MacOS Edge GPO via .plist file.


  1. I created a plist file with the name Note: the name has to be exactly the same and it’s case sensitive. My example has attached in this email.

  2. Then I got the file on the MacOS, copy it into the ~/Library/Preferences folder. Hint: using shift+command+G to open this Go to the folder window.

  3. Then I restarted the MacOS and it implemented the new preference file correctly Checked the Edge://policy and it showed as below.

  4. I have verified this .plist file work well in my MacOS. The only exception is the ExtensionInstallForcelist= ncoafaeidnkeafiehpkfoeklhajkpgij. I checked the doc and found “On macOS instances, apps and extensions from outside the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website can only be force installed if the instance is managed via MDM, or joined to a domain via MCX.” Please test in your MDM to see whether it works for you. If not, I will do some further investigation.

1.Disable Password Manager so it never asks to remember passwords.

2.Use Google as the search engine when searching form the URL box.

3.Automatically install the Okta browser extension.

4.Configure Microsoft Edge policy settings for macOS using a .plist.
1)This doc applies to Microsoft Edge version 77 or later.
2)For a list of supported policies and their preference key names, see Microsoft Edge browser policies reference(
3)In the policy templates file, which can be downloaded from the Microsoft Edge Enterprise landing page(, there’s an example plist in the examples folder. The example file contains all supported data types that you can customize to define your policy settings.

5.One noticeable point, referring to the doc “Configure Microsoft Edge policies on MacOS” as below. (Reference: )
The next step after you create the contents of your plist, is to name it using the Microsoft Edge preference domain, The name is case sensitive and should not include the channel you are targeting because it applies to all Microsoft Edge channels. The plist file name must be

6.I tested a lot via Intune, but finally found the cx didn’t use Microsoft Intune to manage their MacOS.
7.Then I did research on the .plist, found it’s a MacOS technical concept. Then I successfully verified how to use .plist to manage Edge policy on MacOS.


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