ajax this 是,jQuery ajax this.id undefined




I have a list of items I delete using AJAX.

This list is a simple list with divs and each div as an id so when the item is removed from the database I return true and then it removes the line.

Here my code:




$('.delete').click(function () {

if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')) {

return false;



type: "POST",

url: '/delete_record',

data: 'id=' + this.id,

cache: false,

success: function (result) {

if (result == 'good') {

$('#row' + this.id).remove();





For some reason the this.id does not work because this.id is undefined ... why? I have id="1" on my a href.


The this you are using refers to the ajax object because there is a new scope within that function. If you want to access variables outwide your scope, you have to declare them before the ajax call.

$('.delete').click(function () {

if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')) {

return false;


var _this = this;


type: "POST",

url: '/delete_record',

data: 'id=' + this.id,

cache: false,

success: function (result) {

if (result == 'good') {

$('#row' + _this.id).remove();






Your ID should not start with a number. Here is how to formulate a valid id: What are valid values for the id attribute in HTML?

this within your success callback function does not refer to the this in your click handler function. So you need to make a reference to this in your click handler so it can be accessed in your callback function:

$('.delete').click(function () {

if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')) {

return false;


var that = this;


type: "POST",

url: '/delete_record',

data: 'id=' + this.id,

cache: false,

success: function (result) {

if (result == 'good') {

$('#row' + that.id).remove();






$('.delete').click(function () {

if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')) {

return false;


var id = this.id; // here is the magic


type: "POST",

url: '/delete_record',

data: 'id=' + this.id,

cache: false,

success: function (result) {

if (result == 'good') {

$('#row' + id).remove();






try to declare before the $.ajax the $this


var $this = this;

and use the variable.

$('.delete').click(function () {

var $this = this;

if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')) {

return false;



type: "POST",

url: '/delete_record',

data: 'id=' + $this.id,

cache: false,

success: function (result) {

if (result == 'good') {

$('#row' + $yourid).remove();






I don't see any element with a class of 'delete' in your html. Assuming it's the delete link, you need to get the id with $(this).attr('id') instead of this.id.


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