如何访问和处理嵌套对象、数组或 JSON?




var data = {
    code: 42,
    items: [{
        id: 1,
        name: 'foo'
    }, {
        id: 2,
        name: 'bar'



JavaScript 只有一种数据类型,可以包含多个值:Object. An Array是一种特殊形式的物体。


{key: value, key: value, ...}


[value, value, ...]

数组和对象都公开了key -> value结构。数组中的键必须是数字,而任何字符串都可以用作对象中的键。键值对也称为“特性”.


const value = obj.someProperty;

or bracket notation, if the property name would not be a valid JavaScript identifier name [spec], or the name is the value of a variable:

// the space is not a valid character in identifier names
const value = obj["some Property"];

// property name as variable
const name = "some Property";
const value = obj[name];


const value = arr[5]; // arr.5 would be a syntax error

// property name / index as variable
const x = 5;
const value = arr[x];

等等...JSON 怎么样?

JSON 是数据的文本表示形式,就像 XML、YAML、CSV 等一样。要处理此类数据,首先必须将其转换为 JavaScript 数据类型,即数组和对象(刚刚解释了如何处理这些数据)。问题中解释了如何解析 JSON在 JavaScript 中解析 JSON? .


如何访问数组和对象是 JavaScript 的基础知识,因此建议阅读MDN JavaScript 指南,特别是以下部分

  • 使用对象
  • Arrays
  • Eloquent JavaScript - 数据结构




const data = {
    code: 42,
    items: [{
        id: 1,
        name: 'foo'
    }, {
        id: 2,
        name: 'bar'








const item_name = data.items[1].name;


const item_name = data['items'][1]['name'];

我正在尝试访问某个属性,但我只得到undefined back?


const foo = {bar: {baz: 42}};
console.log(foo.baz); // undefined

Use console.log or console.dir并检查对象/数组的结构。您尝试访问的属性实际上可能是在嵌套对象/数组上定义的。

console.log(foo.bar.baz); // 42


If the property names are unknown or we want to access all properties of an object / elements of an array, we can use the for...in [MDN] loop for objects and the for [MDN] loop for arrays to iterate over all properties / elements.



for (const prop in data) {
    // `prop` contains the name of each property, i.e. `'code'` or `'items'`
    // consequently, `data[prop]` refers to the value of each property, i.e.
    // either `42` or the array

Depending on where the object comes from (and what you want to do), you might have to test in each iteration whether the property is really a property of the object, or it is an inherited property. You can do this with Object#hasOwnProperty [MDN].

As alternative to for...in with hasOwnProperty, you can use Object.keys [MDN] to get an array of property names:

Object.keys(data).forEach(function(prop) {
  // `prop` is the property name
  // `data[prop]` is the property value


迭代所有元素data.items array,我们使用一个for loop:

for(let i = 0, l = data.items.length; i < l; i++) {
    // `i` will take on the values `0`, `1`, `2`,..., i.e. in each iteration
    // we can access the next element in the array with `data.items[i]`, example:
    // var obj = data.items[i];
    // Since each element is an object (in our example),
    // we can now access the objects properties with `obj.id` and `obj.name`. 
    // We could also use `data.items[i].id`.

也可以使用for...in迭代数组,但有一些原因应该避免这种情况:为什么在 JavaScript 中使用数组的“for(var item in list)”被认为是不好的做法?.

With the increasing browser support of ECMAScript 5, the array method forEach [MDN] becomes an interesting alternative as well:

data.items.forEach(function(value, index, array) {
    // The callback is executed for each element in the array.
    // `value` is the element itself (equivalent to `array[index]`)
    // `index` will be the index of the element in the array
    // `array` is a reference to the array itself (i.e. `data.items` in this case)

In environments supporting ES2015 (ES6), you can also use the for...of [MDN] loop, which not only works for arrays, but for any iterable:

for (const item of data.items) {
   // `item` is the array element, **not** the index




But if the data structure contains repeating patterns, e.g. the representation of a binary tree, the solution typically includes to recursively [Wikipedia] access each level of the data structure.


function getLeaf(node) {
    if (node.leftChild) {
        return getLeaf(node.leftChild); // <- recursive call
    else if (node.rightChild) {
        return getLeaf(node.rightChild); // <- recursive call
    else { // node must be a leaf node
        return node;

const first_leaf = getLeaf(root);

const root = {
    leftChild: {
        leftChild: {
            leftChild: null,
            rightChild: null,
            data: 42
        rightChild: {
            leftChild: null,
            rightChild: null,
            data: 5
    rightChild: {
        leftChild: {
            leftChild: null,
            rightChild: null,
            data: 6
        rightChild: {
            leftChild: null,
            rightChild: null,
            data: 7
function getLeaf(node) {
    if (node.leftChild) {
        return getLeaf(node.leftChild);
    } else if (node.rightChild) {
        return getLeaf(node.rightChild);
    } else { // node must be a leaf node
        return node;




function toArray(obj) {
    const result = [];
    for (const prop in obj) {
        const value = obj[prop];
        if (typeof value === 'object') {
            result.push(toArray(value)); // <- recursive call
        else {
    return result;

const data = {
  code: 42,
  items: [{
    id: 1,
    name: 'foo'
  }, {
    id: 2,
    name: 'bar'

function toArray(obj) {
  const result = [];
  for (const prop in obj) {
    const value = obj[prop];
    if (typeof value === 'object') {
    } else {
  return result;



Since the structure of a complex object or array is not necessarily obvious, we can inspect the value at each step to decide how to move further. console.log [MDN] and console.dir [MDN] help us doing this. For example (output of the Chrome console):

> console.log(data.items)
 [ Object, Object ]

在这里我们看到data.items是一个包含两个元素的数组,这两个元素都是对象。在 Chrome 控制台中,甚至可以立即扩展和检查对象。

> console.log(data.items[1])
     id: 2
     name: "bar"
     __proto__: Object

这告诉我们data.items[1]是一个对象,展开后我们看到它有三个属性,id, name and __proto__。后者是用于对象原型链的内部属性。不过,原型链和继承超出了这个答案的范围。


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