


strint_example = "hello world good night"
index = strint_example.find("good")


strint_example = "hello world good night"
index = strint_example.index("good",0,10)#从零开始检索good是否包含在内
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:/pycharm202.2.3/pythonProject1/demo1.py", line 2, in <module>
    index = strint_example.index("good",0,10)
ValueError: substring not found

Process finished with exit code 1

strint_example = "hello world good night"
index = strint_example.index("good",1,17)
12    #包含运行的结果


strint_example = "hello world good night"
result = strint_example.count("good")


strint_example = "hello world good night"
new_string = strint_example.replace("night","evening",1)	#1代表替换次数,不能超过这个次数
hello world good evening


strint_example = "hello world good night"
['hello', 'world', 'good', 'night']
['h', 'llo world good night']
['', 'ello world good nig', 't']


old_string = "hello World Good Night"
new_string = old_string.capitalize()
Hello world good night


old_string = "hello World Good Night"
new_string = old_string.title()
Hello World Good Night


old_string = "hello World Good Night"
new_string = old_string.startswith("hello")


old_string = "hello World Good Night"
new_string_one = old_string.endswith("Night")
new_string_tow = old_string.endswith("night")


old_string = "hello World Good Night"
new_string = old_string.upper()


old_string = "hello World Good Night"
new_string = old_string.ljust(30,'-')	#  宽度为30,单引号里面为剩余位置的情况
hello World Good Night--------

old_string = "hello World Good Night"
new_string = old_string.rjust(30,'-')
--------hello World Good Night


old_string_one = "     hello World Good Night"
old_string_tow = "hello World Good Night     "
new_string_one = old_string_one.lstrip()
new_string_tow = old_string_tow.rstrip()
hello World Good Night
hello World Good Night

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