gitlab linux版本下载,Gitlab 6.9.1 社区版发布下载


GitLab是一个利用 Ruby on Rails 开发的开源应用程序,实现一个自托管的Git项目仓库,可通过Web界面进行访问公开的或者私人项目。 它拥有与Github类似的功能,能够浏览源代码。


v 6.9.1

- Fix scroll to highlighted line

- Fix the pagination on load for commits page

v 6.9.0

- Store Rails cache data in the Redis `cache:gitlab` namespace

- Adjust MySQL limits for existing installations

- Add db index on project_id+iid column. This prevents duplicate on iid (During migration duplicates will be removed)

- Markdown preview or diff during editing via web editor (Evgeniy Sokovikov)

- Give the Rails cache its own Redis namespace

- Add ability to set different ssh host, if different from http/https

- Fix syntax highlighting for code comments blocks

- Improve comments loading logic

- Stop refreshing comments when the tab is hidden

- Improve issue and merge request mobile UI (Drew Blessing)

- Document how to convert a backup to PostgreSQL

- Fix locale bug in backup manager

- Fix can not automerge when MR description is too long

- Fix wiki backup skip bug

- Two Step MR creation process

- Remove unwanted files from satellite working directory with git clean -fdx

- Accept merge request via API (sponsored by O'Reilly Media)

- Add more access checks during API calls

- Block SSH access for 'disabled' Active Directory users

- Labels for merge requests (Drew Blessing)

- Threaded emails by setting a Message-ID (Philip Blatter)

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gitlab linux版本下载,Gitlab 6.9.1 社区版发布下载 的相关文章
