ubuntu setup nvidia development environment on a single machine(not virtual machine)


  1. ubuntu 18.04 ,gtx1080ti
  2. setup nvidia driver using software&update building in ubuntu,refer to address1,i choose nvidia-driver-460,notice that we need to restart the computer to make it work.
  3. setup cuda10.2,refer to address 2
  4. setup cudnn:libcudnn8_8.0.3.33-1+cuda10.2,refer to address 2
  5. when i prepare the anaconda(which i copy from my old directory),pycharm environment,i run the GPUtest project in /home/myname/SetupSoftware,it worked,notice that my gcc and g++ is version 7,however my old memory tells me that we should use gcc and g++ version 4.8,maybe it is due to the different cuda and cudnn version.

ubuntu setup nvidia development environment on a single machine(not virtual machine) 的相关文章
