

Most laptop touchpads make it possible to perform a middle-click, but not all do. In some situations, you may need to enable this option in your mouse driver’s control panel or install the appropriate drivers first.

大多数笔记本电脑的触摸板都可以执行中键单击,但并非全部都可以。 在某些情况下,您可能需要在鼠标驱动程序的控制面板中启用此选项,或者先安装适当的驱动程序。

基础 (The Basics)

To left-click on a touchpad, you click the pad with one finger. To right-click, you click the pad with two fingers. To middle-click, you click the pad with three fingers. That’s the ideal situation, anyway.

要在触摸板上单击鼠标左键,请用一根手指单击触摸板。 要右键单击,请用两根手指单击打击板。 若要单击鼠标中键,请用三个手指单击该打击垫。 无论如何,这是理想的情况。

In practice, this feature is enabled by default on some touchpads, disabled by default on others, and impossible to enable on some touchpads.


And, depending on your touchpad, you may just need to tap the pad with the correct number of fingers rather than physically clicking it down.


The below instructions are for Windows. On a Mac, you can use the MiddleClick application to enable middle-click with your MacBook’s touchpad.

以下说明适用于Windows。 在Mac上,您可以使用MiddleClick应用程序通过MacBook的触摸板启用中键单击。

如何启用三指点击 (How to Enable Three-Finger Click)

If this isn’t working, you may need to enable it. There are two main ways you can do this: There’s the touchpad driver’s custom control panel, which is often made by Synaptics. This should always be available on Windows 7, and it’s also available on Windows 10 PCs that don’t have a precision touchpad.

如果这不起作用,则可能需要启用它。 您可以通过两种主要方法执行此操作:有触摸板驱动程序的自定义控制面板,通常由Synaptics制造。 这应该在Windows 7上始终可用,在没有精密触摸板的 Windows 10 PC上也可以使用。

对于Windows 7和Windows 10 PC,不带精确触摸板 (For Windows 7 PCs and Windows 10 PCs Without a Precision Touchpad)

To find this option, head to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Mouse. Look for a tab named something like “Touchpad” here to access your touchpad’s settings.

要找到此选项,请转到控制面板>硬件和声音>鼠标。 在此处查找名为“触摸板”之类的选项卡,以访问触摸板的设置。

For example, in the screenshot below, we need to click the “ClickPad Settings” tab and then click the “ClickPad Settings” button under it.

例如,在下面的屏幕截图中,我们需要单击“ ClickPad设置”选项卡,然后单击其下方的“ ClickPad设置”按钮。

The exact next steps here will be different on different PCs. You’ll need to find the option that controls what three-finger click does on your touchpad, ensure it’s enabled, and set it to middle-click.

在不同的PC上,此处的确切后续步骤将有所不同。 您需要找到用于控制三指单击在触摸板上执行的操作的选项,确保已启用该选项,并将其设置为中键单击。

For example, in the screenshot below, we first have to ensure the “Clicking” checkbox is enabled. We then need to click the gear icon to the right of Clicking to configure what different clicks do.

例如,在下面的屏幕截图中,我们首先必须确保启用“点击”复选框。 然后,我们需要点击“点击”右侧的齿轮图标,以配置不同的点击操作。

Here, we find the “Three-Finger Click Action” option. It needs to be set to “Middle Click” so we can perform a middle-click with three fingers.

在这里,我们找到“三指点击动作”选项。 它需要设置为“ Middle Click”,这样我们才能用三根手指执行一次单击。

If your touchpad has buttons and you click those instead of the touchpad itself, look for an option that controls what the buttons do. For example, you may be able to configure the touchpad to perform a middle-click when you click both the left and right mouse buttons at once.

如果您的触摸板有按钮,而您单击的是按钮而不是触摸板本身,则寻找一个选项来控制按钮的功能。 例如,当您同时单击鼠标左键和右键时,您可能可以配置触摸板以执行中键单击。

对于带有Precision Touchpad的Wi​​ndows 10 PC (For Windows 10 PCs with a Precision Touchpad)

If you don’t see this control panel and you have Windows 10, there’s a good chance your laptop has a precision touchpad, so you have to use the built-in Windows 10 settings to enable this feature instead.

如果您没有看到此控制面板,而您使用的是Windows 10,则很可能您的笔记本电脑配有精密的触摸板,因此您必须使用内置的Windows 10设置来启用此功能。

To do so, head to Settings > Devices > Touchpad. Scroll down and find the “Three-finger gestures” section. Click the “Taps” box and select “Middle mouse button”. By default, this gesture is set to open Cortana on Windows 10.

为此,请转到设置>设备>触摸板。 向下滚动并找到“三指手势”部分。 单击“拍子”框,然后选择“鼠标中键”。 默认情况下,此手势设置为在Windows 10上打开Cortana 。

If you don’t see any additional options added by your mouse drivers in the Mouse window and you’re using Windows 7, or if you don’t see any options available in the “Touchpad” screen on Windows 10, you need to install your laptop’s mouse drivers. Head to your laptop manufacturer’s site, find the drivers for your laptop’s touchpad, and install them. You should see additional options in the Mouse control panel afterwards, and you can follow the above steps.

如果在“鼠标”窗口中看不到鼠标驱动程序添加的任何其他选项,并且您使用的是Windows 7,或者在Windows 10的“触摸板”屏幕中看不到任何可用选项,则需要安装您笔记本电脑的鼠标驱动程序。 前往笔记本电脑制造商的网站,找到用于笔记本电脑触摸板的驱动程序,然后安装它们。 之后,您应该在“鼠标”控制面板中看到其他选项,并且可以按照上述步骤操作。

帮助,我无法启用三指点击! (Help, I Can’t Enable Three-Finger Click!)

If you can’t enable three-finger click in your touchpad’s settings, there’s no easy way to do it. You may be able to rig something together with AutoHotKey, but there’s a good chance it won’t be that reliable.

如果您无法在触摸板的设置中启用三指单击,则没有简便的方法。 您可能可以将某些东西与AutoHotKey绑定在一起,但是很有可能它不会那么可靠。

If you use middle-click a lot throughout Windows, you may want to consider alternative gestures. For example, middle-click is commonly used to open links in a new tab in a web browser. But you can also just hold down the Ctrl key when clicking a link to open it in a new tab. This may be much easier to do on a laptop with a touchpad.

如果您在Windows中经常使用中键,则可能需要考虑其他手势。 例如,单击鼠标中键通常用于在Web浏览器的新选项卡中打开链接。 但是,您也可以在单击链接以在新选项卡中将其打开时按住Ctrl键 。 在带触摸板的笔记本电脑上这样做可能会容易得多。

Ultimately, if your touchpad doesn’t give you an easy way to enable middle-click or the three-finger gesture feels too uncomfortable, you may want to invest in a mouse for your laptop. There are many compact wireless mice that can travel well, and you can always get a solid wired desktop mouse if you mainly use your laptop at a desk.

最终,如果您的触摸板无法轻松实现中键点击,或者三指手势感觉不太舒服,则可能需要为笔记本电脑购买鼠标。 有许多轻巧的无线鼠标可以很好地移动,并且,如果您主要在桌上使用笔记本电脑,则始终可以得到坚固的有线台式鼠标。

Image Credit: Flickr

图片来源: Flickr

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/26552/stupid-geek-tricks-use-both-laptop-mouse-buttons-to-simulate-middle-click/


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