

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog
from pygame.locals import *
import time
import pygame
import sys

def zanting():
def stop():
def bofang():
def callback():
    file = filedialog.askopenfilename()

    #file = ""  # 加上音乐路径


    track = pygame.mixer.music.load(file)

root = Tk()#窗口

me = Menu()#一级菜单
menuf = Menu(me)#二级菜单


l = Label(root, text="欢迎来到文祥欧巴啊哈哈的music播放器")
b = Button(root,text = "选择音乐",command = callback)

f =Button(root,text = "暂停",command = zanting)
bs =Button(root,text = "继续",command = bofang)
bst =Button(root,text = "停止",command = stop)


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