



 基于RCNN 毛孔检测



 from PIL import Image
 import cv2
 import time
 import numpy as np
 from skimage.filters import frangi, gabor
 from skimage import measure, morphology
 from Partition import practice14 as pa
 # class UnionFindSet(object):
 # def __init__(self, m):
 # # m, n = len(grid), len(grid[0])
 # self.roots = [i for i in range(m)]
 # self.rank = [0 for i in range(m)]
 # self.count = m
 # for i in range(m):
 # self.roots[i] = i
 # def find(self, member):
 # tmp = []
 # while member != self.roots[member]:
 # tmp.append(member)
 # member = self.roots[member]
 # for root in tmp:
 # self.roots[root] = member
 # return member
 # def union(self, p, q):
 # parentP = self.find(p)
 # parentQ = self.find(q)
 # if parentP != parentQ:
 # if self.rank[parentP] > self.rank[parentQ]:
 # self.roots[parentQ] = parentP
 # elif self.rank[parentP] < self.rank[parentQ]:
 # self.roots[parentP] = parentQ
 # else:
 # self.roots[parentQ] = parentP
 # self.rank[parentP] -= 1
 # self.count -= 1
 # class Solution(object):
 # def countComponents(self, n, edges):
 # """
 # :type n: int
 # :type edges: List[List[int]]
 # :rtype: int
 # """
 # ufs = UnionFindSet(n)
 # # print ufs.roots
 # for edge in edges:
 # start, end = edge[0], edge[1]
 # ufs.union(start, end)
 # return ufs.count
 # # def connected_component(thresh_A):
 # # thresh_A_copy = thresh_A.copy() # 复制thresh_A到thresh_A_copy
 # # thresh_B = np.zeros(thresh_A.shape).astype(int) # thresh_B大小与A相同,像素值为0
 # #
 # # kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_CROSS, (3, 3)) # 3×3结构元
 # #
 # # count = [] # 为了记录连通分量中的像素个数
 # # xy_count = []
 # # # 循环,直到thresh_A_copy中的像素值全部为0
 # # while thresh_A_copy.any():
 # # Xa_copy, Ya_copy = np.where(thresh_A_copy > 0) # thresh_A_copy中值为255的像素的坐标
 # # thresh_B[Xa_copy[0]][Ya_copy[0]] = 1 # 选取第一个点,并将thresh_B中对应像素值改为255
 # #
 # # # 连通分量算法,先对thresh_B进行膨胀,再和thresh_A执行and操作(取交集)
 # # for i in range(thresh_A.shape[0]):
 # # dilation_B = cv2.dilate(thresh_B, kernel, iterations=1)
 # # print(type(thresh_A), type(dilation_B.astype(int)))
 # # thresh_B = cv2.bitwise_and(np.uint8(thresh_A), dilation_B.astype(int))
 # #
 # # # 取thresh_B值为255的像素坐标,并将thresh_A_copy中对应坐标像素值变为0
 # # Xb, Yb = np.where(thresh_B > 0)
 # # thresh_A_copy[Xb, Yb] = 0
 # # xy_count.append(np.c_[Xb, Yb])
 # # # 显示连通分量及其包含像素数量
 # # count.append(len(Xb))
 # # if len(count) == 0:
 # # print("无连通分量")
 # # if len(count) == 1:
 # # print("第1个连通分量为{}".format(count[0]))
 # # print(xy_count[0], "2")
 # # ecc = measure.regionprops(xy_count[0])
 # # print(ecc[0].eccentricity)
 # # if len(count) >= 2:
 # # if (count[-1] - count[-2]) < 2:
 # # continue
 # # print("第{}个连通分量为{}".format(len(count), count[-1] - count[-2]))
 # # print(xy_count[len(count) - 1][len(xy_count[-2]):len(xy_count[-1])], "2")
 # # ecc = measure.regionprops(xy_count[len(count) - 1][len(xy_count[-2]):len(xy_count[-1])])
 # # print(ecc[0].eccentricity)
 # def connected_component(path):
 # img_A = cv2.imread(path)
 # gray_A = cv2.cvtColor(img_A, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 转换成灰度图
 # ret, thresh_A = cv2.threshold(gray_A, 20, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) # 灰度图转换成二值图像
 # print(thresh_A, "thresh_A")
 # thresh_A_copy = thresh_A.copy() # 复制thresh_A到thresh_A_copy
 # thresh_B = np.zeros(thresh_A.shape, np.uint8) # thresh_B大小与A相同,像素值为0
 # kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3, 3)) # 3×3结构元
 # count = [] # 为了记录连通分量中的像素个数
 # xy_count = []
 # # 循环,直到thresh_A_copy中的像素值全部为0
 # while thresh_A_copy.any():
 # Xa_copy, Ya_copy = np.where(thresh_A_copy > 0) # thresh_A_copy中值为255的像素的坐标
 # thresh_B[Xa_copy[0]][Ya_copy[0]] = 255 # 选取第一个点,并将thresh_B中对应像素值改为255
 # # 连通分量算法,先对thresh_B进行膨胀,再和thresh_A执行and操作(取交集)
 # for i in range(200):
 # dilation_B = cv2.dilate(thresh_B, kernel, iterations=1)
 # thresh_B = cv2.bitwise_and(thresh_A, dilation_B)
 # # 取thresh_B值为255的像素坐标,并将thresh_A_copy中对应坐标像素值变为0
 # Xb, Yb = np.where(thresh_B > 0)
 # thresh_A_copy[Xb, Yb] = 0
 # xy_count.append(np.c_[Xb, Yb])
 # # 显示连通分量及其包含像素数量
 # count.append(len(Xb))
 # if len(count) == 0:
 # print("无连通分量")
 # if len(count) == 1:
 # print("第1个连通分量为{}".format(count[0]))
 # # print(np.c_[Xb, Yb], "1")
 # print(xy_count[0], "2")
 # ecc = measure.regionprops(xy_count[0])
 # print(ecc[0].eccentricity)
 # if len(count) >= 2:
 # if (count[-1] - count[-2]) < 2:
 # continue
 # print("第{}个连通分量为{}".format(len(count), count[-1] - count[-2]))
 # # print(np.c_[Xb, Yb], "1")
 # print(xy_count[len(count) - 1][len(xy_count[-2]):len(xy_count[-1])], "2")
 # ecc = measure.regionprops(xy_count[len(count) - 1][len(xy_count[-2]):len(xy_count[-1])])
 # print(ecc[0].eccentricity)
 def master_control(image):
 # image = cv2.resize(image, (int(image.shape[1]*0.3), int(image.shape[0]*0.3)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # 图片分辨率很大是要变小
 b, g, r = cv2.split(image) # image
 sk_frangi_img = frangi(g, scale_range=(0, 1), scale_step=0.01, beta1=1.5, beta2=0.01) # 线宽范围,步长,连接程度(越大连接越多),减少程度(越大减得越多)0.015
 sk_frangi_img = morphology.closing(sk_frangi_img, morphology.disk(1))
 sk_gabor_img_1, sk_gabor_1 = gabor(g, frequency=0.35, theta=0)
 sk_gabor_img_2, sk_gabor_2 = gabor(g, frequency=0.35, theta=45) # 越小越明显
 sk_gabor_img_3, sk_gabor_3 = gabor(g, frequency=0.35, theta=90)
 sk_gabor_img_4, sk_gabor_4 = gabor(g, frequency=0.35, theta=360) # 横向皱纹
 sk_gabor_img_1 = morphology.opening(sk_gabor_img_1, morphology.disk(2))
 sk_gabor_img_2 = morphology.opening(sk_gabor_img_2, morphology.disk(1))
 sk_gabor_img_3 = morphology.opening(sk_gabor_img_3, morphology.disk(2))
 sk_gabor_img_4 = morphology.opening(sk_gabor_img_4, morphology.disk(2))
 all_img = cv2.add(0.1 * sk_gabor_img_2, 0.9 * sk_frangi_img) # + 0.02 * sk_gabor_img_1 + 0.02 * sk_gabor_img_2 + 0.02 * sk_gabor_img_3
 all_img = morphology.closing(all_img, morphology.disk(1))
 _, all_img = cv2.threshold(all_img, 0.3, 1, 0)
 img1 = all_img
 # print(all_img, all_img.shape, type(all_img))
 # contours, image_cont = cv2.findContours(all_img, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
 # all_img = all_img + image_cont
 bool_img = all_img.astype(bool)
 label_image = measure.label(bool_img)
 count = 0
 for region in measure.regionprops(label_image):
 if region.area < 10: # or region.area > 700
 x = region.coords
 for i in range(len(x)):
 all_img[x[i][0]][x[i][1]] = 0
 if region.eccentricity > 0.98:
 count += 1
 x = region.coords
 for i in range(len(x)):
 all_img[x[i][0]][x[i][1]] = 0
 skel, distance = morphology.medial_axis(all_img.astype(int), return_distance=True)
 skels = morphology.closing(skel, morphology.disk(1))
 trans1 = skels # 细化
 return skels, count # np.uint16(skels.astype(int))
 def face_wrinkle(path):
 # result = pa.curve(path, backage)
 result = cv2.imread(path)
 img, count = master_control(result)
 result[img > 0.1] = 255
 cv2.imshow("result", img.astype(float))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 path = r"D:\E\document\datas\line\2885.png"
 backage = r'..\Sebum\shape_predictor_81_face_landmarks.dat'



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