Chrome 中的并发 Ajax 请求


I have read limitation on concurrent ajax requests to a particular domain from chrome browser to be 6. Earlier I had tested and confirmed that. But now I see that even 100 requests are getting sent to the server from chrome browser concurrently and all are active at the same time. Refer screenshot Can someone guide if something has changed. I use chrome 72. I can assure you that the calls have indeed hit the server as I can see the required Database entries corresponding to the call. But earlier these calls would be in waiting mode until some previous call finished.

Update一些额外的观察结果可能相关,也可能不相关。我用 2 台服务器测试了这个 - 1 台有IIS 10并且没有看到这种限制。 另一个有IIS 8我可以看到一次只有 6 个发送到服务器。


如果您启用此功能,您可以获得更清晰的图像WaterFall。如果您看到瀑布,在某个时间点只有 6 个请求将被触发(发送到服务器),其余所有请求将处于待处理模式。


以下是截图自Version 74.0.3726.0


Chrome 中的并发 Ajax 请求 的相关文章
