the importance of a sense of community responsibility(六级真题批改网90分)


  1. What proves universally acknowledged is that a sense of community has caused widespread pubic attention.Undoubtedly,community responsibility plays an exceedingly significant role in our contemporary life.From my personal perspective,only when private individuals have been convinced that community is like home for them can they feel more satisfactory well-being.
  2. There are numerous factors that can account for my point of viewpoint,to be frank,although so abundant cases can support my simple view, the following one is the most favorable.I know a person who will seize any opportunity that could help him make neighborhood cleaner and more attractive,and use any means to try to achieve his community goals.I have observed how marvellous that sense of community responsibility had been to his career success,at the same time,how harmonious his relationship with neighbors.
  3. As a consequence,under no circumstances can we fail to pour attention into the significance of the fact that community responsibility is one of the ingredients of community well-being. Awareness about community responsibility could be cultivated to make ourselves lead a healthy and favorable life. The more sense of community we have, the more inherently beatific we become,both in public place and our personal lives.

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