使用QFile进行文件操作(QFile可以使用FILE *指针,还必须指定AutoCloseHandle)



一般情况下,使用QFile创建对象时,就会把要操作的文件名传递给它。但该类也提供了一个setFileName() 方法,允许我们在任何时候为QFile对象设置要操作的文件名。但是,QFile 只支持"/",不支持"\"。

在构造QFile的对象后,我们可以使用exists() 判断文件是否存在,使用remove() 删除一个文件。在进行实际的内容读写前,需调用open()打开文件,读写结束后,要调用close()关闭文件,也可以写调用一下flush(),冲刷缓冲区。就向我们刚才说的,我们一般使用QDataStream或QTextStream 读写文件,但我们也可以使用QFile继承自QIODevice的函数,如read()、readLine()、readAll()、write()等。除了读写函数外,我们还能使用size() 函数获得文件的大小;使用pos() 或 seek() 函数获取及设置文件读写的位置;使用atEnd() 函数判断是否到达了文件结尾。


          QFile file("in.txt");
          if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
          while (!file.atEnd()) {
              QByteArray line = file.readLine();



          QFile file("in.txt");
          if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
          QTextStream in(&file);
          while (!in.atEnd()) {
              QString line = in.readLine();

QTextStream会把存储在磁盘上的8bit数据转换为16bit的Unicode 字符串QString。默认情况下,QTextStream假定文件使用的是用户系统的本地8bit编码。我们也可以使用QTextStream::setCodec() 函数还改变这种行为。

当使用QFile,QFileInfo和QDir类去操作文件系统时,你可以使用Unicode编码的文件名。在Unix平台上,这些文件名会被转换成8-bit编码。但如果你想使用标准c++ API或者平台特定的API去访问文件,那么你可以使用encodeName() 和 decodeName() 函数在Unicode文件名和8-bit文件名之间进行转换。

在Unix平台下,存在一些特殊的系统文件,例如/proc目录下,对这个文件调用size() 总是返回0,然而,你还是能够从此类文件中读取到数据;这些数据是为了相应你的read() 函数而间接产生出来的。但是,在这种情况下,你不能使用atEnd() 来判断是否还有数据可读(因为atEnd() 对于大小为0的文件返回true)。相反,你应该调用readAll(),或 反复调用read()、readLine()知道没有数据可读为止。如下代码所示,我们使用QTextStream一行一行的读取/proc/modules文件:

          QFile file("/proc/modules");
          if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
          QTextStream in(&file);
          QString line = in.readLine();
          while (!line.isNull()) {
              line = in.readLine();

其实,除了上面使用的QFile从QIODevice继承的open() 函数外,QFile本身也为我们提供了两个open() 函数:

    bool open(FILE *fh, OpenMode mode, FileHandleFlags handleFlags = DontCloseHandle)
    bool open(int fd, OpenMode mode, FileHandleFlags handleFlags = DontCloseHandle)

第一个open() 会按一定的模式打开一个现存的文件指针。同时,可以再指定额外的标志。如下代码所示:

      #include <stdio.h>
      void printError(const char* msg)
          QFile file;
          file.open(stderr, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
          file.write(msg, qstrlen(msg));        // write to stderr

当一个QFile已这种方式打开时,那么后续的close() 函数的作用会受到AutoCloseHandle标志的影响。如果指定了该标志,并且这个open() 函数调用成功了,那么后续再QFile对象上调用close() 会关闭底层文件句柄。否则,若没指定这个标志,close()函数不会真正的关闭底层文件句柄,而只是冲刷 了一下缓冲区。如下测试代码所示:

    #include <QCoreApplication>
    #include <QFile>
    #include <cstdio>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
        FILE *pf = fopen("test.txt", "wb");
        if(pf == nullptr)
            return 0;


// bool QFile::open(FILE *fh, QIODevice::OpenMode mode, QFileDevice::FileHandleFlags handleFlags = DontCloseHandle)

        QFile file;
        file.open(pf, QIODevice::WriteOnly); //1
        //file.open(pf, QIODevice::WriteOnly, QFileDevice::AutoCloseHandle); //2
        fwrite("world", strlen("world"), 1, pf);
        return a.exec();

当我们使用 1处的方式打开文件指针,即不指定AutoCloseHandle标志,则close() 函数后的“world”是可以继续被写入文件的


第二个open() 函数与此类似,只不过其是按一定模式打开一个现存的文件描述符。AutoCloseHandle标志也会影响后续的close()函数。同时,如果QFile已这种方式打开,那么它会被自动地设置为raw mode,这意味着文件的输入、输出函数的执行会变慢。如果你遇到了性能问题,你应该尝试使用其他的打开函数。


Qt 官方手册:

bool QFile::open(FILE *fh, QIODevice::OpenMode mode, QFileDevice::FileHandleFlags handleFlags = DontCloseHandle)

This is an overloaded function.
Opens the existing file handle fh in the given mode. handleFlags may be used to specify additional options. Returns true if successful; otherwise returns false.

  #include <stdio.h>

  void printError(const char* msg)
      QFile file;
      file.open(stderr, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
      file.write(msg, qstrlen(msg));        // write to stderr

When a QFile is opened using this function, behaviour of close() is controlled by the AutoCloseHandle flag. If AutoCloseHandle is specified, and this function succeeds, then calling close() closes the adopted handle. Otherwise, close() does not actually close the file, but only flushes it.

If fh does not refer to a regular file, e.g., it is stdin, stdout, or stderr, you may not be able to seek(). size() returns 0 in those cases. See QIODevice::isSequential() for more information.
Since this function opens the file without specifying the file name, you cannot use this QFile with a QFileInfo.

Note for the Windows Platform
fh must be opened in binary mode (i.e., the mode string must contain 'b', as in "rb" or "wb") when accessing files and other random-access devices. Qt will translate the end-of-line characters if you pass QIODevice::Text to mode. Sequential devices, such as stdin and stdout, are unaffected by this limitation.
You need to enable support for console applications in order to use the stdin, stdout and stderr streams at the console. To do this, add the following declaration to your application's project file:

  CONFIG += console

See also close().

bool QFile::open(FILE *fh, QIODevice::OpenMode mode, QFileDevice::FileHandleFlags handleFlags = DontCloseHandle)


enum QIODevice::OpenModeFlag
flags QIODevice::OpenMode
This enum is used with open() to describe the mode in which a device is opened. It is also returned by openMode().
Constant Value Description
QIODevice::NotOpen 0x0000 The device is not open.
QIODevice::ReadOnly 0x0001 The device is open for reading.
QIODevice::WriteOnly 0x0002 The device is open for writing. Note that, for file-system subclasses (e.g. QFile), this mode implies Truncate unless combined with ReadOnly, Append or NewOnly.
QIODevice::ReadWrite ReadOnly | WriteOnly The device is open for reading and writing.
QIODevice::Append 0x0004 The device is opened in append mode so that all data is written to the end of the file.
QIODevice::Truncate 0x0008 If possible, the device is truncated before it is opened. All earlier contents of the device are lost.
QIODevice::Text 0x0010 When reading, the end-of-line terminators are translated to '\n'. When writing, the end-of-line terminators are translated to the local encoding, for example '\r\n' for Win32.
QIODevice::Unbuffered 0x0020 Any buffer in the device is bypassed.
QIODevice::NewOnly 0x0040 Fail if the file to be opened already exists. Create and open the file only if it does not exist. There is a guarantee from the operating system that you are the only one creating and opening the file. Note that this mode implies WriteOnly, and combining it with ReadWrite is allowed. This flag currently only affects QFile. Other classes might use this flag in the future, but until then using this flag with any classes other than QFile may result in undefined behavior. (since Qt 5.11)
QIODevice::ExistingOnly 0x0080 Fail if the file to be opened does not exist. This flag must be specified alongside ReadOnly, WriteOnly, or ReadWrite. Note that using this flag with ReadOnly alone is redundant, as ReadOnly already fails when the file does not exist. This flag currently only affects QFile. Other classes might use this flag in the future, but until then using this flag with any classes other than QFile may result in undefined behavior. (since Qt 5.11)


enum QFileDevice::FileHandleFlag
flags QFileDevice::FileHandleFlags
This enum is used when opening a file to specify additional options which only apply to files and not to a generic QIODevice.
Constant Value Description
QFileDevice::AutoCloseHandle 0x0001 The file handle passed into open() should be closed by close(), the default behavior is that close just flushes the file and the application is responsible for closing the file handle. When opening a file by name, this flag is ignored as Qt always owns the file handle and must close it.
QFileDevice::DontCloseHandle 0

If not explicitly closed, the underlying file handle is left open when the QFile object is destroyed.



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使用QFile进行文件操作(QFile可以使用FILE *指针,还必须指定AutoCloseHandle) 的相关文章


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