[搬运]台湾大学机器学习课程 by 李宏毅




Introduction of this course pdf (2016 /09/23)

HW0 pdf, video (2016 /09/23)

Learning Map pdf, video (2016 /09/30)

Regression: Case Study pdf,video(2016 /09/30)

HW1 pdf (2016/09/30)

Gradient Descent pdf,video(2016 /10/07)

Where does the error come from? pdf,video(2016/10/07)

Classification: Probabilistic Generative Model pdf, video(2016 /10/07)

Classification: Logistic Regression pdf,video (2016/10/14)

HW2 pdf (2016/10/15)

Brief Introduction of Deep Learning pdf,video (2016/10/14)

Backpropagation pdf,video(2016/10/28)

“Hello world” of deep learning pdf,video(2016/10/28)

Convolutional Neural Network pdf,video(2016/10/28)

HW3 pdf (2016/10/28)

Tips for deep learning pdf,video(2016/11/04)

Why deep pdf,video(2016/11/04)

Semi-supervised Learning pdf,video(2016/11/11)

Unsupervised Learning: Linear Dimension Reduction pdf,video(2016/11/11)

HW4 pdf (2016/11/18)

Unsupervised Learning: Deep Auto-encoder pdf,video (2016/11/18)

Unsupervised Learning: Word Embedding pdf,video (2016/11/25)

Unsupervised Learning: Neighbor Embedding pdf,video (2016/12/02)

Unsupervised Learning: Deep Generative Model pdf,video (part 1),video(part 2) (2016/12/02)

Final rule,project1,project2,project3 (2016/12/02)

Transfer Learning pdf,video(2016/12/09)

Support Vector Machine (SVM) pdf,video(2016/12/09)

Structured Learning: Introduction pdf,video (2016/12/09)

Structured Learning: Linear Model pdf,video (2016/12/09)

Structured Learning: Structured SVM pdf,video (2016/12/12)

Structured Learning: Sequence Labeling pdf,video (2016/12/23)

Structured Learning: Recurrent Neural Network pdf,video (part 1),video(part 2) (2016/12/30)

Ensemble pdf,video(2016/01/06)

Deep Reinforcement Learning: Scratching the surface pdf,video (2016/01/06)


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