mac app图标简单制作_为什么某些Mac App图标被删除?


mac app图标简单制作

If you’re seeing application icons on your Mac with a crossed-out symbol on top of them, it means that macOS can’t run the application. While there could be several causes, the most likely is that you recently upgraded macOS, and it no longer supports 32-bit applications. Here’s why—and what you can do about it.

如果您在Mac上看到应用程序图标,并在其顶部带有叉号,则表示macOS无法运行该应用程序。 尽管可能有多种原因,但是最有可能的原因是您最近升级了macOS,并且它不再支持32位应用程序。 这就是原因,以及您可以采取的措施。

第一:应用无法运行的其他原因 (First: The Other Reasons an App Won’t Run)

Fundamentally, a crossed-out application icon means that something is preventing macOS from running the application. There could be several reasons for this, including that the app package is damaged or invalid, the app was written for a different architecture (say, a PowerPC app on an Intel Mac), or the app is untrusted and hasn’t been given permission to run yet.

从根本上讲,应用程序图标划掉是指某些东西阻止了macOS运行该应用程序。 造成这种情况的原因可能有多种,其中包括应用程序包已损坏或无效,应用程序是针对其他体系结构编写的(例如,Intel Mac上的PowerPC应用程序),或者该应用程序不受信任且未获得许可尚未运行 。

In those cases, your best bet is to make sure you’re running the latest version of the app (check the developer’s website for updates), and you might want to try reinstalling the app from a clean source if it was damaged. But these are generally rare cases.

在这些情况下,最好的选择是确保您正在运行该应用程序的最新版本(请检查开发人员的网站以获取更新),并且如果该应用程序已损坏,则可能要尝试从干净的源重新安装该应用程序。 但是这些通常是罕见的情况。

最近的问题:Apple停止支持32位Mac软件 (The Recent Problem: Apple Stopped Supporting 32-Bit Mac Software)

Starting with macOS 10.15 Catalina (released October 2019), macOS no longer supports running 32-bit apps. If you have a 32-bit application on your Mac in Catalina or later, you will see a crossed-out symbol over its icon in Finder, Launchpad, and the Dock.

从macOS 10.15 Catalina (2019年10月发布)开始,macOS不再支持运行32位应用程序。 如果您的Mac在Catalina或更高版本的Mac上具有32位应用程序,则在Finder,启动板和Dock的图标上将看到一个划线的符号。

If you try to run one of these crossed-out apps, you will see a message warning you that it needs to be updated.


But why? And what does “32-bit application” mean anyway?

但为什么? “ 32位应用程序”到底意味着什么?

It’s difficult summarize the meaning of the terms “32-bit app” or “64-bit app” without writing a technical research paper, but if you boil it down, both terms refer to how much memory (RAM) and computing power an application can use. A 64-bit application can utilize dramatically more memory (allowing bigger files to load) and theoretically perform much more complex tasks than a 32-bit application.

在不编写技术研究论文的情况下,很难概括术语“ 32位应用程序”或“ 64位应用程序”的含义,但是如果将其归结起来,这两个术语均指的是应用程序需要多少内存(RAM)和计算能力可以使用。 与32位应用程序相比,64位应用程序可以利用更多的内存(允许加载更大的文件),并且理论上执行更复杂的任务。

Because Macs have supported 64-bit applications for over a decade, Apple considers 32-bit applications to be legacy software that should be upgraded to fully take advantage of the latest computing hardware. In Catalina, Apple decided to force the issue by disallowing 32-bit software completely.

由于Macs 支持64位应用程序已超过十年 ,因此Apple 认为32位应用程序是旧版软件 ,应对其进行升级以充分利用最新的计算硬件。 在Catalina,Apple决定通过完全禁止32位软件来强制实施此问题。

我将能够再次使用我划掉的Mac应用程序吗? (Will I Ever Be Able to Use My Crossed-Out Mac Apps Again?)

Because Apple wants to push technology forward, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever be able to run 32-bit Mac software natively on new versions of macOS again. So, if you’re faced with crossed-out apps, here are some strategies to deal with it.

由于Apple希望推动技术发展,因此您不太可能再次在新版本的macOS上原生运行32位Mac软件。 因此,如果您面临淘汰应用程序的问题,请采取以下策略来应对它。

  • Look for a 64-bit App Update: If you have a favorite 32-bit app that no longer works, visit the developer’s website to see if a 64-bit version of the app is available. Alternately, you can check for a newer version on the Mac App Store.

    查找64位应用程序更新:如果您拥有不再喜欢的32位应用程序,请访问开发人员的网站以查看该应用程序的64位版本是否可用。 或者,您可以在Mac App Store中检查较新的版本。

  • Find and Alternative Application: If a 32-bit app hasn’t been updated by the developer, you could try to find a newer app that does the same thing. A good place to start is the Mac App Store.

    查找和替代应用程序:如果开发人员尚未更新32位应用程序,则可以尝试查找功能相同的较新应用程序。 Mac App Store是一个不错的起点。

  • Use an Older Mac: If you have a spare older Mac that is still running a version of macOS prior to Catalina, you could dedicate that machine to running legacy 32-bit apps and never update macOS, but this comes with certain security risks. At some point, security vulnerabilities will no longer be patched in the older apps or OS, making the machine a ripe target for malware in the future.

    使用较旧的Mac:如果您有一个备用的较旧的Mac,但仍在运行Catalina之前的macOS版本,则可以将该计算机专用于运行旧版32位应用程序,并且从不更新macOS,但这会带来一定的安全风险。 在某些时候,将不再在较旧的应用程序或操作系统中修补安全漏洞,从而使该计算机成为将来恶意软件的成熟目标。

  • Run an Older Version of macOS in a Virtual Machine: Thanks to virtualization software, such as Parallels Lite, it is possible to run an older version of macOS virtually inside the latest version of macOS. That way, you can use your legacy 32-bit apps long into the future—as long as you have a virtual machine that supports them.

    在虚拟机中运行旧版本的macOS:由于使用了Parallels Lite等虚拟化软件,因此可以在最新版本的macOS中虚拟运行旧版本的macOS。 这样,只要拥有支持虚拟机的虚拟机,您就可以在将来使用它们。

  • Downgrade to macOS 10.14 Mojave: As a last resort, if you absolutely rely on your 32-bit apps to get work done and don’t have another Mac, it is possible to reinstall an earlier version of macOS such as Mojave, the last version that supported 32-bit apps. It’s a risky process, however, so back up your Mac first.

    降级到macOS 10.14 Mojave:作为最后的选择,如果您完全依靠32位应用程序来完成工作并且没有其他Mac,则可以重新安装macOS的早期版本,例如Mojave(最新版本)支持32位应用程序。 但是,这是一个冒险的过程,因此请先备份Mac 。

不过,最好还是进行更新或继续 (Still, It’s Best to Update or Move On)

Just as we have already said goodbye to 16-bit applications long ago, ultimately, time marches on and leaves certain technologies behind. It’s actually a good thing, because newer apps can take advantage of more powerful computers and better development techniques. Also, you should continually update your software whenever possible for security reasons. Good luck!

正如我们早在很久以前就对16位应用程序说再见一样,最终,时间在前进,某些技术滞后了。 这实际上是一件好事,因为较新的应用程序可以利用功能更强大的计算机和更好的开发技术。 另外,出于安全原因,您应尽可能不断地更新软件 。 祝好运!


mac app图标简单制作


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