

我有一个包含 2 个项目的弹性盒,方向=行。第二项的文字内容很长。我希望第二个项目与第一个项目一样高,并且有一个滚动条。这可能吗?

#wrap { display: flex; }
#item-1 { height: 100px; background: orange; flex: 1; }
#item-2 { overflow: scroll; flex: 1; }
<div id='wrap'>
  <div id='item-1'></div>
  <div id='item-2'>  
I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br>


添加一个包装器position: absolute


#wrap { display: flex; }
#item-1 { min-height: 100px; background: orange; flex: 1; }
#item-2 { position: relative; flex: 1; }
#item-wrap { 
  position: absolute; 
  left: 0; top: 0; 
  right: 0; bottom: 0;
  overflow: auto; 
<div id='wrap'>
  <div id='item-1'>
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br>
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br>
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br>
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br>
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br>
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br>
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br>
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br>
  <div id='item-2'>  
  <div id='item-wrap'>  
I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br>

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