















Open Terminal打开终端:


pip install pyqt

pip install labelme





labelme_json_to_dataset  <文件名>.json生成8位掩模图片文件label.png及类别信息info.yaml等



import os
import shutil

log_path = "D:\\photoclub\\400x400_150\\labelme_json\\"
outpath = "D:\\photoclub\\400x400_150\\cv2_mask\\"

for i in range(1,158):
    inpath = log_path + str(i) + "_json\\label.png"
    maskpath = outpath + str(i) +".png"
    shutil.copyfile(inpath ,maskpath)




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import sys
import random
import math
import re
import time
import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
from mrcnn.config import Config
#import utils
from mrcnn import model as modellib,utils
from mrcnn import visualize
import yaml
from mrcnn.model import log
from PIL import Image

#os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"
# Root directory of the project
ROOT_DIR = os.getcwd()

#ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath("../")
# Directory to save logs and trained model
MODEL_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "logs")


# Local path to trained weights file
COCO_MODEL_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "mask_rcnn_coco.h5")
# Download COCO trained weights from Releases if needed
if not os.path.exists(COCO_MODEL_PATH):

class ShapesConfig(Config):
    """Configuration for training on the toy shapes dataset.
    Derives from the base Config class and overrides values specific
    to the toy shapes dataset.
    # Give the configuration a recognizable name
    NAME = "shapes"

    # Train on 1 GPU and 8 images per GPU. We can put multiple images on each
    # GPU because the images are small. Batch size is 8 (GPUs * images/GPU).
    GPU_COUNT = 1

    # Number of classes (including background)
    NUM_CLASSES = 1 + 3  # background + 3 shapes

    # Use small images for faster training. Set the limits of the small side
    # the large side, and that determines the image shape.
    IMAGE_MIN_DIM = 320
    IMAGE_MAX_DIM = 448

    # Use smaller anchors because our image and objects are small
    RPN_ANCHOR_SCALES = (8 * 6, 16 * 6, 32 * 6, 64 * 6, 128 * 6)  # anchor side in pixels

    # Reduce training ROIs per image because the images are small and have
    # few objects. Aim to allow ROI sampling to pick 33% positive ROIs.

    # Use a small epoch since the data is simple

    # use small validation steps since the epoch is small

config = ShapesConfig()

class DrugDataset(utils.Dataset):
    # 得到该图中有多少个实例(物体)
    def get_obj_index(self, image):
        n = np.max(image)
        return n

    # 解析labelme中得到的yaml文件,从而得到mask每一层对应的实例标签
    def from_yaml_get_class(self, image_id):
        info = self.image_info[image_id]
        with open(info['yaml_path']) as f:
            temp = yaml.load(
            labels = temp['label_names']
            del labels[0]
        return labels

    # 重新写draw_mask
    def draw_mask(self, num_obj, mask, image,image_id):
        info = self.image_info[image_id]
        for index in range(num_obj):
            for i in range(info['width']):
                for j in range(info['height']):
                    at_pixel = image.getpixel((i, j))
                    if at_pixel == index + 1:
                        mask[j, i, index] = 1
        return mask

    # 重新写load_shapes,里面包含自己的类别,可以任意添加
    # 并在self.image_info信息中添加了path、mask_path 、yaml_path
    # yaml_pathdataset_root_path = "/tongue_dateset/"
    # img_floder = dataset_root_path + "rgb"
    # mask_floder = dataset_root_path + "mask"
    # dataset_root_path = "/tongue_dateset/"
    # print(img_floder + "img_floder")  # D:\pythonprojects\maskrcnn_mrcnn\train_data/pic
    # print(mask_floder + "mask_floder")  # D:\pythonprojects\maskrcnn_mrcnn\train_data/cv2_mask
    def load_shapes(self, count, img_floder, mask_floder, imglist, dataset_root_path):
        """Generate the requested number of synthetic images.
        count: number of images to generate.
        height, width: the size of the generated images.
        # Add classes,可通过这种方式扩展多个物体
        self.add_class("shapes", 1, "carton")
        self.add_class("shapes", 2, "black")
        self.add_class("shapes", 3, "wood")
        for i in range(count):
            # 获取图片宽和高

            filestr = imglist[i].split(".")[0]
            #print("id-->", i, " imglist[", i, "]-->", imglist[i],"filestr-->",filestr)
            #filestr = filestr.split("_")[1]
            mask_path = mask_floder + "/" + filestr + ".png"#D:\pythonprojects\maskrcnn_mrcnn\train_data/cv2_mask/99.png
            yaml_path = dataset_root_path + "labelme_json/" + filestr + "_json/info.yaml"
            #print(dataset_root_path + "labelme_json/" + filestr + "_json/img.png")
            cv_img = cv2.imread(dataset_root_path + "labelme_json/" + filestr + "_json/img.png")
            self.add_image("shapes", image_id=i, path=img_floder + "/" + imglist[i],
                           width=400, height=400, mask_path=mask_path, yaml_path=yaml_path)

    # 重写load_mask
    def load_mask(self, image_id):
        """Generate instance masks for shapes of the given image ID.
        global iter_num
        info = self.image_info[image_id]
        count = 1  # number of object
        img =['mask_path'])
        num_obj = self.get_obj_index(img)
        mask = np.zeros([info['height'], info['width'], num_obj], dtype=np.uint8)
        mask = self.draw_mask(num_obj, mask, img,image_id)
        occlusion = np.logical_not(mask[:, :, -1]).astype(np.uint8)
        for i in range(count - 2, -1, -1):
            mask[:, :, i] = mask[:, :, i] * occlusion

            occlusion = np.logical_and(occlusion, np.logical_not(mask[:, :, i]))
        labels = []
        labels = self.from_yaml_get_class(image_id)
        labels_form = []
        for i in range(len(labels)):
            if labels[i].find("carton") != -1:
                # print "box"
            elif labels[i].find("black") != -1:
                # print "column"
            elif labels[i].find("wood") != -1:
                # print "package"
        class_ids = np.array([self.class_names.index(s) for s in labels_form])
        return mask, class_ids.astype(np.int32)

def get_ax(rows=1, cols=1, size=8):
    """Return a Matplotlib Axes array to be used in
    all visualizations in the notebook. Provide a
    central point to control graph sizes.

    Change the default size attribute to control the size
    of rendered images
    _, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(size * cols, size * rows))
    return ax

img_floder = dataset_root_path + "pic"
mask_floder = dataset_root_path + "cv2_mask"
#yaml_floder = dataset_root_path
imglist = os.listdir(img_floder)
count = len(imglist)
dataset_train = DrugDataset()
dataset_train.load_shapes(158, img_floder, mask_floder, imglist,dataset_root_path)


dataset_val = DrugDataset()
dataset_val.load_shapes(158, img_floder, mask_floder, imglist,dataset_root_path)


# Load and display random samples
#image_ids = np.random.choice(dataset_train.image_ids, 4)
#for image_id in image_ids:
#    image = dataset_train.load_image(image_id)
#    mask, class_ids = dataset_train.load_mask(image_id)
#    visualize.display_top_masks(image, mask, class_ids, dataset_train.class_names)

# Create model in training mode
model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="training", config=config,

# Which weights to start with?
init_with = "coco"  # imagenet, coco, or last

if init_with == "imagenet":
    model.load_weights(model.get_imagenet_weights(), by_name=True)
elif init_with == "coco":
    # Load weights trained on MS COCO, but skip layers that
    # are different due to the different number of classes
    # See README for instructions to download the COCO weights
    model.load_weights(COCO_MODEL_PATH, by_name=True,
                       exclude=["mrcnn_class_logits", "mrcnn_bbox_fc",
                                "mrcnn_bbox", "mrcnn_mask"])
elif init_with == "last":
    # Load the last model you trained and continue training
    model.load_weights(model.find_last()[1], by_name=True)

# Train the head branches
# Passing layers="heads" freezes all layers except the head
# layers. You can also pass a regular expression to select
# which layers to train by name pattern.
model.train(dataset_train, dataset_val,

# Fine tune all layers
# Passing layers="all" trains all layers. You can also
# pass a regular expression to select which layers to
# train by name pattern.
model.train(dataset_train, dataset_val,
            learning_rate=config.LEARNING_RATE / 10,





import os
import sys
import random
from mrcnn.config import Config
from datetime import datetime

# Root directory of the project
ROOT_DIR = os.getcwd()

# Import Mask RCNN
sys.path.append(ROOT_DIR)  # To find local version of the library
from mrcnn import utils
import mrcnn.model as modellib
from mrcnn import visualize

# Directory to save logs and trained model
MODEL_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "logs")

# Local path to trained weights file
COCO_MODEL_PATH = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, "mask_rcnn_shapes_0010.h5")
# Download COCO trained weights from Releases if needed
if not os.path.exists(COCO_MODEL_PATH):

# Directory of images to run detection on
IMAGE_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "images")

class ShapesConfig(Config):
    """Configuration for training on the toy shapes dataset.
    Derives from the base Config class and overrides values specific
    to the toy shapes dataset.
    # Give the configuration a recognizable name
    NAME = "shapes"

    # Train on 1 GPU and 8 images per GPU. We can put multiple images on each
    # GPU because the images are small. Batch size is 8 (GPUs * images/GPU).
    GPU_COUNT = 1

    # Number of classes (including background)
    NUM_CLASSES = 1 + 3  # background + 3 shapes

    # Use small images for faster training. Set the limits of the small side
    # the large side, and that determines the image shape.
    IMAGE_MIN_DIM = 320
    IMAGE_MAX_DIM = 448

    # Use smaller anchors because our image and objects are small
    RPN_ANCHOR_SCALES = (8 * 6, 16 * 6, 32 * 6, 64 * 6, 128 * 6)  # anchor side in pixels

    # Reduce training ROIs per image because the images are small and have
    # few objects. Aim to allow ROI sampling to pick 33% positive ROIs.

    # Use a small epoch since the data is simple

    # use small validation steps since the epoch is small

# import train_tongue
# class InferenceConfig(coco.CocoConfig):
class InferenceConfig(ShapesConfig):
    # Set batch size to 1 since we'll be running inference on
    # one image at a time. Batch size = GPU_COUNT * IMAGES_PER_GPU
    GPU_COUNT = 1

config = InferenceConfig()

model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=MODEL_DIR, config=config)

# Create model object in inference mode.
model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=MODEL_DIR, config=config)

# Load weights trained on MS-COCO
model.load_weights(COCO_MODEL_PATH, by_name=True)

# COCO Class names
# Index of the class in the list is its ID. For example, to get ID of
# the teddy bear class, use: class_names.index('teddy bear')
class_names = ['carton', 'black', 'wood']
# Load a random image from the images folder
file_names = next(os.walk(IMAGE_DIR))[2]
image =, random.choice(file_names)))

a =
# Run detection
results = model.detect([image], verbose=1)
b =
# Visualize results
print("shijian", (b - a).seconds)
r = results[0]
visualize.display_instances(image, r['rois'], r['masks'], r['class_ids'],
                            class_names, r['scores'])



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