MyBatis Mapper 常用功能配置


1、MyBatis Mapper文件中的if 标签判断特定字符串是否相等:

        <!-- 仅仅查询普通用户  -->
		<if test="isCommon != null and isCommon !=''">
			<if test="isCommon == '1'.toString()">

2、MyBatis Mapper 文件中的delete 标签批量删除用户集合

  <delete id="deleteBySids" parameterType="java.util.List">
  		 delete from data_category where id_  in
  		 <foreach collection="list" item="item"  index="index" open="(" close=")" separator=",">

3、MyBatis Mapper文件中choose when otherise 标签使用= if else 标签

    <!--if else 标签判断  -->
  			<when test="order != null and order != '' and order == '1'.toString()">
  				order by arch_info.created_dt desc
		  		order by arch_info.created_dt asc

4、MyBatis Mapper 文件中if 标签判断整数类型是否相等

	    	<when test="type!= null and type== 2">
	    		and type = 2
	    		and type = 1

注意:mybatis默认将integer=0的参数等于‘’空串 = type ==''

5、MyBatis Mapper 文件中if 标签判断List 集合不能为空

 <if test="sids != null and sids.size() > 0">
	    	and sid not in 
	    	<foreach collection="sids" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">



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