mavlink解码java_mavlink: A Java API for MAVLink communication



A Java SDK for communication using the Mavlink1 and Mavlink2 protocols.


The project is made up of 3 components:


A low-level API which deals with reading and writing packets. It does not have any

knowledge of dialects or about the meaning of messages. It does, however, provide infrastructure

for packet CRC validation as well as packet signing. The required implementation or

session-specific information (such as message CRC extra and signing parameters) have to be

provided, though. If you are after making your own high-level design then this is likely the

choice for you. If you would like to use mavlink-protocol without the rest of the components of

this repository, then you can read mavlink-protocol's README

to learn how.

generator gradle plugin

Used in order to generate dialect-specific sources. The generated sources depend upon the

classes of this root project, and therefore the plugin is unlikely to be of any use as a

stand-alone -- If you are writing your own dialect XML files, then forking this project

is likely what you're after.

mavlink (root project)

A higher level API which provides its users with a complete abstraction from the lower level

protocol. This is likely what you want if you're after making an application that communicates

with Mavlink devices.

Get it

Maven Central coordinates are io.dronefleet.mavlink:mavlink:1.1.8



This is a brief example for the minimum required to communicate using Mavlink1 with the

default dialects.

// Reading

MavlinkConnection connection = MavlinkConnection.create(in, out); // InputStream, OutputStream

MavlinkMessage message;

while ((message = != null) {

// ...


// Writing


255, /* systemId */

0, /* componentId */







Reading & disambiguating messages

This is a detailed example of how to use the API to read and write messages.

// This example uses a TCP socket, however we may also use a UDP socket by injecting

// PipedInputStream/PipedOutputStream to MavlinkConnection, or even USB by using any

// implementation that will eventually yield an InputStream and an OutputStream.

try (Socket socket = new Socket("", 5760)) {

// After establishing a connection, we proceed to building a MavlinkConnection instance.

MavlinkConnection connection = MavlinkConnection.create(



// Now we are ready to read and send messages.

MavlinkMessage message;

while ((message = != null) {

// The received message could be either a Mavlink1 message, or a Mavlink2 message.

// To check if the message is a Mavlink2 message, we could do the following:

if (message instanceof Mavlink2Message) {

// This is a Mavlink2 message.

Mavlink2Message message2 = (Mavlink2Message)message;

if (message2.isSigned()) {

// This is a signed message. Let's validate its signature.

if (message2.validateSignature(mySecretKey)) {

// Signature is valid.

} else {

// Signature validation failed. This message is suspicious and

// should not be handled. Perhaps we should log this incident.


} else {

// This is an unsigned message.


} else {

// This is a Mavlink1 message.


// When a message is received, its payload type isn't statically available.

// We can resolve which kind of message it is by its payload, like so:

if (message.getPayload() instanceof Heartbeat) {

// This is a heartbeat message

MavlinkMessage heartbeatMessage = (MavlinkMessage)message;


// We are better off by publishing the payload to a pub/sub mechanism such

// as RxJava, JMS or any other favorite instead, though.


} catch (EOFException eof) {

// The stream has ended.


Writing Mavlink 2 messages

int systemId = 255;

int componentId = 0;

Heartbeat heartbeat = Heartbeat.builder()






// Write an unsigned heartbeat

connection.send2(systemId, componentId, heartbeat);

// Write a signed heartbeat

int linkId = 1;

long timestamp = /* provide microsecond time */;

byte[] secretKey = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256")

.digest("a secret phrase".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))

connection.send2(systemId, componentId, heartbeat, linkId, timestamp, secretKey);


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