Something about C


What the hell? How long since I touch with C?
What a pity, I have to work with it now.

Global variable
Better define a global.h, define variable as
extern int i;

And when U use it in another C, do as
unsigned char SysEventCounter = 0;
U can do it in one C file, if U do it in another C file, it will broadcast error.

Sometimes U encounter & and &&, what’s difference between them? & is bit operator for instance: 5 & 3 = 3; As for &&, a logical operator, 1 && 3 = 1.

To allocation two dimension dynamic array:

#include <malloc.h>
MVField=(reconstructedMVField**)malloc((picSizeY>>2) * sizeof(reconstructedMVField *));
for(j = 0; j < (picSizeY >> 2); j++)
    MVField[j]=(reconstructedMVField*)malloc((picSizeX>>2) * sizeof(reconstructedMVField));
for(j = 0; j < (picSizeY >> 2); j++)

This guy’s blog is not bad.

MVField **a;
MVField *temp;
a = (MVField**)malloc(10*sizeof(MVField*));

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    a[i] = (MVField*)malloc(9*sizeof(MVField));

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    temp = a[i];
    for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
        (*temp).priority = i + j;
        (*temp).MVdistance = 0;
        (*temp).location.X = j;
        (*temp).location.Y = i;

Type Transition

double temp_mvX = 0;
double temp_mvY = 0;
int mvX;
int mvY;    
int index_X = 0;
int index_Y = 0;
int region_cover_X = 0;
int region_cover_Y = 0;
temp_mvX = round( (refPic->mv_info[i_row][j_column]).mv[0].mv_x/4.0 );  // X MV in pixel 
temp_mvY = round( (refPic->mv_info[i_row][j_column]).mv[0].mv_y/4.0 );  // Y MV in pixel
                // to get which region the 4x4 block has covered
mvX = temp_mvX;
mvY = temp_mvY;
region_cover_X = (mvX >= 0) ? (mvX % 4) : ((4 - abs(mvX) % 4)%4);
region_cover_Y = (mvY >= 0) ? (mvY % 4) : ((4 - abs(mvY) % 4)%4);
index_X = j_column + mvX / 4;  // to index block position
index_Y = i_row + mvY / 4;

-> and .
If pointer, “->”
else “.”
But it doesn’t matter, as compiler will tell U.

Multiple Dimension
Be careful of X and Y. Hehe!

Defines like Taps

#define IntraMBinSliceAndMBNumInSlice   "D:/CY/JM18_6_RC/scene_change_p_slice.txt"
#if (DEBUG_OPEN == 1)
    FILE *erc_dec_mv_info = NULL;
    recfr.p_Vid = p_Vid;
    VideoParameters *p_Vid1 = recfr.p_Vid;
    StorablePicture* refPic = p_Vid1->ppSliceList[0]->listX[0][0];//p_Vid->ppSliceList[0]->listX[0][0];
    #if(DEBUG_INFO_FOR_MV == 1)
        erc_dec_mv_info = fopen(DEBUG_INFO_FOR_MV_TXT, "a+");
        if(p_Vid->dec_picture->frame_num == 3)  // Just look the second frame's mv information and be attention to the start frame and end frame in Concealment_CY.h 
            for(i_row = 0;i_row < ((*dec_picture)->size_y) /4 ;i_row++)
                for(j_column = 0;j_column < ((*dec_picture)->size_x) / 4;j_column++)
                    fprintf(erc_dec_mv_info, "(%d,%d) -> (%d,%d)->(%d,%d)  ,",i_row,j_column,(refPic->mv_info[i_row][j_column]).mv[0].mv_x,(refPic->mv_info[i_row][j_column]).mv[0].mv_y,(refPic->mv_info[i_row][j_column]).ref_idx[0],(refPic->mv_info[i_row][j_column]).ref_idx[1]);

Bad Code


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <malloc.h>

#define LENCorrupetedBLKMVList sizeof(CorrupetedBLKMVList)
#define AddrNull  0

typedef struct motion_vector
    int mvX;
    int mvY;
} ercMV;

// This struct means that the reconstructed MV of each 4x4 block
typedef struct important_POS
    int Block_X;  // Here is just for P frame. 
    int Block_Y;            // 1 means the best suit, next 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 and other number means this mv is empty.

void simpletest(ercMV Cst_mv){
    printf("%d  %d\n",Cst_mv.mvX,Cst_mv.mvY);

typedef struct Corrupted_Per_Block_Ref_MV_Field_Information
    Position PPixle;
    ercMV   estiMV;
    int *  pixel;   // With chroma and luma 

// This struct is used for every corrupted block  
typedef struct Corrupted_Block_MV_List
    RefBLKMVInfor  blkInfor;
    struct Corrupted_Block_MV_List* next;

 * \brief
 *      To create MV list for block in corrupted frameMV field.
 * \return
 *      Pointer of struct CorrupetedBLKMVList.
 * \param NONE
 * \2015/10/9 14:56:30
CorrupetedBLKMVList* CreateMVFieldPerBlockMVListHead(void)
    CorrupetedBLKMVList* head;   
    head = (CorrupetedBLKMVList*)malloc(LENCorrupetedBLKMVList);
    head -> next = AddrNull;

    return head;

 * \brief
 *      To insert MV block node  for block in corrupted frameMV field.
 * \return
 *      Pointer head of struct CorrupetedBLKMVList.
 * \param NONE
 * \2015/10/9 14:56:30
void InsertMVNodeIntoBlockList(CorrupetedBLKMVList* head, RefBLKMVInfor  insertData, int blockSize)
    int i;
    temp = AddrNull;
    temp = (CorrupetedBLKMVList*)malloc(LENCorrupetedBLKMVList);
    if(temp == AddrNull)
        printf("Error:In malloc memory for CorrupetedBLKMVList\n");

    temp -> next = AddrNull;
    temp -> blkInfor.PPixle.Block_X =  insertData.PPixle.Block_X;
    temp -> blkInfor.PPixle.Block_Y =  insertData.PPixle.Block_Y;
    temp -> blkInfor.estiMV.mvX =  insertData.estiMV.mvX;
    temp -> blkInfor.estiMV.mvY = insertData.estiMV.mvY;
    temp -> blkInfor.pixel = (int*)malloc(blockSize*sizeof(int));

    for(i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
        temp -> blkInfor.pixel[i] = insertData.pixel[i];

    head -> next = temp;

int main()
    int i = 0;
    const int blockSize = 16;

    RefBLKMVInfor  testInsertData;
    RefBLKMVInfor  testInsertData2;

    // Create node
    CorrupetedBLKMVList* test_create = AddrNull;
    CorrupetedBLKMVList* search = AddrNull;
    test_create = CreateMVFieldPerBlockMVListHead();
    if (test_create->next == AddrNull)
    if(test_create != AddrNull)
        printf("Create OK:%d \n",test_create);

    //  Insert node
    testInsertData.pixel = (int*)malloc(blockSize*sizeof(int));

    for(i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
        testInsertData.pixel[i] = i;
    testInsertData.PPixle.Block_X = 1;
    testInsertData.PPixle.Block_Y = 2;
    testInsertData.estiMV.mvX = 3;
    testInsertData.estiMV.mvY = 5;

    testInsertData2.pixel = (int*)malloc(blockSize*sizeof(int));

    for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
        testInsertData2.pixel[i] = i+1;
    testInsertData2.PPixle.Block_X = 100;
    testInsertData2.PPixle.Block_Y = 21;
    testInsertData2.estiMV.mvX = 23;
    testInsertData2.estiMV.mvY = 15;

    InsertMVNodeIntoBlockList(test_create, testInsertData, blockSize);
    InsertMVNodeIntoBlockList(test_create, testInsertData2, blockSize);
    InsertMVNodeIntoBlockList(test_create, testInsertData, blockSize);
    search = test_create;

    while (search != AddrNull)
        printf("%d\n", search);
        printf("%d\n", search->blkInfor.PPixle.Block_X);
        printf("%d\n", search->blkInfor.PPixle.Block_Y);
        printf("%d\n", search->blkInfor.estiMV.mvX);
        printf("%d\n", search->blkInfor.estiMV.mvY);
//      printf("%d\n", search->blkInfor.pixel[5]);
        search = search->next;

    search = test_create;

    while (search->next != AddrNull)
    //  free(search->blkInfor.pixel);
        search = search->next;

    return 0;

Good List


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <malloc.h>

#define LENCorrupetedBLKMVList sizeof(CorrupetedBLKMVList)
#define AddrNull  0

typedef struct motion_vector
    int mvX;
    int mvY;
} ercMV;

// This struct means that the reconstructed MV of each 4x4 block
typedef struct important_POS
    int Block_X;  // Here is just for P frame. 
    int Block_Y;            // 1 means the best suit, next 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 and other number means this mv is empty.

void simpletest(ercMV Cst_mv){
    printf("%d  %d\n",Cst_mv.mvX,Cst_mv.mvY);

typedef struct Corrupted_Per_Block_Ref_MV_Field_Information
    Position PPixle;
    ercMV   estiMV;
    int *  pixel;   // With chroma and luma 

// This struct is used for every corrupted block  
typedef struct Corrupted_Block_MV_List
    RefBLKMVInfor  blkInfor;
    struct Corrupted_Block_MV_List* next;

 * \brief
 *      To create MV list for block in corrupted frameMV field.
 * \return
 *      Pointer of struct CorrupetedBLKMVList.
 * \param NONE
 * \2015/10/9 14:56:30
CorrupetedBLKMVList* CreateMVFieldPerBlockMVListHead(void)
    CorrupetedBLKMVList* head;   
    head = (CorrupetedBLKMVList*)malloc(LENCorrupetedBLKMVList);
    head -> next = AddrNull;

    return head;

 * \brief
 *      To insert MV block node  for block in corrupted frameMV field.
 * \return
 *      Pointer head of struct CorrupetedBLKMVList.
 * \param NONE
 * \2015/10/9 14:56:30
CorrupetedBLKMVList* InsertMVNodeIntoBlockList(CorrupetedBLKMVList* head, RefBLKMVInfor  insertData, int blockSize)
    CorrupetedBLKMVList*temp = AddrNull;
    int i;

    if (head == AddrNull)  // first node
        head = (CorrupetedBLKMVList*)malloc(LENCorrupetedBLKMVList);
        head->next = AddrNull;
        head->blkInfor.PPixle.Block_X = insertData.PPixle.Block_X;
        head->blkInfor.PPixle.Block_Y = insertData.PPixle.Block_Y;
        head->blkInfor.estiMV.mvX = insertData.estiMV.mvX;
        head->blkInfor.estiMV.mvY = insertData.estiMV.mvY;
        head->blkInfor.pixel = (int*)malloc(blockSize*sizeof(int));

        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
            head->blkInfor.pixel[i] = insertData.pixel[i];
        temp = (CorrupetedBLKMVList*)malloc(LENCorrupetedBLKMVList);

        if (temp == AddrNull)
            printf("Error:In malloc memory for CorrupetedBLKMVList\n");

        temp->blkInfor.PPixle.Block_X = insertData.PPixle.Block_X;
        temp->blkInfor.PPixle.Block_Y = insertData.PPixle.Block_Y;
        temp->blkInfor.estiMV.mvX = insertData.estiMV.mvX;
        temp->blkInfor.estiMV.mvY = insertData.estiMV.mvY;
        temp->blkInfor.pixel = (int*)malloc(blockSize*sizeof(int));

        for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
            temp->blkInfor.pixel[i] = insertData.pixel[i];

        temp->next = head;
        head = temp;
    return head;

int main()
    int i = 0;
    const int blockSize = 16;

    RefBLKMVInfor  testInsertData;
    RefBLKMVInfor  testInsertData2;

    // Create node
    CorrupetedBLKMVList* test_create = AddrNull;
    CorrupetedBLKMVList* search = AddrNull;

    if(test_create != AddrNull)
        printf("Create OK:%d \n",test_create);

    //  Insert node
    testInsertData.pixel = (int*)malloc(blockSize*sizeof(int));

    for(i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
        testInsertData.pixel[i] = i;
    testInsertData.PPixle.Block_X = 1;
    testInsertData.PPixle.Block_Y = 2;
    testInsertData.estiMV.mvX = 3;
    testInsertData.estiMV.mvY = 5;

    testInsertData2.pixel = (int*)malloc(blockSize*sizeof(int));

    for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
        testInsertData2.pixel[i] = i+1;
    testInsertData2.PPixle.Block_X = 100;
    testInsertData2.PPixle.Block_Y = 21;
    testInsertData2.estiMV.mvX = 23;
    testInsertData2.estiMV.mvY = 15;

    test_create = InsertMVNodeIntoBlockList(test_create, testInsertData, blockSize);
    test_create = InsertMVNodeIntoBlockList(test_create, testInsertData2, blockSize);
    test_create = InsertMVNodeIntoBlockList(test_create, testInsertData, blockSize);
    search = test_create;

    while (search != AddrNull)
        printf("%d\n", search);
        printf("%d\n", search->blkInfor.PPixle.Block_X);
        printf("%d\n", search->blkInfor.PPixle.Block_Y);
        printf("%d\n", search->blkInfor.estiMV.mvX);
        printf("%d\n", search->blkInfor.estiMV.mvY);
//      printf("%d\n", search->blkInfor.pixel[5]);
        search = search->next;

    search = test_create;

    while (search->next != AddrNull)
    //  free(search->blkInfor.pixel);
        search = search->next;

    return 0;

Malloc Two Dimension Pointer
I think the code I write is so beautiful!

    CorrupetedBLKMVList*** Pic;
    Pic = (CorrupetedBLKMVList***)malloc(height*sizeof(CorrupetedBLKMVList**));

    for(j = 0; j < height;j++)
        Pic[j] = (CorrupetedBLKMVList**)malloc(width*sizeof(CorrupetedBLKMVList*));
    for(j = 0; j < height;j++)

Flexible Pointer Using

static void GetLumaBlock10(imgpel **block, imgpel **imgY, int blockSizeX, int blockSizeY, int XPosPixel, int YPosPixel, int maxImgpelValue)
    imgpel *p0, *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, *p5;
    imgpel *orig_line, *cur_line;
    int i, j;
    int result;

    for (j = 0; j < blockSizeY; j++)
        cur_line = &(cur_imgY[j][XPosPixel]);
        p0 = &cur_imgY[j][XPosPixel - 2];
        p1 = p0 + 1;
        p2 = p1 + 1;
        p3 = p2 + 1;
        p4 = p3 + 1;
        p5 = p4 + 1;
        orig_line = block[j];            

        for (i = 0; i < blockSizeX; i++)
            result  = (*(p0++) + *(p5++)) - 5 * (*(p1++) + *(p4++)) + 20 * (*(p2++) + *(p3++));
            *orig_line = (imgpel) iClip1(maxImgpelValue, ((result + 16)>>5));
            *orig_line = (imgpel) ((*orig_line + *(cur_line++) + 1 ) >> 1);

‘&’ is a excellent operation. Just think that (-5) & 3 = 3, you will get the right result of U want.
‘%’ is another operation that (-5) % 4 = -1
‘a & b’ can be get by ‘b < 0? (b - abs(a%b)) : (a%b)’
I found that the operation is excellent.
(-3) >> 2 = -1 <=> (int)floor((-3.0)/4.0)
(-3)/4 = 0 <=> (int)ceil((-3.0)/4.0)

Create Files and Copy String

const char* s = "../../new3";

is the same as

#define s "../../new3"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>

static void try_create_dir(const char* dest_dir)
    if (_access(dest_dir, 0) != 0)

int main()
    const char* s = "../../new3";
    char s1[100];
    FILE *f1 = NULL;


    strcpy(s1, s); 
    strcat(s1,"/file1.txt" ); 

    if ((f1 = fopen(s1, "w+")) == NULL)
        printf("Error in create log file of reconstructed MV field.\n");

    fprintf(f1, "----------------------Successful-------------------------------------\n");


    return 0;

VS Skills
1、improve Ur VS running speed:
2、Condition Breakpoint:
Double click then tight click on the breakpoint and set condition:
for instance:
pxlLocation.Y == 0x110

For two dynamic arrays copy by memcpy, be careful of data type.

// Y component assignment.
        frame_ref->imgY_ref = (imgPel**)malloc(tempHeight * sizeof(imgPel*));

        for(i = 0; i < tempHeight; i++)
            frame_ref->imgY_ref[i]=(imgPel*)malloc(tempWidth * sizeof(imgPel));
            if(refPic->imgY[i] != NULL)
                memcpy(frame_ref->imgY_ref[i], refPic->imgY[i], tempWidth * sizeof(imgPel));

C-free using and debug skills

C File Operetion

C Using Skill As 默认参数

Stack Overflow


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    今天安装了Msys64 但是Msys64使用的国外源实在太慢 必须更新为国内源 目前测试过国内最快是清华大学的源 我的安装路径为d msys64 为什么要安装在D盘 因为msys64需要不断更新数据和安装自己的软件 也就是说会占用越来越多的
  • 使用mnist数据集实现手写字体的识别

    1 MNIST是一个入门级的计算机视觉数据集 它包含各种手写数字图片 它也包含每一张图片对应的标签 告诉我们这个是数字几 该数据集包括60000行的训练数据集 mnist train 和10000行的测试数据集 mnist test 每一张
  • mysql索引左侧原则,你真的了解吗?

    前言 写这篇文章源自一位杠精同事提了个问题 左侧原则跟where条件顺序有无关系 我想了想 好像是有关系的 不敢确定 但是自己又懒得动手测试 于是发起ETC自动抬杠功能 强行杠了一拨 结果杠输了 接下来即是动手验证 预习执行计划 实践 咱们
  • Something about C

    What the hell How long since I touch with C What a pity I have to work with it now Global variable Better define a globa