Visual Studio 中(基于字符的)STL(流)容器的编译错误


这基本上是同一个问题[SO]:C2491:'std :: numpunct :: id':不允许定义dllimport静态数据成员[关闭],但考虑以下事实:

  • (在我看来)这是一个完全有效的问题(根据[SO]:如何创建一个最小的、完整的、可验证的示例),真不知道为什么有些用户有种想关闭它的冲动
  • 标记为解决方案的答案提供了修复错误的指南(一般而言),但是不适用就目前的情况而言,当然,没有解决它,



#include <sstream>

//#define THROW_C2491
#if defined(THROW_C2491)
typedef int CharType;
typedef char CharType;

int main() {
    std::basic_stringstream<CharType> stream;
    CharType c = 0x41;
    stream << c;
    return 0;

代码稍作修改(简化),编译失败if THROW_C2491被定义为:

xlocnum(294): error C2491: 'std::numpunct<_Elem>::id': definition of dllimport static data member not allowed


E:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q048716223>"c:\Install\x86\Microsoft\Visual Studio Community\2015\vc\vcvarsall.bat" amd64

E:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q048716223>"c:\Install\x86\Microsoft\Visual Studio Community\2015\vc\bin\amd64\cl.exe" /GS /W3 /Zc:wchar_t /ZI /Gm /Od /Zc:inline /fp:precise /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /errorReport:prompt /WX- /Zc:forScope /RTC1 /Gd /MDd /EHsc /nologo -c "src\main.cpp"

E:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q048716223>echo %errorlevel%

E:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q048716223>"c:\Install\x86\Microsoft\Visual Studio Community\2015\vc\bin\amd64\cl.exe" /GS /W3 /Zc:wchar_t /ZI /Gm /Od /Zc:inline /fp:precise /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /errorReport:prompt /WX- /Zc:forScope /RTC1 /Gd /MDd /EHsc /nologo -c "src\main.cpp" /D "THROW_C2491"
c:\install\x86\microsoft\visual studio community\2015\vc\include\xlocnum(294): warning C4273: 'id': inconsistent dll linkage
c:\install\x86\microsoft\visual studio community\2015\vc\include\xlocnum(120): note: see previous definition of 'public: static std::locale::id std::numpunct<int>::id'
c:\install\x86\microsoft\visual studio community\2015\vc\include\xlocnum(120): note: while compiling class template static data member 'std::locale::id std::numpunct<_Elem>::id'
c:\install\x86\microsoft\visual studio community\2015\vc\include\xlocnum(1261): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'const _Facet &std::use_facet<std::numpunct<_Elem>>(const std::locale &)' being compiled
c:\install\x86\microsoft\visual studio community\2015\vc\include\xlocnum(1255): note: while compiling class template member function 'std::ostreambuf_iterator<_Elem,_Traits> std::num_put<_Elem,std::ostreambuf_iterator<_Elem,_Traits>>::do_put(_OutIt,std::ios_base &,_Elem,bool) const'
c:\install\x86\microsoft\visual studio community\2015\vc\include\ostream(305): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::num_put<_Elem,std::ostreambuf_iterator<_Elem,_Traits>>' being compiled
c:\install\x86\microsoft\visual studio community\2015\vc\include\ostream(291): note: while compiling class template member function 'std::basic_ostream<_Elem,_Traits> &std::basic_ostream<_Elem,_Traits>::operator <<(int)'
e:\work\dev\stackoverflow\q048716223\src\main.cpp(16): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'std::basic_ostream<_Elem,_Traits> &std::basic_ostream<_Elem,_Traits>::operator <<(int)' being compiled
c:\install\x86\microsoft\visual studio community\2015\vc\include\istream(939): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::basic_ostream<_Elem,_Traits>' being compiled
c:\install\x86\microsoft\visual studio community\2015\vc\include\sstream(574): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::basic_iostream<_Elem,_Traits>' being compiled
e:\work\dev\stackoverflow\q048716223\src\main.cpp(14): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::basic_stringstream<CharType,std::char_traits<_Elem>,std::allocator<_Elem>>' being compiled
c:\install\x86\microsoft\visual studio community\2015\vc\include\xlocnum(294): error C2491: 'std::numpunct<_Elem>::id': definition of dllimport static data member not allowed

E:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q048716223>echo %errorlevel%


  • 一切都是VStudio 2015


  • 我在用VStudio 社区 2015 (v14.0.25431.01更新3)。版本在这里很重要,因为标准头文件可能会因版本而异(并且行号可能不同)
  • Created [MSDN]:Visual Studio 中 STL(流)容器的编译错误


  1. 快速(浅层)调查

    On VStudio IDE double click, on the 2nd note in the Output window (after attempting to compile the file), and from there repeated RClicks on relevant macros, and from the context menu choosing Go To Definition (F12):

    • xlocnum (#120):(注释是原始文件/行的一部分)

      __PURE_APPDOMAIN_GLOBAL _CRTIMP2_PURE static locale::id id; // unique facet id
    • yvals.h:(#494):

           #define _CRTIMP2_PURE _CRTIMP2
    • crtdefs.h (#29+):

      #ifndef _CRTIMP2
          #if defined CRTDLL2 && defined _CRTBLD
              #define _CRTIMP2 __declspec(dllexport)
              #if defined _DLL && !defined _STATIC_CPPLIB
                  #define _CRTIMP2 __declspec(dllimport)  // @TODO - cfati: line #34: Here is the definition
                  #define _CRTIMP2

    正如所见,__declspec(dllimport)定义在第 #34 行。重复该过程_DLL宏,没有结果。发现于[MSDN]:预定义宏:

    _DLL定义为 1,当/MD or /MDd(多线程 DLL)编译器选项已设置。否则,未定义。


    • Use static的版本显像管运行时 ([MSDN]:/MD、/MT、/LD(使用运行时库))。我不认为这是一个可行的选择,特别是当该项目包括.dlls(确实如此):坏事可能会发生(例如[SO]:在 MSVC 2013 上链接到 protobuf 3 时出错,甚至更糟糕的情况可能会在运行时发生)
    • 手动#undef _DLL (in main.cpp, before any #include)。这是一个蹩脚的解决方法(gainarie)。它构建得很好,但是篡改这些东西可能(并且很可能会)触发未定义的行为在运行时


  2. 更深入一点


    #include <sstream>
    //typedef unsigned short CharType;  // wchar_t  unsigned short
    #define CharType unsigned short
    int main() {
        std::basic_stringstream<CharType> stream;
        CharType c = 0x41;
        stream << c;
        return 0;


    • 已更换typedef by #define(消除新类型定义的复杂性)
    • 切换到unsigned short这是wchar_t的定义 (/Zc:wchar_t-)以避免任何可能的字体大小 / 结盟差异

    “编译”上面的代码[MSDN]:/E(预处理到标准输出) and [MSDN]:/EP(在没有 #line 指令的情况下预处理到标准输出)(以便警告/错误仅引用当前文件中的行号):

    • 生成的预处理文件(使用上面的每个标志):~1MB+ (~56.5k lines)
    • 文件中唯一的区别是#define (wchar_t vs. unsigned short)在最后的某个地方
    • 编译这些文件(令人震惊:))产生了相同的结果:wchar_t一个编译时unsigned short因同样的错误而失败
    • Added some #pragma message statements (yes, they are handled by the preprocessor, but still) in the file that fails (before each warning/note), noticed some difference between the 2 #defines, but so far unable to figure out why 1
    • While browsing the generated file(s), noticed a template<> struct char_traits<char32_t> definition, so I gave it a try, and it worked (at least the current program compiled) 1 (and, as expected sizeof(char32_t) is 4). Then, found [MSDN]: char, wchar_t, char16_t, char32_t


    • 虽然这解决了我的current问题(仍然不知道为什么),将不得不试一试end goal
    • 1 Although I looked over the file, I didn't see any template definitions targeting only the "privileged" types (e.g. I didn't see anything that would differentiate wchar_t, signed char or char32_t from unsigned short for example), so I don't know (yet) why it works for some types but not for others. This is an open topic, whenever I'll get new updates, I will share them


As 经验地发现,在使用时允许使用以下类型char based STL容器:

  • char
  • unsigned char
  • signed char
  • wchar_t
  • char16_t
  • char32_t
  • unsigned short (/Zc:wchar_t- only )


  • 我将合并任何有用的东西(例如comments)在答案中


  • 基于 @IgorTandetnik 的回答[MSDN]:Visual Studio 中 STL(流)容器的编译错误,尽管仍然有一点雾气:

    • unsigned char and signed char
    • 之间的区别static and dynamic C++ RTLib



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