

tictoc 10 几个模块连接,发送消息直到模块3收到消息

  1. 让我们用几个(n)’ tic’模块让它更有趣,并将每个模块连接到其他模块。
  2. 把它们的工作简单化:模块0生成一条消息,其他模块继续向随机方向传递消息,直到它到达模块2。
simple Txc10
        input in[];  // declare in[] and out[] to be vector gates
        output out[];

network Tictoc10
        tic[6]: Txc10 {
        tic[0].out++ --> {  delay = 100ms; } --> tic[1].in++;
        tic[0].in++ <-- {  delay = 100ms; } <-- tic[1].out++;

        tic[1].out++ --> {  delay = 100ms; } --> tic[2].in++;
        tic[1].in++ <-- {  delay = 100ms; } <-- tic[2].out++;

        tic[1].out++ --> {  delay = 100ms; } --> tic[4].in++;
        tic[1].in++ <-- {  delay = 100ms; } <-- tic[4].out++;

        tic[3].out++ --> {  delay = 100ms; } --> tic[4].in++;
        tic[3].in++ <-- {  delay = 100ms; } <-- tic[4].out++;

        tic[4].out++ --> {  delay = 100ms; } --> tic[5].in++;
        tic[4].in++ <-- {  delay = 100ms; } <-- tic[5].out++;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <omnetpp.h>

using namespace omnetpp;

 * Let's make it more interesting by using several (n) `tic' modules,
 * and connecting every module to every other. For now, let's keep it
 * simple what they do: module 0 generates a message, and the others
 * keep tossing it around in random directions until it arrives at
 * module 2.
 * 让我们用几个(n)让它更有趣' tic'模块,并将每个模块连接到其他模块。现在,让我们把它们的工作简单化:模块0生成一条消息,其他模块继续向随机方向传递消息,直到它到达模块2。
class Txc10 : public cSimpleModule
    virtual void forwardMessage(cMessage *msg);
    virtual void initialize() override;
    virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;


void Txc10::initialize()
    if (getIndex() == 0) {
        // Boot the process scheduling the initial message as a self-message.启动,将初始消息调度为自消息的进程。
        char msgname[20];
        sprintf(msgname, "tic-%d", getIndex());
        cMessage *msg = new cMessage(msgname);
        scheduleAt(0.0, msg);

void Txc10::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
    if (getIndex() == 3) {
        // Message arrived.
        EV << "Message " << msg << " arrived.\n";
        delete msg;
    else {
        // We need to forward the message.

void Txc10::forwardMessage(cMessage *msg)
    // In this example, we just pick a random gate to send it on.
    // We draw a random number between 0 and the size of gate `out[]'.
    int n = gateSize("out");
    int k = intuniform(0, n-1);

    EV << "Forwarding message " << msg << " on port out[" << k << "]\n";
    send(msg, "out", k);


tictoc 11 新增信道定义

  1. (实现内容同上)让我们用几个(n)’ tic’模块让它更有趣,并将每个模块连接到其他模块。现在,让我们把它们的工作简单化:模块0生成一条消息,其他模块继续向随机方向传递消息,直到它到达模块2。
  2. 信道使用本地信道类型定义,减少连接冗余
        channel Channel extends ned.DelayChannel {
            delay = 100ms;


simple Txc11
        input in[];  // declare in[] and out[] to be vector gates
        output out[];

// Using local channel type definition to reduce the redundancy
// of connection definitions.
network Tictoc11
        channel Channel extends ned.DelayChannel {
            delay = 100ms;
        tic[6]: Txc11;
        tic[0].out++ --> Channel --> tic[1].in++;
        tic[0].in++ <-- Channel <-- tic[1].out++;

        tic[1].out++ --> Channel --> tic[2].in++;
        tic[1].in++ <-- Channel <-- tic[2].out++;

        tic[1].out++ --> Channel --> tic[4].in++;
        tic[1].in++ <-- Channel <-- tic[4].out++;

        tic[3].out++ --> Channel --> tic[4].in++;
        tic[3].in++ <-- Channel <-- tic[4].out++;

        tic[4].out++ --> Channel --> tic[5].in++;
        tic[4].in++ <-- Channel <-- tic[5].out++;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <omnetpp.h>

using namespace omnetpp;

 * Let's make it more interesting by using several (n) `tic' modules,
 * and connecting every module to every other. For now, let's keep it
 * simple what they do: module 0 generates a message, and the others
 * keep tossing it around in random directions until it arrives at
 * module 2.
 * 让我们用几个(n)让它更有趣' tic'模块,并将每个模块连接到其他模块。
 * 现在,让我们把它们的工作简单化:
 * 模块0生成一条消息,其他模块继续向随机方向传递消息,直到它到达模块2。
class Txc11 : public cSimpleModule
    virtual void forwardMessage(cMessage *msg);
    virtual void initialize() override;
    virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;


void Txc11::initialize()
    if (getIndex() == 0) {
        // Boot the process scheduling the initial message as a self-message.
        char msgname[20];
        sprintf(msgname, "tic-%d", getIndex());
        cMessage *msg = new cMessage(msgname);
        scheduleAt(0.0, msg);

void Txc11::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
    if (getIndex() == 3) {
        // Message arrived.
        EV << "Message " << msg << " arrived.\n";
        delete msg;
    else {
        // We need to forward the message.

void Txc11::forwardMessage(cMessage *msg)
    // In this example, we just pick a random gate to send it on.
    // We draw a random number between 0 and the size of gate `out[]'.
    int n = gateSize("out");
    int k = intuniform(0, n-1);

    EV << "Forwarding message " << msg << " on port out[" << k << "]\n";
    send(msg, "out", k);


tictoc 12 双向连接信息简化定义

  1. 使用双向连接进一步简化网络定义
simple Txc12
        inout gate[];  // declare two way connections 声明双向连接

// using two way connections to further simplify the network definition
network Tictoc12
        channel Channel extends ned.DelayChannel {
            delay = 100ms;
        tic[6]: Txc12;
        tic[0].gate++ <--> Channel <--> tic[1].gate++;
        tic[1].gate++ <--> Channel <--> tic[2].gate++;
        tic[1].gate++ <--> Channel <--> tic[4].gate++;
        tic[3].gate++ <--> Channel <--> tic[4].gate++;
        tic[4].gate++ <--> Channel <--> tic[5].gate++;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <omnetpp.h>

using namespace omnetpp;

 * Let's make it more interesting by using several (n) `tic' modules,
 * and connecting every module to every other. For now, let's keep it
 * simple what they do: module 0 generates a message, and the others
 * keep tossing it around in random directions until it arrives at
 * module 2.
class Txc12 : public cSimpleModule
    virtual void forwardMessage(cMessage *msg);
    virtual void initialize() override;
    virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;


void Txc12::initialize()
    if (getIndex() == 0) {
        // Boot the process scheduling the initial message as a self-message.
        char msgname[20];
        sprintf(msgname, "tic-%d", getIndex());
        cMessage *msg = new cMessage(msgname);
        scheduleAt(0.0, msg);

void Txc12::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
    if (getIndex() == 3) {
        // Message arrived.
        EV << "Message " << msg << " arrived.\n";
        delete msg;
    else {
        // We need to forward the message.

void Txc12::forwardMessage(cMessage *msg)
    // In this example, we just pick a random gate to send it on.
    // We draw a random number between 0 and the size of gate `gate[]'.
    int n = gateSize("gate");
    int k = intuniform(0, n-1);

    EV << "Forwarding message " << msg << " on gate[" << k << "]\n";
    // $o and $i suffix is used to identify the input/output part of a two way gate
    send(msg, "gate$o", k);


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    tictoc10 12 tictoc 10 几个模块连接 发送消息直到模块3收到消息 tictoc 11 新增信道定义 tictoc 12 双向连接信息简化定义 tictoc 10 几个模块连接 发送消息直到模块3收到消息 让我们用几个 n