获取产品变体属性值术语 ID 和名称


在 WooCommerce 中,我正在使用$product->get_variation_attributes()获取产品的变体属性。此函数返回一个包含名称但不包含 ID 的数组。


                   [pa_color-shirt] => Array
                            [0] => red
                            [7] => grey
                            [14] => yellow

                    [pa_color-sweater] => Array
                            [0] => red
                            [1] => green
                            [2] => blue
                            [3] => grey
                            [4] => yellow
                            [5] => pink
                            [6] => dark-blue

对于我正在创建的 AJAX 商店,我还需要来自变体的 ID。 因此,我可以将 ID 和名称附加到选择框(就像 woocommerce 所做的那样)。


if($product->has_child()) {
                $attributes = $product->get_attributes();
                $variations = $product->get_available_variations();
                $variationsArray = array();
                foreach ($attributes as $attr => $attr_deets) {
                    $variationArray = array();
                    $attribute_label = wc_attribute_label($attr);
                    $variationArray["attribute_label"] = $attribute_label;
                    if (isset($attributes[$attr]) || isset($attributes['pa_' . $attr])) {
                        $attribute = isset($attributes[$attr]) ? $attributes[$attr] : $attributes['pa_' . $attr];
                        if ($attribute['is_taxonomy'] && $attribute['is_visible']) {
                            $variationArray["attribute_name"] = $attribute['name'];
                            $variationIds = array();
                            $variationNames = array();
                            $variationPrices = array();
                            foreach ($variations as $variation) {
                                if (!empty($variation['attributes']['attribute_' . $attribute['name']])) {
                                    array_push($variationIds, $variation['variation_id']);
                                    $taxonomy = $attribute['name'];
                                    $meta = get_post_meta($variation['variation_id'], 'attribute_'.$taxonomy, true);
                                    $term = get_term_by('slug', $meta, $taxonomy);
                                    $variation_name = $term->name;
                                    array_push($variationNames, $variation_name);
                                    array_push($variationPrices, $variation['display_regular_price']);
                            $variationArray["variation_prices"] = $variationPrices;
                            $variationArray["variations"] = array_combine($variationIds, $variationNames);
                    array_push($variationsArray, $variationArray);

            $product_variations = $variationsArray;


该代码有效,但返回重复的名称和 ID。


WooCommerce 版本 3+ 的更新

foreach( $product->get_variation_attributes() as $taxonomy => $terms_slug ){
    // To get the attribute label (in WooCommerce 3+)
    $taxonomy_label = wc_attribute_label( $taxonomy, $product );

    // Setting some data in an array
    $variations_attributes_and_values[$taxonomy] = array('label' => $taxonomy_label);

    foreach($terms_slug as $term){

        // Getting the term object from the slug
        $term_obj  = get_term_by('slug', $term, $taxonomy);

        $term_id   = $term_obj->term_id; // The ID  <==  <==  <==  <==  <==  <==  HERE
        $term_name = $term_obj->name; // The Name
        $term_slug = $term_obj->slug; // The Slug
        // $term_description = $term_obj->description; // The Description

        // Setting the terms ID and values in the array
        $variations_attributes_and_values[$taxonomy]['terms'][$term_id] = array(
            'name'        => $term_name,
            'slug'        => $term_slug

低于 WooCommerce 版本 3

我在您的原始数据数组中没有看到任何重复的变体 ID…您的问题不是很清楚,因此很难猜测您正在查看的缺失 ID 是什么。然后我冒险回答,我认为丢失的 ID 是属性值中的术语 Id...

为了获取此术语 ID,我使用 Wordpress 功能get_term_by(), 这边走:

foreach( $product->get_variation_attributes() as $taxonomy => $terms_slug ){
    // To get the taxonomy object
    $taxonomy_obj = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy );

    $taxonomy_name = $taxonomy_obj->name; // Name (we already got it)
    $taxonomy_label = $taxonomy_obj->label; // Label

    // Setting some data in an array
    $variations_attributes_and_values[$taxonomy] = array('label' => $taxonomy_obj->label);

    foreach($terms_slug as $term){

        // Getting the term object from the slug
        $term_obj  = get_term_by('slug', $term, $taxonomy);

        $term_id   = $term_obj->term_id; // The ID  <==  <==  <==  <==  <==  <==  HERE
        $term_name = $term_obj->name; // The Name
        $term_slug = $term_obj->slug; // The Slug
        // $term_description = $term_obj->description; // The Description

        // Setting the terms ID and values in the array
        $variations_attributes_and_values[$taxonomy]['terms'][$term_id] = array(
            'name'        => $term_name,
            'slug'        => $term_slug


echo '<pre>'; print_r($variations_attributes_and_values);echo '</pre>';

我会得到这个输出,每个属性的实际术语 ID对于产品变体(我已经安排了数组输出以使其更加紧凑):

    [pa_color] => Array(
        [label] => Color
        [terms] => Array(
            [8] => Array(
                [name] => Black
                [slug] => black'
            [9] => Array(
                [name] => Blue
                [slug] => blue
            [11] => Array(
                [name] => Green
                [slug] => green
    [pa_bulk_quantity] => Array(
        [label] => Bulk quantity
        [terms] => Array(
            [44] => Array(
                [name] => Pack of 10 dozen
                [slug] => pack-of-10-dozen
            [45] => Array(
                [name] => Case of 50 dozens
                [slug] => case-of-50-dozens

获取产品变体属性值术语 ID 和名称 的相关文章
