

我遇到了将内容脚本插入到由history.pushState 和ajax 调用更改的页面中的问题。我找到了类似的话题在 stackoverflow,但该解决方案对我不起作用(该解决方案是使用 chrome.webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated 和“popstate”事件)。


"content_scripts": [
      "matches": ["https://vk.com/audios*", "https://vk.com/al_audio.php*"],
      "js": ["jquery-2.1.4.min.js", "getListOfSongs.js"]

chrome.webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated仅当我导航到另一个页面,如果我按顺序多次导航到同一页面时才有效 什么都没发生。例如:它工作时

1) 前往https://vk.com/audios* - 首次打开页面或重新加载

2) 前往https://vk.com/some_other_page- 阿贾克斯调用

3) 前往https://vk.com/audios* - ajax调用

1) 前往https://vk.com/audios* - 首次打开页面或重新加载

2)再次转到https://vk.com/audios* - ajax 调用,此时内容脚本未注入
3)再次转到https://vk.com/audios* - ajax 调用,此时内容脚本未注入等




Also JQuery .ajaxComplete在这种情况下没有捕获任何事件。


我可能会用chrome.webNavigation.onDOMContentLoaded and chrome.webNavigation.onCompleted但是当我重新加载页面时,这些事件会发生多次,因此脚本将被注入多次。



1 - 使用计时器检查您的脚本是否仍然存在,如果不存在,请重新添加...
2 - 检查 ajax 调用,如果它们的 url 与删除脚本的 url 之一匹配,请再次添加脚本。

您的脚本(清单中定义的脚本)仍然存在,即使在 ajax 调用之后,它也不会再次运行(不确定历史推送器会发生什么)。因此,我假设您需要重新添加一些元素或重新运行剥离。我假设您添加了附加 html 标签的脚本。


1 - 计时器方法 - 我创建了一个解决方案任何元素(不仅仅是脚本)我希望添加到某个目标元素在一个页面中。

它使用计时器来检查目标元素是否存在。 当它找到目标元素时,它会添加我的。然后调整计时器来检查我的元素是否仍然存在。如果没有,请重新添加。


var timers = {}; //stores the setInterval ids

//this is the only method you need to call
//give your script an `id` (1)
//the child is your script, it can be anything JQuery.append can take
//toElem is the Jquery "SELECTOR" of the element to add your script into.
//I'm not sure what would happen if toElem were not a string.
//callback is a function to call after insertion if desired, optional.
appendChildPersistent = function(id, child, toElem, callback)
    //wait for target element to appear
    withLateElement(toElem, function(target)
        target.append(child); //appends the element - your script                                                                                                           
        if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') callback(); //execute callback if any

        //create a timer to constantly check if your script is still there
        timers[id] = setInterval(function()
            //if your script is not found, clear this timer and tries to add again          
            if (document.getElementById(id) === null)
                delete timers[id];
                appendChildPersistent(id, child, toElem, callback);


//this function waits for an element to appear on the page
//since you can't foresee when an ajax call will finish
//selector is the jquery selector of the target element
//doAction is what to do when the element is found
function withLateElement(selector, doAction)
    //checks to see if this element is already being waited for                             
    if (!(selector in timers))
        //create a timer to check if the target element appeared                                                            
        timers[selector] = setInterval(function(){              
            var elem = $(selector);

            //checks if the element exists and is not undefined
            if (elem.length >= 0)
                if (typeof elem[0] !== 'undefined')
                    //stops searching for it and executes the action specified
                    delete timers[selector];
        }, 2000);

(1) 看起来在脚本标签中添加Id没有问题:为脚本标签指定 ID

2 - 捕获ajax调用


对于这种情况,请检查这个答案, and 别忘了阅读相关答案Chrome 扩展程序在那里。只有遵循整个过程,它才会起作用。幸运的是,我今天测试了它,效果很好:p

在这里,你要做的就是改变XMLHttpRequest方法open and send检测(也可能获取参数)它们何时被调用。

但是,在 Google 扩展中,您绝对有必要将片段插入页面中(不是注入内容脚本的后台页面或脚本,而是注入一些代码的内容脚本进入大教堂,如下所示)。

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.textContent = actualCode; //actual code is the code you want to inject, the one that replaces the ajax methods
document.head.appendChild(script); //make sure document.head is already loaded before doing it
script.parentNode.removeChild(script); //I'm not sure why the original answer linked removes the script after that, but I kept doing it in my solution

这一点至关重要,因为扩展程序试图创建一个隔离的环境,并且您对扩展程序所做的更改XMLHttpRequest在这种环境下根本不会参加。 (这就是为什么 JQuery.ajaxComplete 似乎不起作用,您需要在页面中注入一个脚本才能使其工作 -看这里)

In 这个纯javascript解决方案,您替换方法:

//enclosing the function in parentheses to avoid conflict with vars from the page scope
(function() {
    var XHR = XMLHttpRequest.prototype;

    // Store the orignal methods from the request
    var open = XHR.open;
    var send = XHR.send;

    // Create your own methods to replace those

    //this custom open stores the method requested (get or post) and the url of the request
    XHR.open = function(method, url) {
        this._method = method; //this field was invented here
        this._url = url; //this field was invented here
        return open.apply(this, arguments); //calls the original method without any change

        //what I did here was only to capture the method and the url information

    //this custom send adds an event listener that fires whenever a request is complete/loaded
    XHR.send = function(postData) {
        //add event listener that fires when request loads
        this.addEventListener('load', function() {
            //what you want to do when a request is finished
            //check if your element is there and readd it if necessary
            //if you know the exact request url, you can put an if here, but it's not necessary

            addMyElementsToPage(); //your custom function to add elements
            console.log("The method called in this request was: " + this._method);
            console.log("The url of this request was: " + this._url);
            console.log("The data retrieved is: " + this.responseText);


        //call the original send method without any change
        //so the page can continue it's execution
        return send.apply(this, arguments);

        //what we did here was to insert an interceptor of the success of a request and let the request continue normally

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