Activity的四种启动模式和相关的Intent flag



1、 standard模式



        栈顶复用模式,如果要开启的activity在任务栈的顶部已经存在,就不会创建新的实例,而是调用 onNewIntent() 方法来将 intent 转送给该实例,避免栈顶的activity被重复的创建。

  • singleTop模式,只在当前任务栈中生效。

  • 如果通过 startActivityForResult 启动一个设置了 singleTop 的 activity,singleTop 模式将无效。


        栈内复用模式,activity只会在任务栈里面存在一个实例。如果要激活的activity,在任务栈里面已经存在,就不会创建新的activity,而是复用这个已经存在的activity,调用onNewIntent() 方法,并且清空这个activity任务栈上面所有的activity, 如果实例不存在,就创建实例并放入栈中。    


        与 "singleTask" 相似,唯一不同的是系统不会将任何其他 Activity 启动到包含该实例的任务中。该 Activity 始终是其任务唯一的成员;由该 Activity 启动的任何 Activity 都会在其他的任务中打开。

onNewIntent() 使用注意

方法体中需手动调用 setIntent(intent),否则之后的 getIntent() 获取的都是旧的 intent 对象。

二、常用的 Intent Flag


     * If set, this activity will become the start of a new task on this
     * history stack.  A task (from the activity that started it to the
     * next task activity) defines an atomic group of activities that the
     * user can move to.  Tasks can be moved to the foreground and background;
     * all of the activities inside of a particular task always remain in
     * the same order.  See
     * <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/tasks-and-back-stack.html">Tasks and Back
     * Stack</a> for more information about tasks.
     * <p>This flag is generally used by activities that want
     * to present a "launcher" style behavior: they give the user a list of
     * separate things that can be done, which otherwise run completely
     * independently of the activity launching them.
     * <p>When using this flag, if a task is already running for the activity
     * you are now starting, then a new activity will not be started; instead,
     * the current task will simply be brought to the front of the screen with
     * the state it was last in.  See {@link #FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK} for a flag
     * to disable this behavior.
     * <p>This flag can not be used when the caller is requesting a result from
     * the activity being launched.
    public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK = 0x10000000;

     如果设置了,此活动将成为此历史堆栈上新任务的开始。当使用这个 flag 时,如果 task 中已经有了你要启动的 Activity ,就不再启动一个新的 Activity;当前 task 会被带到前台。可以用 FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK 使这种行为无效。当调用者 startActivityForResult() 时,不能使用此标志。

     比如栈中情况是 A,B,C,在 C 中启动 D,如果在 Manifest.xml 文件中给 D 添加了 Affinity(默认是包名) 的值和 C 所在的 Task 中的不一样,则会在新标记的 Affinity 所存在的 Task 中看 D 是否已经启动,如果已经启动直接将 D 所在的 task 带入到前台,否则直接将 activity 启动;如果是默认的或者指定的 Affinity 和 Task 一样,就和标准模式一样启动一个新的 Activity。此 flag 与启动模式 singleTask 效果不太一样,对于非 Activity 启动的 Activity(比如Service或者通知中启动的Activity)需要显示的设置 Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK。


     * If set, and the activity being launched is already running in the
     * current task, then instead of launching a new instance of that activity,
     * all of the other activities on top of it will be closed and this Intent
     * will be delivered to the (now on top) old activity as a new Intent.
     * <p>For example, consider a task consisting of the activities: A, B, C, D.
     * If D calls startActivity() with an Intent that resolves to the component
     * of activity B, then C and D will be finished and B receive the given
     * Intent, resulting in the stack now being: A, B.
     * <p>The currently running instance of activity B in the above example will
     * either receive the new intent you are starting here in its
     * onNewIntent() method, or be itself finished and restarted with the
     * new intent.  If it has declared its launch mode to be "multiple" (the
     * default) and you have not set {@link #FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP} in
     * the same intent, then it will be finished and re-created; for all other
     * launch modes or if {@link #FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP} is set then this
     * Intent will be delivered to the current instance's onNewIntent().
     * <p>This launch mode can also be used to good effect in conjunction with
     * {@link #FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK}: if used to start the root activity
     * of a task, it will bring any currently running instance of that task
     * to the foreground, and then clear it to its root state.  This is
     * especially useful, for example, when launching an activity from the
     * notification manager.
     * <p>See
     * <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/tasks-and-back-stack.html">Tasks and Back
     * Stack</a> for more information about tasks.
    public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP = 0x04000000;

     如果申明了 launch mode 是 "multiple" (默认情况就是)且没有在同一个 Intent 中设置 FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP,Activity 将会结束且重新创建(回调 onCreate 生命周期方法);对于其他所有的 launch modes 或者设置了 FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP,Intent 将被分发给实例的 onNewIntent() 方法。

     比如栈中情况是 A,B,C,D,在 D 中启动 B(加入该flag), 栈中的情况将为 A,B,B 会执行 onCreate() ...。如果希望与 launch mode 中 singleTask 效果相同执行 onNewIntent(),可以同时加上 FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP。  


     * If set, the activity will not be launched if it is already running
     * at the top of the history stack.
    public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP = 0x20000000;

     如果设置,如果此 activity 已经在历史堆栈的顶部将不会被启动。

     相当于 launch mode 的 singleTop,比如栈中情况是 A,B,C,D,在 D 中启动D(加入该flag),栈中的情况还是 A,B,C,D。


     * If set in an Intent passed to {@link Context#startActivity Context.startActivity()},
     * this flag will cause any existing task that would be associated with the
     * activity to be cleared before the activity is started.  That is, the activity
     * becomes the new root of an otherwise empty task, and any old activities
     * are finished.  This can only be used in conjunction with {@link #FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK}.
    public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK = 0X00008000;

     如果在一个 Intent 中设置,会导致在此 activity 开启之前,任何与该 activity 相关的 task 都会被清除。此 activity 将会是一个空 task 的最底部的 activity,之前所有的 activities 将被结束,此 flag 只能与 FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK 配合使用。


     * If set in an Intent passed to {@link Context#startActivity Context.startActivity()},
     * this flag will cause the launched activity to be brought to the front of its
     * task's history stack if it is already running.
     * <p>For example, consider a task consisting of four activities: A, B, C, D.
     * If D calls startActivity() with an Intent that resolves to the component
     * of activity B, then B will be brought to the front of the history stack,
     * with this resulting order:  A, C, D, B.
     * This flag will be ignored if {@link #FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP} is also
     * specified.
    public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT = 0X00020000;

     如果在 Intent 中设置 ,如果待启动的 activity 已经开启在运行了,此 flag 将使其位于任务历史堆栈的前面。例如栈中情况是 A,B,C,D,如果 D 启动 B,栈中将变成A,C,D,B (B 将回调 onNewIntent() )。如果 FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP 也被指定,此标志将被忽略。       


     * If set and this intent is being used to launch a new activity from an
     * existing one, then the reply target of the existing activity will be
     * transfered to the new activity.  This way the new activity can call
     * {@link} and have that result sent back to
     * the reply target of the original activity.
    public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT = 0x02000000;

     如果在 Intent 中设置此 flag 从现有的 activity 去开启一个新的 activity ,现有的 activty 将会把回复的目标转移给新 activity. 新 activity 可以调用 setResult() 将结果发送给现有 activity 的回复目标。

     例如:A 通过 startActivityForResult 启动 B,B 启动 C,但 B 为过渡页可以 finish 了,A 在期望 C 把结果返回。这种情况,B 可以在启动 C 的时候加入该flag。 


     * If set and this intent is being used to launch a new activity from an
     * existing one, the current activity will not be counted as the top
     * activity for deciding whether the new intent should be delivered to
     * the top instead of starting a new one.  The previous activity will
     * be used as the top, with the assumption being that the current activity
     * will finish itself immediately.
    public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP = 0x01000000;

     如果当前的 activity 在开启新 activity 的 intent 设置此 flag, 当前 activity 之前的 activity 将被当视为 top,当前的 activity 将立即结束。

     例如:栈中情况 A,B,C,C 启动 D 时使用此标志,在启动时 C 不会被当成栈顶 Activity,而是 B 作为栈顶启动 D,然后 C 会 finish()。经常与 FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT 一起配合使用。


     * If set, the new activity is not kept in the history stack.  As soon as
     * the user navigates away from it, the activity is finished.  This may also
     * be set with the {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestActivity_noHistory
     * noHistory} attribute.
     * <p>If set, {@link onActivityResult()}
     * is never invoked when the current activity starts a new activity which
     * sets a result and finishes.
    public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY = 0x40000000;

     如果设置了此 flag,开启的 activity 将不会存在历史堆栈中。一旦用户离开它,activity 就结束了。也可以用{@link android.R来设置。styleable # AndroidManifestActivity_noHistory noHistory}属性。如果设置了此 flag,activity 将不会回调 onActivityResult()。


     * If set in an Intent passed to {@link Context#startActivity Context.startActivity()},
     * this flag will cause a newly launching task to be placed on top of the current
     * home activity task (if there is one).  That is, pressing back from the task
     * will always return the user to home even if that was not the last activity they
     * saw.   This can only be used in conjunction with {@link #FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK}.
    public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME = 0X00004000;

     如果 intent 中设置此 flag 将使新启动的 task 置于当前 home activity 任务之上(如果有的话)。也就是说,从任务中返回总是会将用户返回到home,即使这不是他们看到的最后一个 activity。此 flag 只能与 FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK 配合使用。


* If set, this intent will not match any components in packages that
* are currently stopped.  If this is not set, then the default behavior
* is to include such applications in the result.

     如果设置,intent 将与当前停止的包中的任何组件不匹配。如果未设置此flag,则默认行为是在结果中包含此类应用程序。


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    第一步 首先以Sysdba得身份登录Oracle数据库 第二步 先创建一表空间DATA 初始大小50MB 允许自动增长数据库文件 每次增长10MB 输入的SQL语句如下 E app 23595 oradata databasename DA
  • Activity的四种启动模式和相关的Intent flag

    一 启动模式 1 standard模式 默认模式 可以不用写配置 在这个模式下 都会默认创建一个新的实例 因此 在这种模式下 可以有多个相同的实例 也允许多个相同Activity叠加 应用场景 绝大多数Activity 2 singleTo