在 Django 网站中嵌入 Bokeh 图会导致空白页面且没有错误消息


我正在尝试将 Bokeh 图嵌入到具有上传按钮的 Django 网站中。我正在使用给出的例子here作为起点,然后添加有关嵌入的说明here。这是我的问题的后续here因为我现在有一个新问题。当我转到与其关联的网址时,该图不会显示,但没有错误消息并且页面加载。

I used need-a-minimal-django-file-upload-example/for_django_1.8当我导航到 url 时它按预期工作http://<port>/myapp/list/

enter image description here


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
from . import views

urlpatterns = patterns('myproject.myapp.views',
    url(r'^list/$', 'list', name='list'),
    url(r'^simple_chart/$', views.simple_chart, name="simple_chart"),

Here is views.py and simple_chart.html。当我导航到http://<port>/myapp/simple_chart/ the simple_chart函数应该生成一个图。


import pdb
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

from myproject.myapp.models import Document
from myproject.myapp.forms import DocumentForm

from django.shortcuts import render
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.resources import CDN
from bokeh.embed import components

def list(request):
    # Handle file upload
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = DocumentForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            newdoc = Document(docfile=request.FILES['docfile'])

            # Redirect to the document list after POST
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('myproject.myapp.views.list'))
        form = DocumentForm()  # A empty, unbound form

    # Load documents for the list page
    documents = Document.objects.all()

    # Render list page with the documents and the form
    return render_to_response(
        {'documents': documents, 'form': form},

def simple_chart(request):
    plot = figure()
    plot.circle([1,2], [3,4])

    script, div = components(plot, CDN)
    return render(request, "simple_chart.html", {"the_script":script, "the_div":div})


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Experiment with Bokeh</title>
    <script src="http://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.9.0.min.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.9.0.min.css">




enter image description here

我尝试用断点替换pdb.set_trace()正如你所看到的评论views.py多于。两个都script and div当我导航到 url 时有值:


(Pdb)  script
'\n<script type="text/javascript">\n    Bokeh.$(function() {\n    var docs_json = {"16f6d3df-63fd-495d-9eec-ea3aab28b407": {"roots": {"references": [{"id": "4dc7cc72-cd52-4613-aaa2-ec93471f694b", "type": "DataRange1d", "attributes": {"callback": null}}, {"id": "187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53", "subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "attributes": {"tools": [{"id": "4d60f7b2-0da1-48d0-9c2c-659df516c0b9", "type": "PanTool"}, {"id": "dbbfac54-7529-4686-b18b-288f0ece3d19", "type": "WheelZoomTool"}, {"id": "2083997a-0bd7-46bc-b46c-fd537f7bc5b0", "type": "BoxZoomTool"}, {"id": "065744d9-e11f-4f4f-81de-1fcff22fba0f", "type": "PreviewSaveTool"}, {"id": "60c5f5c0-699a-4457-8ee4-4ab4ae59fea5", "type": "ResizeTool"}, {"id": "3875ebde-81d3-4d2b-8c0a-fdb3c62befb1", "type": "ResetTool"}, {"id": "5265f945-25ed-438a-8dbb-8ed4ffd8cc88", "type": "HelpTool"}], "x_range": {"id": "f7502b7f-436b-4346-b6d8-1b38ec8b952f", "type": "DataRange1d"}, "renderers": [{"id": "a89b6514-5796-4174-a875-a48cb57a4fe1", "type": "LinearAxis"}, {"id": "5e16dd18-2495-4802-b747-c2d5d40ff627", "type": "Grid"}, {"id": "1f9e2ca7-88c0-4394-ab65-f4c96f73ad26", "type": "LinearAxis"}, {"id": "47341cd5-9be7-47b9-9576-e09abc2e2488", "type": "Grid"}, {"id": "d1ea5c26-8c19-42fe-9c2e-7071fd921adf", "type": "BoxAnnotation"}, {"id": "08786c7e-0575-40f3-8cfa-030adb650929", "type": "GlyphRenderer"}], "below": [{"id": "a89b6514-5796-4174-a875-a48cb57a4fe1", "type": "LinearAxis"}], "left": [{"id": "1f9e2ca7-88c0-4394-ab65-f4c96f73ad26", "type": "LinearAxis"}], "y_range": {"id": "4dc7cc72-cd52-4613-aaa2-ec93471f694b", "type": "DataRange1d"}, "tool_events": {"id": "a7e57d1e-52a2-408d-9c53-1e2eadc7b1f1", "type": "ToolEvents"}}}, {"id": "1f9e2ca7-88c0-4394-ab65-f4c96f73ad26", "type": "LinearAxis", "attributes": {"plot": {"id": "187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53", "subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot"}, "ticker": {"id": "27375dd5-6ffd-418e-a2bb-7dfcee967f0e", "type": "BasicTicker"}, "formatter": {"id": "5b7afacf-63d7-4ccc-8752-47687f2cc6a1", "type": "BasicTickFormatter"}}}, {"id": "dbbfac54-7529-4686-b18b-288f0ece3d19", "type": "WheelZoomTool", "attributes": {"plot": {"id": "187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53", "subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot"}}}, {"id": "2083997a-0bd7-46bc-b46c-fd537f7bc5b0", "type": "BoxZoomTool", "attributes": {"plot": {"id": "187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53", "subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot"}, "overlay": {"id": "d1ea5c26-8c19-42fe-9c2e-7071fd921adf", "type": "BoxAnnotation"}}}, {"id": "60c5f5c0-699a-4457-8ee4-4ab4ae59fea5", "type": "ResizeTool", "attributes": {"plot": {"id": "187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53", "subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot"}}}, {"id": "5e16dd18-2495-4802-b747-c2d5d40ff627", "type": "Grid", "attributes": {"plot": {"id": "187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53", "subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot"}, "ticker": {"id": "6e344350-1f50-4314-aaba-922a4f9d0f5c", "type": "BasicTicker"}}}, {"id": "b83aaff2-f295-4e62-a7c5-a56f848dbbd0", "type": "ColumnDataSource", "attributes": {"data": {"x": [1, 2], "y": [3, 4]}, "callback": null, "column_names": ["x", "y"]}}, {"id": "a7e57d1e-52a2-408d-9c53-1e2eadc7b1f1", "type": "ToolEvents", "attributes": {}}, {"id": "27375dd5-6ffd-418e-a2bb-7dfcee967f0e", "type": "BasicTicker", "attributes": {}}, {"id": "ca5882e6-81a2-4ceb-a9d3-d459e1597306", "type": "Circle", "attributes": {"x": {"field": "x"}, "line_color": {"value": "#1f77b4"}, "fill_color": {"value": "#1f77b4"}, "y": {"field": "y"}}}, {"id": "f7502b7f-436b-4346-b6d8-1b38ec8b952f", "type": "DataRange1d", "attributes": {"callback": null}}, {"id": "6e344350-1f50-4314-aaba-922a4f9d0f5c", "type": "BasicTicker", "attributes": {}}, {"id": "a89b6514-5796-4174-a875-a48cb57a4fe1", "type": "LinearAxis", "attributes": {"plot": {"id": "187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53", "subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot"}, "ticker": {"id": "6e344350-1f50-4314-aaba-922a4f9d0f5c", "type": "BasicTicker"}, "formatter": {"id": "08eea83f-0d3a-40b8-94b8-39c254ab4256", "type": "BasicTickFormatter"}}}, {"id": "5265f945-25ed-438a-8dbb-8ed4ffd8cc88", "type": "HelpTool", "attributes": {"plot": {"id": "187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53", "subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot"}}}, {"id": "3875ebde-81d3-4d2b-8c0a-fdb3c62befb1", "type": "ResetTool", "attributes": {"plot": {"id": "187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53", "subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot"}}}, {"id": "8172ee67-a90f-4452-8bf2-06a9bb36989f", "type": "Circle", "attributes": {"x": {"field": "x"}, "line_color": {"value": "#1f77b4"}, "fill_color": {"value": "#1f77b4"}, "fill_alpha": {"value": 0.1}, "line_alpha": {"value": 0.1}, "y": {"field": "y"}}}, {"id": "08eea83f-0d3a-40b8-94b8-39c254ab4256", "type": "BasicTickFormatter", "attributes": {}}, {"id": "47341cd5-9be7-47b9-9576-e09abc2e2488", "type": "Grid", "attributes": {"plot": {"id": "187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53", "subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot"}, "ticker": {"id": "27375dd5-6ffd-418e-a2bb-7dfcee967f0e", "type": "BasicTicker"}, "dimension": 1}}, {"id": "5b7afacf-63d7-4ccc-8752-47687f2cc6a1", "type": "BasicTickFormatter", "attributes": {}}, {"id": "065744d9-e11f-4f4f-81de-1fcff22fba0f", "type": "PreviewSaveTool", "attributes": {"plot": {"id": "187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53", "subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot"}}}, {"id": "4d60f7b2-0da1-48d0-9c2c-659df516c0b9", "type": "PanTool", "attributes": {"plot": {"id": "187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53", "subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot"}}}, {"id": "08786c7e-0575-40f3-8cfa-030adb650929", "type": "GlyphRenderer", "attributes": {"nonselection_glyph": {"id": "8172ee67-a90f-4452-8bf2-06a9bb36989f", "type": "Circle"}, "selection_glyph": null, "hover_glyph": null, "glyph": {"id": "ca5882e6-81a2-4ceb-a9d3-d459e1597306", "type": "Circle"}, "data_source": {"id": "b83aaff2-f295-4e62-a7c5-a56f848dbbd0", "type": "ColumnDataSource"}}}, {"id": "d1ea5c26-8c19-42fe-9c2e-7071fd921adf", "type": "BoxAnnotation", "attributes": {"line_color": {"value": "black"}, "top_units": "screen", "fill_alpha": {"value": 0.5}, "bottom_units": "screen", "left_units": "screen", "line_width": {"value": 2}, "plot": null, "fill_color": {"value": "lightgrey"}, "level": "overlay", "render_mode": "css", "line_alpha": {"value": 1.0}, "line_dash": [4, 4], "right_units": "screen"}}], "root_ids": ["187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53"]}, "title": "Bokeh Application", "version": "0.11.0"}};\n    var render_items = [{"elementid": "edd70933-dd28-4546-b254-838bc492cb35", "modelid": "187abafd-5966-4ab2-b20f-946153f75b53", "docid": "16f6d3df-63fd-495d-9eec-ea3aab28b407"}];\n    \n    Bokeh.embed.embed_items(docs_json, render_items);\n});\n</script>'


(Pdb)  div
'\n<div class="plotdiv" id="edd70933-dd28-4546-b254-838bc492cb35"></div>'


以下均直接摘自 Bokeh 网站:

from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.embed import components

plot = figure()
plot.circle([1,2], [3,4])

script, div = components(plot)


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Bokeh Scatter Plots</title>

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.9.0.min.css" type="text/css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.9.0.min.js"></script>

        <!-- COPY/PASTE SCRIPT HERE -->

        <!-- INSERT DIVS HERE -->

那么什么给出呢?为什么我看不到散景图?我正在使用 pycharm 并已阅读答案here尽管我没有使用“绿色小按钮”,但调试时它可能会被破坏,所以我不认为这是一个 pycharm 问题

我有类似的问题,罪魁祸首是散景版本。 我使用的是PyCharm 2017.3.4(社区版)


<script src="http://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.11.0.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.11.0.min.css">

检查散景版本,例如pip freeze并获取散景版本bokeh==0.12.14


<script src="http://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.12.14.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.12.14.min.css">

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    我试图让滑块 用户输入和表格之间的依赖关系发挥作用 我尝试输出数据并使用回调来更新它 建议我只在回调中创建表并使用 Div 定义其在显示中的位置 其他信息 表是使用 dash table 库从 pandas DataFrame 创建的 数据
  • $?VAR 在 csh 中意味着什么?

    我遇到过用 csh 编写的这段代码 if LM LICENSE FILE then setenv LM LICENSE FILE LmLicense else switch LM LICENSE FILE case LmLicense br
  • 通过 html 按钮更改变量

    我正在学习 javascript 我决定创建简单的石头剪刀布游戏 我想让它可以通过按钮控制 所以我用html做了这个 div div
  • 如何使用 UIWebView 加载包含哈希片段“#”的 NSURL?

    给定一个本地 URL 地址 例如 index html 现在我需要使用UIWebView将其加载到 iPad 中 我按照以下步骤操作 创建 NSURL NSURL url NSURL fileURLWithPath http mysite
  • 如何使用 xQuery 对转义的 XML 进行取消编码

    我在 xQuery 中有一个类型为 xs string 的变量 其值为编码的 HTML 片段 twitter 推文的内容 它看起来像这样 今日头条美联社来源 b 奥巴马 b 挑选 司法职位撤回 新闻 休息 世界 http shar es m
  • Swift:如何从我的应用程序到 iBooks 打开本地 pdf

    我之前是用objective c的 下面的 Objective C 代码运行良好 in h property retain UIDocumentInteractionController docController 并以 m 为单位 NSS
  • 滚动到 ScrollView 中 TableLayout 的最后一行

    我想要一个动态表 在 ScrollView 中使用 TableLayout 随着时间的推移 由于用户交互而添加行 这工作正常 但是当我想使用滚动到表格末尾时fullScroll 它总是省略最后一行 也就是说 它会滚动 以便最后一个之前的一个
  • Powershell - 通过删除最后几个字符来重命名文件名

    我想删除多个文件名的最后 11 个字符 例如 我有这些文件名 ABCDE 2015 10 20 HIJKL 2015 10 20 MNOPQ 2015 10 20 RSTUV 2015 10 20 想将它们重命名为 ABCDE HIJKL
  • 将 linq 中的字符串转换为大数据库上的实体

    我想将 linq toEntity 中的字符串转换为 int 但 Convert ToInt32 和 int Parse 无法转换为 sql 我的数据库很大 无法将它们全部存入内存 超过 60k 记录并变得更大 我的查询是这样的 int m
  • 在 Django 网站中嵌入 Bokeh 图会导致空白页面且没有错误消息

    我正在尝试将 Bokeh 图嵌入到具有上传按钮的 Django 网站中 我正在使用给出的例子here作为起点 然后添加有关嵌入的说明here 这是我的问题的后续here因为我现在有一个新问题 当我转到与其关联的网址时 该图不会显示 但没有错