将 n 个数字插入二叉搜索树的复杂性


I have got a question, and it says "calculate the tight time complexity for the process of inserting n numbers into a binary search tree". It does not denote whether this is a balanced tree or not. So, what answer can be given to such a question? If this is a balanced tree, then height is logn, and inserting n numbers take O(nlogn) time. But this is unbalanced, it may take even O(n2) time in the worst case. What does it mean to find the tight time complexity of inserting n numbers to a bst? Am i missing something? Thanks

即使树是平衡的,它也可能是 O(n^2)。

假设您要添加一个已排序的数字列表,所有数字都大于树中的最大数字。在这种情况下,所有数字都将添加到树中最右边叶子的右孩子中,因此 O(n^2)。

例如,假设您将数字 [15..115] 添加到以下树中:

enter image description here

这些数字将作为一条长链添加,每个节点都有一个右侧子节点。对于列表中的第 i 个元素,您必须遍历 ~i 个节点,这会产生 O(n^2)。

一般来说,如果你想保持插入和检索的时间复杂度为 O(nlogn),你需要使用自平衡树.


将 n 个数字插入二叉搜索树的复杂性 的相关文章
