "items": [
                    "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090415-s2-squalor-edinburgh/", 
                    "thumbimg": "http://brightcove.vo.llnwd.net/d7/unsecured/media/1486976045/1486976045_19721015001_asset-1239819553334.jpg?pubId=1486976045",
                    "titletext": "Cannabis plants found in house with neglected children",
                    "paratext": "A court has heard four young children lived in",
                    "cname": ""
                    "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090414-s2-waverley-station-edinburgh/", 
                    "thumbimg": "http://brightcove.vo.llnwd.net/d7/unsecured/media/1486976045/1486976045_19537855001_asset-1239732920496.jpg?pubId=1486976045",
                    "titletext": "Multi-million pound revamp for Waverley Station",
                    "paratext": "Edinburgh's Waverley Station is set for a",
                    "cname": ""
                  "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-s2-natal-20090408/", 
                  "titletext": "Stillbirth charity on the road to raise awareness", 
                  "paratext": "SANDS Lothian are hoping to highlight their",
                  "cname": ""
                  "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090407-l2-rbs/", 
                  "titletext": "Thousands of jobs to go at Royal Bank of Scotland", 
                  "paratext": "Edinburgh-based bank to cut 4,500 positions in the",
                  "cname": ""
                    "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090415-s2-squalor-edinburgh/", 
                    "thumbimg": "http://brightcove.vo.llnwd.net/d7/unsecured/media/1486976045/1486976045_19721015001_asset-1239819553334.jpg?pubId=1486976045",
                    "titletext": "1",
                    "paratext": "A court has heard four young children lived in",
                    "cname": "lastlineup"

                    "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090415-s2-squalor-edinburgh/", 
                    "thumbimg": "http://brightcove.vo.llnwd.net/d7/unsecured/media/1486976045/1486976045_19721015001_asset-1239819553334.jpg?pubId=1486976045",
                    "titletext": "1",
                    "paratext": "A court has heard four young children lived in",
                    "cname": ""
                    "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090414-s2-waverley-station-edinburgh/", 
                    "thumbimg": "http://brightcove.vo.llnwd.net/d7/unsecured/media/1486976045/1486976045_19537855001_asset-1239732920496.jpg?pubId=1486976045",
                    "titletext": "2",
                    "paratext": "Edinburgh's Waverley Station is set for a",
                    "cname": ""
                  "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-s2-natal-20090408/", 
                  "titletext": "Stillbirth charity on the road to raise awareness", 
                  "paratext": "3",
                  "cname": ""
                  "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090407-l2-rbs/", 
                  "titletext": "Thousands of jobs to go at Royal Bank of Scotland", 
                  "paratext": "4",
                  "cname": ""
                  "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090407-l2-rbs/", 
                  "titletext": "Thousands of jobs to go at Royal Bank of Scotland", 
                  "paratext": "Edinburgh-based bank to cut 4,500 positions in the",
                  "cname": "lastlineup"



  "items": [
                    "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090415-s2-squalor-edinburgh/", 
                    "thumbimg": "http://brightcove.vo.llnwd.net/d7/unsecured/media/1486976045/1486976045_19721015001_asset-1239819553334.jpg?pubId=1486976045",
                    "titletext": "Cannabis plants found in house with neglected children",
                    "paratext": "A court has heard four young children lived in",
                    "cname": ""
                    "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090414-s2-waverley-station-edinburgh/", 
                    "thumbimg": "http://brightcove.vo.llnwd.net/d7/unsecured/media/1486976045/1486976045_19537855001_asset-1239732920496.jpg?pubId=1486976045",
                    "titletext": "Multi-million pound revamp for Waverley Station",
                    "paratext": "Edinburgh's Waverley Station is set for a",
                    "cname": ""
                  "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-s2-natal-20090408/", 
                  "titletext": "Stillbirth charity on the road to raise awareness", 
                  "paratext": "SANDS Lothian are hoping to highlight their",
                  "cname": ""
                  "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090407-l2-rbs/", 
                  "titletext": "Thousands of jobs to go at Royal Bank of Scotland", 
                  "paratext": "Edinburgh-based bank to cut 4,500 positions in the",
                  "cname": ""
                    "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090415-s2-squalor-edinburgh/", 
                    "thumbimg": "http://brightcove.vo.llnwd.net/d7/unsecured/media/1486976045/1486976045_19721015001_asset-1239819553334.jpg?pubId=1486976045",
                    "titletext": "1",
                    "paratext": "A court has heard four young children lived in",
                    "cname": "lastlineup"

                    "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090415-s2-squalor-edinburgh/", 
                    "thumbimg": "http://brightcove.vo.llnwd.net/d7/unsecured/media/1486976045/1486976045_19721015001_asset-1239819553334.jpg?pubId=1486976045",
                    "titletext": "1",
                    "paratext": "A court has heard four young children lived in",
                    "cname": ""
                    "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090414-s2-waverley-station-edinburgh/", 
                    "thumbimg": "http://brightcove.vo.llnwd.net/d7/unsecured/media/1486976045/1486976045_19537855001_asset-1239732920496.jpg?pubId=1486976045",
                    "titletext": "2",
                    "paratext": "Edinburgh's Waverley Station is set for a",
                    "cname": ""
                  "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-s2-natal-20090408/", 
                  "titletext": "Stillbirth charity on the road to raise awareness", 
                  "paratext": "3",
                  "cname": ""
                  "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090407-l2-rbs/", 
                  "titletext": "Thousands of jobs to go at Royal Bank of Scotland", 
                  "paratext": "4",
                  "cname": ""
                  "href": "/edinburgh/video/news-090407-l2-rbs/", 
                  "titletext": "Thousands of jobs to go at Royal Bank of Scotland", 
                  "paratext": "Edinburgh-based bank to cut 4,500 positions in the",
                  "cname": "lastlineup"



altCognito 是正确的。这是一个工作示例:


  function(data) {
    $('body').html(data.name).css("color", "green");

以及将返回内容的 php:

$data = '{"name" : "hello world"}';
echo $_GET['jsoncallback'] . '(' . $data . ');';

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