AngularJs 单元测试 - 嘲笑承诺不执行“然后”


我们正在对控制器进行单元测试。我们已经成功模拟了对 REST 服务层的调用,并验证了它确实是使用给定的数据进行调用的。然而现在我们想在我们的控制器中测试then承诺改变location.path:


(function () {

    app.controller('registerController', ['$scope', '$location', '$ourRestWrapper', function ($scope, $location, $ourRestWrapper) {

    $scope.submitReg = function(){
        // test will execute this
        var promise = $'user/registration', $scope.register);

        promise.then(function(response) {    
                console.log("success!"); // test never hits here           
            function(error) {
                console.log("error!"); // test never hits here



(function () {

    describe("controller: registerController", function() {

        var scope, location, restMock, controller, q, deferred;


        beforeEach(function() {
            restMock = {
                post: function(url, model) {
                    deferred = q.defer();    
                    return deferred.promise;

        // init controller for test
        beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $rootScope, $ourRestWrapper, $location, $q){
            scope = $rootScope.$new();
            location = $location;
            q = $q;

            controller = $controller('registerController', {
                $scope: scope, $location: location, $ourRestWrapper: restMock});

    it('should call REST layer with registration request', function() {
        scope.register = {data:'test'};

        spyOn(restMock, 'post').andCallThrough();



        // successfull
        // fail: Expected '' to be '/'.




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