odoo12 用户(users) 权限管理界面分析



由于需要了解 odoo的权限管理,去看了下 odoo 是如何给用户赋权限的。发现好多不能理解。因此,打算从 user 的xml开始。看里面到底是什么意思



  <record id="view_users_form" model="ir.ui.view">
            <field name="name">res.users.form</field>
            <field name="model">res.users</field>
            <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <form string="Users">
                        <notebook colspan="4">
                            <page name="access_rights" string="Access Rights">
                                <group string="Multi Companies" attrs="{'invisible': [('companies_count', '&lt;=', 1)]}">
                                    <field string="Allowed Companies" name="company_ids" widget="many2many_tags" options="{'no_create': True}"/>
                                    <field string="Current Company" name="company_id" context="{'user_preference': 0}"/>
                                    <field string="Companies count" name="companies_count" invisible="1"/>
                                <field name="groups_id"/>
                            <page string="Preferences">

发现。里面根本没有 权限部分的代码。。然后找了继承view_users_form ,发现也没有。想想也对,既然权限是动态生成的,肯定要在后台完成,不会在 前台写固定的。

由于增删改都需要更新界面。所以 查看user的后台代码。找到

    def _update_user_groups_view(self):
        """ Modify the view with xmlid ``base.user_groups_view``, which inherits
            the user form view, and introduces the reified group fields.

        # remove the language to avoid translations, it will be handled at the view level
        self = self.with_context(lang=None)

        # We have to try-catch this, because at first init the view does not
        # exist but we are already creating some basic groups.
        # 获取 base.user_groups_view 组view 的xml
        view = self.env.ref('base.user_groups_view', raise_if_not_found=False)
        if view and view.exists() and view._name == 'ir.ui.view':
            group_no_one = view.env.ref('base.group_no_one')
            group_employee = view.env.ref('base.group_user')
            xml1, xml2, xml3 = [], [], []
            # 这两个固定
            xml1.append(E.separator(string='User Type', colspan="2", groups='base.group_no_one'))
            xml2.append(E.separator(string='Application Accesses', colspan="2"))

            user_type_field_name = ''
            for app, kind, gs in self.get_groups_by_application():
                attrs = {}
                # hide groups in categories 'Hidden' and 'Extra' (except for group_no_one)
                if app.xml_id in ('base.module_category_hidden', 'base.module_category_extra', 'base.module_category_usability'):
                    attrs['groups'] = 'base.group_no_one'

                # User type (employee, portal or public) is a separated group. This is the only 'selection'
                # group of res.groups without implied groups (with each other).
                if app.xml_id == 'base.module_category_user_type':
                    # application name with a selection field
                    field_name = name_selection_groups(gs.ids)
                    user_type_field_name = field_name
                    attrs['widget'] = 'radio'
                    attrs['groups'] = 'base.group_no_one'
                    xml1.append(E.field(name=field_name, **attrs))

                elif kind == 'selection':
                    # 只要属于selection 的就放在Application Accesses 下
                    # application name with a selection field
                    field_name = name_selection_groups(gs.ids)
                    xml2.append(E.field(name=field_name, **attrs))
                    # application separator with boolean fields
                    # 不属于那两个的则为 app_name
                    app_name = app.name or 'Other'
                    xml3.append(E.separator(string=app_name, colspan="4", **attrs))
                    for g in gs:
                        field_name = name_boolean_group(g.id)
                        if g == group_no_one:
                            # make the group_no_one invisible in the form view
                            xml3.append(E.field(name=field_name, invisible="1", **attrs))
                            xml3.append(E.field(name=field_name, **attrs))

            xml3.append({'class': "o_label_nowrap"})
            if user_type_field_name:
                user_type_attrs = {'invisible': [(user_type_field_name, '!=', group_employee.id)]}
                user_type_attrs = {}

            xml = E.field(
                E.group(*(xml1), col="2"),
                E.group(*(xml2), col="2", attrs=str(user_type_attrs)),
                E.group(*(xml3), col="4", attrs=str(user_type_attrs)), name="groups_id", position="replace")
            xml.addprevious(etree.Comment("GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY BY GROUPS"))
            xml_content = etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print=True, encoding="unicode")

            new_context = dict(view._context)
            new_context.pop('install_mode_data', None)  # don't set arch_fs for this computed view
            new_context['lang'] = None
            # 写入base.user_groups_view
            view.with_context(new_context).write({'arch': xml_content})


<record id="user_groups_view" model="ir.ui.view">
            <field name="name">res.users.groups</field>
            <field name="model">res.users</field>
            <field name="inherit_id" ref="view_users_form"/>
            <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <!-- dummy, will be modified by groups -->
                <field name="groups_id" position="after"/>

1、先获取user_groups_view,的view。。而此view 继承 users_form ,而且after

2、根据逻辑生成 content 。然后 写入数据库的 arch里面就ok了


还有个疑问,如何 确定  selection

    def get_groups_by_application(self):
        """ Return all groups classified by application (module category), as a list::

                [(app, kind, groups), ...],

            where ``app`` and ``groups`` are recordsets, and ``kind`` is either
            ``'boolean'`` or ``'selection'``. Applications are given in sequence
            order.  If ``kind`` is ``'selection'``, ``groups`` are given in
            reverse implication order.
        #  app 分类  gs 组
        def linearize(app, gs):
            # 'User Type' is an exception 特例  app.xml_id 是计算字段
            if app.xml_id == 'base.module_category_user_type':
                return (app, 'selection', gs.sorted('id'))
            # determine sequence order: a group appears after its implied groups  自己继承的组
            order = {g: len(g.trans_implied_ids & gs) for g in gs}
            # check whether order is total, i.e., sequence orders are distinct
            #判断当前group 是否有平级关系,没有平级关系的话,res_groups_implied_rel 肯定无数据,set{g:0,g:0}
            # /set{g:1,g:2,g:1} 肯定不等于gs(组对象)
            if len(set(order.values())) == len(gs):
                return (app, 'selection', gs.sorted(key=order.get))
                return (app, 'boolean', gs)

        # classify all groups by application
        by_app, others = defaultdict(self.browse), self.browse()
        # 遍历所有group
        for g in self.get_application_groups([]):
            if g.category_id:
                #如果有 category
                by_app[g.category_id] += g
                others += g
        # build the result
        res = []
        for app, gs in sorted(by_app.items(), key=lambda it: it[0].sequence or 0):
            #app 分类  gs 组
            res.append(linearize(app, gs))
        if others:
            res.append((self.env['ir.module.category'], 'boolean', others))
        return res

关键点在  order = {g: len(g.trans_implied_ids & gs) for g in gs}

trans_implied_ids = fields.Many2many('res.groups', string='Transitively inherits',

def _compute_trans_implied(self):
    # Compute the transitive closure recursively. Note that the performance
    # is good, because the record cache behaves as a memo (the field is
    # never computed twice on a given group.)
    for g in self:
        g.trans_implied_ids = g.implied_ids | g.mapped('implied_ids.trans_implied_ids')

可以看出。trans_implied_ids 其实就是只想自己的 也就是 res_groups_implied_rel 。

只有当前 category 的组 和 trans_implied_ids  不重复的id 相等,才会显示selection

a -----b


平级 则不会




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