FlowLayoutPanels 中的 C# 拖放标签


我有一个小问题。我想要制作一个程序,可以在多个 FlowLayoutPanel 之间拖动生成的标签。但最近几天我尝试让拖放工作。我尝试了很多教程、示例等,但总是有些不同,而且我无法仅提取基本代码。

它类似于这个程序 https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/c3ddb8d3-cea6-41d9-9276-94ddba49dc5d/drag-and-drop-groupbox-panels但它是 Visual Basic 中的,我需要 C# 中的它。我知道这可能很简单,但我是新手。


Real Drag&Drop在应用程序之间或者在应用程序之间也是最有用的Forms.


需要两个FlowLayoutPanels called FLP1 and FLP2并首先用一些初始化它们Labels.


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // create a few Label with varying Colors for testing..
    fillFLP(FLP1, 88);
    fillFLP(FLP2, 111);

void fillFLP(FlowLayoutPanel FLP, int cc)
    for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
        Label l = new Label();
        // the next 3 lines optional and only are there for testing!
        l.AutoSize = false;      
        l.Text = FLP.Name + " " +  i.ToString("00");
        l.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, cc * 2 - i, 255 - 5 * i, cc + 5 * i); 
        // add controls and set mouse events:
        l.MouseDown += l_MouseDown;
        l.MouseMove += l_MouseMove;
        l.MouseUp += l_MouseUp;

// the currently moved Label:
Label mvLabel = null;

void l_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    // keep reference
    mvLabel = (Label)sender;

void l_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    // if we are dragging a label:
    if (mvLabel != null)
        // mouse pos in window coords
        Point  mvPoint = this.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition);
        // the label is still in the FLP, so we start the drg action:
        if (mvLabel.Parent != this)
            mvLabel.Parent = this;
            mvLabel.Location = mvPoint;
            // we are already in the form, so we just move
            mvLabel.Location = mvPoint;

void l_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    // are we over a FLP? and if so which?
    Point MP = Control.MousePosition;
    FlowLayoutPanel FLP = null;

    Point mLoc1 = FLP1.PointToClient(MP);
    Point mLoc2 = FLP2.PointToClient(MP);

    if (FLP1.ClientRectangle.Contains(mLoc1)) FLP = FLP1;
    else if (FLP2.ClientRectangle.Contains(mLoc2)) FLP = FLP2;
    else return;  // no! nothing we can do..

    // yes, now find out if we are over a label..
    // ..or over an empty area
    Control cc = FLP.GetChildAtPoint(FLP.PointToClient(MP));
    // if we are over the FLP we can insert at the beginning or the end:
    // int mvIndex = 0; // to the beginning
    int mvIndex = FLP.Controls.Count; // to the end
    // we are over a Label, so we insert before it:
    if (cc != null) mvIndex = FLP.Controls.IndexOf(cc);

    // move the Label into the FLP
    // move it to the right position:
    FLP.Controls.SetChildIndex(mvLabel, mvIndex);
    // let go of the reference
    mvLabel = null;


这允许您拖放Lables两个人之间来回FLPs并且还在FLPs通过下降onto Labels.

请注意,如果您想允许删除,则需要一些额外的行between Labels并仍然在那里..


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