


在尝试了一下可变参数模板之后,我意识到实现任何稍微超出微不足道的元编程任务的东西很快就会变得相当麻烦。特别是,我发现自己希望有一种方式来表现对参数包的通用操作例如iterate, split, loop in a std::for_each- 比如时尚等等。

看完后安德烈·亚历山德雷斯库 (Andrei Alexandrescu) 的演讲来自 C++ and Beyond 2012 的关于以下内容的可取性static if转化为 C++(借用自 C++ 的构造D 编程语言)我有一种感觉static for也会派上用场的——而且我对这些有更多的感觉static构建可以带来好处。


template<typename... Ts>
void my_function(Ts&&... args)
    static for (int i = 0; i < sizeof...(args); i++) // PSEUDO-CODE!


template<typename... Ts>
void my_function(Ts&&... args)
    // ...
    foo(nth_value_of<sizeof...(args) - 1>(args));


template<typename... Ts>
void foo(Ts&&... args)
    constexpr s = sizeof...(args);

    static for (int i = 0; i < s / 2; i++)
        // Do something

    static for (int i = s / 2; i < s; i++)
        // Do something different


template<typename... Ts>
void foo(Ts&&... args)
    static for_each (auto&& x : args)



  • 这个链接描述了如何将参数包转换为 Boost.MPL 向量,但这只实现了目标的一半(如果不是更少);
  • 这个问题关于SO似乎需要一个类似且稍微相关的元编程功能(将参数包分成两半) - 实际上,SO上有几个问题似乎与这个问题相关,但我读过的答案都没有解决它恕我直言,令人满意;
  • Boost.Fusion defines algorithms for converting an argument pack into a tuple, but I would prefer:
    1. 不去创造不必要的临时保存可以(并且应该)完美转发给某些通用算法的参数;
    2. have a 小,独立库来做到这一点,而 Boost.Fusion 可能包含比解决这个问题所需的更多的东西。




  • 允许迭代所有或some参数包的元素,可能由计算包装上的索引;
  • 允许将参数包的计算部分转发给可变参数函子;
  • 只需要包含一个较短的头文件;
  • 广泛使用完美转发以允许大量内联并避免不必要的复制/移动以最小化性能损失;
  • 迭代算法的内部实现依赖于空基类优化来最小化内存消耗;
  • 扩展和适应很容易(相对而言,考虑到它的模板元编程)。




// Simple functor with a generic call operator that prints its input. This is used by the
// following functors and by some demonstrative test cases in the main() routine.
struct print
    template<typename T>
    void operator () (T&& t)
        cout << t << endl;

// This shows how a for_each_*** helper can be used inside a variadic template function
template<typename... Ts>
void print_all(Ts&&... args)
    for_each_in_arg_pack(print(), forward<Ts>(args)...);

The print上面的函子也可以用于更复杂的计算。特别是,这里是人们如何迭代subset(在这种情况下,一个子范围) 包中的参数:

// Shows how to select portions of an argument pack and 
// invoke a functor for each of the selected elements
template<typename... Ts>
void split_and_print(Ts&&... args)
    constexpr size_t packSize = sizeof...(args);
    constexpr size_t halfSize = packSize / 2;

    cout << "Printing first half:" << endl;
        print(), // The functor to invoke for each element
        index_range<0, halfSize>(), // The indices to select
        forward<Ts>(args)... // The argument pack

    cout << "Printing second half:" << endl;
        print(), // The functor to invoke for each element
        index_range<halfSize, packSize>(), // The indices to select
        forward<Ts>(args)... // The argument pack


// Functor with variadic call operator that shows the usage of for_each_*** 
// to print all the arguments of a heterogeneous pack
struct my_func
    template<typename... Ts>
    void operator ()(Ts&&... args)

// Shows how to forward only a portion of an argument pack 
// to another variadic functor
template<typename... Ts>
void split_and_print(Ts&&... args)
    constexpr size_t packSize = sizeof...(args);
    constexpr size_t halfSize = packSize / 2;

    cout << "Printing first half:" << endl;
    forward_subpack(my_func(), index_range<0, halfSize>(), forward<Ts>(args)...);

    cout << "Printing second half:" << endl;
    forward_subpack(my_func(), index_range<halfSize, packSize>(), forward<Ts>(args)...);

对于更具体的任务,当然可以通过以下方式检索包中的特定参数indexing他们。这就是nth_value_of()函数允许与其助手一起执行操作first_value_of() and last_value_of():

// Shows that arguments in a pack can be indexed
template<unsigned I, typename... Ts>
void print_first_last_and_indexed(Ts&&... args)
    cout << "First argument: " << first_value_of(forward<Ts>(args)...) << endl;
    cout << "Last argument: " << last_value_of(forward<Ts>(args)...) << endl;
    cout << "Argument #" << I << ": " << nth_value_of<I>(forward<Ts>(args)...) << endl;


// Shows the use of range-based for loops to iterate over a
// homogeneous argument pack
template<typename... Ts>
void print_all(Ts&&... args)
        "Template parameter pack not homogeneous!"

    for (auto&& x : { args... })
        // Do something with x...

    cout << endl;

最后,自从lambdas只是句法糖对于函子,它们也可以与上述算法结合使用;然而,直到泛型 lambda将由 C++ 支持,这仅适用于同质参数包。下面的例子也展示了使用homogeneous-type<>元函数,返回同构包中所有参数的类型:

 // ...
     "Template parameter pack not homogeneous!"
 using type = homogeneous_type<Ts...>::type;
 for_each_in_arg_pack([] (type const& x) { cout << x << endl; }, forward<Ts>(args)...);




#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>


// Declare primary template
template<int I, typename... Ts>
struct nth_type_of

// Base step
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
struct nth_type_of<0, T, Ts...>
    using type = T;

// Induction step
template<int I, typename T, typename... Ts>
struct nth_type_of<I, T, Ts...>
    using type = typename nth_type_of<I - 1, Ts...>::type;

// Helper meta-function for retrieving the first type in a parameter pack
template<typename... Ts>
struct first_type_of
    using type = typename nth_type_of<0, Ts...>::type;

// Helper meta-function for retrieving the last type in a parameter pack
template<typename... Ts>
struct last_type_of
    using type = typename nth_type_of<sizeof...(Ts) - 1, Ts...>::type;


// Base step
template<int I, typename T, typename... Ts>
auto nth_value_of(T&& t, Ts&&... args) ->
    typename std::enable_if<(I == 0), decltype(std::forward<T>(t))>::type
    return std::forward<T>(t);

// Induction step
template<int I, typename T, typename... Ts>
auto nth_value_of(T&& t, Ts&&... args) ->
    typename std::enable_if<(I > 0), decltype(
        std::forward<typename nth_type_of<I, T, Ts...>::type>(
            std::declval<typename nth_type_of<I, T, Ts...>::type>()
    using return_type = typename nth_type_of<I, T, Ts...>::type;
    return std::forward<return_type>(nth_value_of<I - 1>((std::forward<Ts>(args))...));

// Helper function for retrieving the first value of an argument pack
template<typename... Ts>
auto first_value_of(Ts&&... args) ->
        std::forward<typename first_type_of<Ts...>::type>(
            std::declval<typename first_type_of<Ts...>::type>()
    using return_type = typename first_type_of<Ts...>::type;
    return std::forward<return_type>(nth_value_of<0>((std::forward<Ts>(args))...));

// Helper function for retrieving the last value of an argument pack
template<typename... Ts>
auto last_value_of(Ts&&... args) ->
        std::forward<typename last_type_of<Ts...>::type>(
            std::declval<typename last_type_of<Ts...>::type>()
    using return_type = typename last_type_of<Ts...>::type;
    return std::forward<return_type>(nth_value_of<sizeof...(Ts) - 1>((std::forward<Ts>(args))...));


// Used as the underlying type of non-homogeneous parameter packs
struct null_type

// Declare primary template
template<typename... Ts>
struct homogeneous_type;

// Base step
template<typename T>
struct homogeneous_type<T>
    using type = T;
    static const bool isHomogeneous = true;

// Induction step
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
struct homogeneous_type<T, Ts...>
    // The underlying type of the tail of the parameter pack
    using type_of_remaining_parameters = typename homogeneous_type<Ts...>::type;

    // True if each parameter in the pack has the same type
    static const bool isHomogeneous = std::is_same<T, type_of_remaining_parameters>::value;

    // If isHomogeneous is "false", the underlying type is the fictitious null_type
    using type = typename std::conditional<isHomogeneous, T, null_type>::type;

// Meta-function to determine if a parameter pack is homogeneous
template<typename... Ts>
struct is_homogeneous_pack
    static const bool value = homogeneous_type<Ts...>::isHomogeneous;


// The structure that encapsulates index lists
template <unsigned... Is>
struct index_list

// Collects internal details for generating index ranges [MIN, MAX)
namespace detail
    // Declare primary template for index range builder
    template <unsigned MIN, unsigned N, unsigned... Is>
    struct range_builder;

    // Base step
    template <unsigned MIN, unsigned... Is>
    struct range_builder<MIN, MIN, Is...>
        typedef index_list<Is...> type;

    // Induction step
    template <unsigned MIN, unsigned N, unsigned... Is>
    struct range_builder : public range_builder<MIN, N - 1, N - 1, Is...>

// Meta-function that returns a [MIN, MAX) index range
template<unsigned MIN, unsigned MAX>
using index_range = typename detail::range_builder<MIN, MAX>::type;


// Implementation inspired by @jogojapan's answer to this question:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14089637/return-several-arguments-for-another-function-by-a-single-function

// Collects internal details for implementing functor invocation
namespace detail
    // Functor invocation is realized through variadic inheritance.
    // The constructor of each base class invokes an input functor.
    // An functor invoker for an argument pack has one base class
    // for each argument in the pack

    // Realizes the invocation of the functor for one parameter
    template<unsigned I, typename T>
    struct invoker_base
        template<typename F, typename U>
        invoker_base(F&& f, U&& u) { f(u); }

    // Necessary because a class cannot inherit the same class twice
    template<unsigned I, typename T>
    struct indexed_type
        static const unsigned int index = I;
        using type = T;

    // The functor invoker: inherits from a list of base classes.
    // The constructor of each of these classes invokes the input
    // functor with one of the arguments in the pack.
    template<typename... Ts>
    struct invoker : public invoker_base<Ts::index, typename Ts::type>...
        template<typename F, typename... Us>
        invoker(F&& f, Us&&... args)
            invoker_base<Ts::index, typename Ts::type>(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Us>(args))...

// The functor provided in the first argument is invoked for each
// argument in the pack whose index is contained in the index list
// specified in the second argument
template<typename F, unsigned... Is, typename... Ts>
void for_each_in_arg_pack_subset(F&& f, index_list<Is...> const& i, Ts&&... args)
    // Constructors of invoker's sub-objects will invoke the functor.
    // Note that argument types must be paired with numbers because the
    // implementation is based on inheritance, and one class cannot
    // inherit the same base class twice.
    detail::invoker<detail::indexed_type<Is, typename nth_type_of<Is, Ts...>::type>...> invoker(

// The functor provided in the first argument is invoked for each
// argument in the pack
template<typename F, typename... Ts>
void for_each_in_arg_pack(F&& f, Ts&&... args)
    for_each_in_arg_pack_subset(f, index_range<0, sizeof...(Ts)>(), std::forward<Ts>(args)...);

// The functor provided in the first argument is given in input the
// arguments in whose index is contained in the index list specified
// as the second argument.
template<typename F, unsigned... Is, typename... Ts>
void forward_subpack(F&& f, index_list<Is...> const& i, Ts&&... args)

// The functor provided in the first argument is given in input all the
// arguments in the pack.
template<typename F, typename... Ts>
void forward_pack(F&& f, Ts&&... args)


当然,即使我对这个问题提供了自己的答案(实际上因为这个事实),我很好奇是否存在我错过的替代或更好的解决方案 - 除了问题的“相关作品”部分中提到的解决方案之外。


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    我正在运行一个多类模型 总共 40 个类 2000 个时期 该模型在 828 纪元之前运行良好 但在 829 纪元时它给了我一个 InvalidArgumentError 参见下面的屏幕截图 下面是我用来构建模型的代码 n cats 40
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    我在 IndexedDB 中有这段代码 var request objectStore add entryType entryType entryDate t 现在我想知道刚刚添加的这条记录的密钥 我该怎么做 I found 本文 和这个
  • iOS 版 GoogleMaps SDK 上是否存在标记动画?

    是否可以移动 旋转GMSMarker on GMSMapView有动画 1 2 中的补充是GMSMarker类有一个animated属性 我想你刚刚将其设置为YES 在通过设置其标记将标记添加到地图之前map属性 虽然我还没有尝试过 htt
  • 如何将原子计数器添加到 powershell ForEach -Parallel 循环

    在这个问题中 解释了如何添加到并发ThreadSafe集合Powershell 如何将结果添加到数组 ForEach Object Parallel 我有一个更简单的用例 我只想增加一个值 整数 是否可以在 Powershell 中使用某种
  • PerformSelector:withObject: 及其保留行为

    这是SO中已经回答的问题但是我在 Apple 文档中找不到它 你能指出我正确的方向吗 在以下主题中 在将对象传递给 performSelector withObject afterDelay 之前是否必须保留该对象 对 PerformSel
  • 如何对可变参数模板函数的异构参数包进行通用计算?

    PREMISE 在尝试了一下可变参数模板之后 我意识到实现任何稍微超出微不足道的元编程任务的东西很快就会变得相当麻烦 特别是 我发现自己希望有一种方式来表现对参数包的通用操作例如iterate split loop in a std for