提升::变体; std::unique_ptr 和复制



Tree class

template <class T = int>

class Tree{


         class TreeNode{

                 std::unique_ptr Nodes
                 Move constructors and move assignment + other public members


                 TreeNode(const TreeNode &other);      (= delete not supported on compiler)
                 TreeNode& operator=(const TreeNode &rhs);    (= delete not supported on compiler)

         };  // End Tree Node Class Definition

         Tree(const Tree &other);     (= delete not supported on compiler)
         Tree& operator=(const Tree &rhs);    (= delete not supported on compiler)


         Move constructors and move assignment + other public members

TreeVisitor class

class TreeVisitor : public boost::static_visitor<bool> {
        TreeVisitor() {}

        bool operator() (BinarySearchTree<std::string>& tree) const {
            return searchTree.load(tree);



typedef boost::variant<Tree<std::string>, Tree<int>> TreeVariant;     
TreeVariant tree;

Tree<std::string> stringTree;
Tree<int> intTree;


tree = intSearchTree;
boost::apply_visitor(TreeVisitor(), tree)

还使用 boost::bind 来获取所需的参数

boost::bind(TreeVisitor(), tree, val, keyIndex);


error C2248: 'Tree<T>::Tree' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Tree<T>'  <----- related to private copy constructor in Tree (not TreeNode)
tree = stringTree;  <-------  error related to assignment



<class T = int>

class Tree{


class TreeNode{


    TreeNode() {}
    ~TreeNode() {}  

    TreeNode(TreeNode &&other) : 
        key(other.key), index(other.index), left(std::move(other.left)), right(std::move(other.right)) 
        key = index = left = right = nullptr; 

    TreeNode &operator=(BTreeNode &&rhs)
        if(this != &rhs) 
            key = rhs.key; index = rhs.index; 
            left = std::move(rhs.left); right = std::move(rhs.right); 
            rhs.key = rhs.index = rhs.left = rhs.right = nullptr;
        return *this;

    TreeNode(const T &new_key, const T &new_index) :
        key(new_key), index(new_index), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}

    friend class Tree;


    TreeNode(const BinarySearchTreeNode &other);
    TreeNode& operator=(const BinarySearchTreeNode &rhs);

    std::unique_ptr<TreeNode> left;
    std::unique_ptr<TreeNode> right;

};  // End Tree Node Class Definition

std::unique_ptr<TreeNode> root;

BinarySearchTree(const BinarySearchTree &other);
BinarySearchTree& operator=(const BinarySearchTree &rhs);


Tree() : root(nullptr), flag(false), run(true), leftCount(0), rightCount(0) {}

~Tree() {}

Tree(BinarySearchTree &&other) : root(std::move(other.root)) { other.root = nullptr; }

Tree &operator=(BinarySearchTree &&rhs) 
    if(this != &rhs)
        root = std::move(rhs.root); 
        rhs.root = nullptr;
    return *this;



bool delete_(){

                    // grab first instance
                    keyIndex = instances.at(0);
                    // compute end of the tuple to delete
                    endIndex = keyIndex + sizeToDelete;

                    // read the first attribute
                        temp = boost::trim_copy(dataFile->readData(keyIndex, domainSize));
                    catch (std::exception &e){
                        printw("Error reading from the data file");

                    // delete tuple from data file
                    if(!dataFile->deleteTuple(keyIndex, endIndex)){
                        printw("Error attempting to remove tuple");
                        if (writer_ != nullptr)
                            writer_ << "Error attempting to remove tuple";
                            // close catalog and search file

                        catch (std::exception &e){
                        // close data file
                        return false;

                        int val = boost::lexical_cast<int>(temp);

                        searchTree = intSearchTree;

                        boost::bind(BinarySearchTreeVisitor(), searchTree, val, keyIndex);

                        // delete key index from the index file
                        if (!boost::apply_visitor(BinarySearchTreeVisitor(), searchTree)){
                            printw("No index present in index file");
                                printw(" ");

                            catch (std::exception &e){

                            // close data file
                            return false;           
                    catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast &e){

                         * Must be a std::string --- wow who knew

                        searchTree = stringSearchTree;

                        boost::bind(BinarySearchTreeVisitor(), searchTree, temp, keyIndex);

                        // delete key index from the index file
                        if (!boost::apply_visitor(BinarySearchTreeVisitor(), searchTree)){
                            printw("No index present in index file");
                                printw(" ");
                                // close catalog and search file

                            catch (std::exception &e){
                            // close data file
                            return false;           


                    // clean up the index file
                    boost::bind(BinarySearchTreeVisitor(), searchTree, keyIndex, sizeToDelete);
                    boost::apply_visitor(BinarySearchTreeVisitor(), searchTree);


                    for(int i= 0; i < instances.size(); i++){
                        instances.assign(i, instances.at(i) - 



boost::bind(TreeVisitor(), boost::ref(tree), val, keyIndex);
//                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

然而,这里有一个更大的问题:boost::variant只能保存可复制构造的类型。来自Boost.Variant 在线文档:


  • CopyConstructible[20.1.3]。

  • 析构函数维护不抛出异常的安全保证。

  • 在变体模板实例化时完成。 (看boost::recursive_wrapper<T>对于接受不完整类型以启用递归变体类型的类型包装器。)

指定为模板参数的每个类型variant必须至少满足上述要求. [...]


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