C#,Gmap.net:使用 Gmap.net 库在谷歌地图上绘制 5 个标记时生成异常


我正在使用 Gmap.net 库在谷歌地图上的三角测量算法进行计算后在特定的时间绘制标记,当我为两个标记工作时,它工作正常,但当我尝试绘制 5 个标记时,它向我显示异常

“System.InvalidOperationException”类型的未处理异常 发生在 mscorlib.dll 中

附加信息:集合已修改;枚举操作 可能不执行。

我正在做的事情是,我为五个标记创建了 5 个线程,这些标记绘制在地图上。

  1. 当标记正在绘制时,如果我进行大量放大缩小 它显示异常。
  2. 在绘制时,我再次移动地图,它显示异常。

i am unable to figure out why it is happening.even it is not showing me any line no. here is the snapshot of error.enter image description here please help. EDIT: here is the code to plot on map includes adding markers and routes ,i have use same function for all 5 markers with different marker and routes name

void plot5(double temp_lat5, double temp_long5, string temp_date5, string temp_time5, string temp_bty_value5)


                    //GMapMarker marker5 = new GMarkerGoogle(new PointLatLng(temp_lat5, temp_long5), GMarkerGoogleType.lightblue);
                    GMapMarker marker5 = new GMarkerGoogle(new PointLatLng(temp_lat5, temp_long5), new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.image12));
                    gmap.Overlays.Add(markers5);   // overlay added
                    markers5.Markers.Add(marker5);  //marker added 
                    marker5.ToolTipText = "AT CARD 05" + "\n" + "HIGH PRIORITY" + "\n" + temp_date5 + "\n" + temp_time5 + "\n" + temp_bty_value5 + "%"; //text to be displayed on the marker
                                                                                                                                                        // text properties
                    marker5.ToolTip.Fill = Brushes.Bisque;
                    marker5.ToolTip.Foreground = Brushes.White;
                    marker5.ToolTip.Stroke = Pens.Black;
                    marker5.ToolTip.TextPadding = new Size(20, 20);

                    if (count5 != 0)
                        List<PointLatLng> points5 = new List<PointLatLng>();
                        points5.Add(new PointLatLng(temp_lat5, temp_long5));
                        points5.Add(new PointLatLng(lat5, long5));
                        GMapRoute route5 = new GMapRoute(points5, "walk05");
                        route5.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Aquamarine, 3);

                        gmap.Overlays.Add(routes5); // first overlays then routes or markers
                    lat5 = temp_lat5;
                    long5 = temp_long5;
                catch (Exception hy)
                { MessageBox.Show(hy.ToString()); }


  private   void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// Creating and startting threads for 5 diffrent at cards
                if (m_parentform.update_flag_data == 1)
                    if (list_at.Count != 0)
                        for (int y = 0; y < list_at.Count; y++)
                            for (int x = 0; x < m_parentform.at_cards_serials.Count; x++)
                                if (list_at[y] == m_parentform.at_cards_serials[x])

                                        int index = m_parentform.at_cards_serials.IndexOf(m_parentform.at_cards_serials[x]);
                                        switch (index)
                                            case 0:
                                                    Task lat_longthread1 = new Task(new System.Action(custom01));
                                                   // await lat_longthread1;

                                                   // Thread lat_longthread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(custom01));
                                                   // lat_longthread1.Start();


                                            case 1:
                                                    Task lat_longthread2 = new Task(new System.Action(custom02));
                                                   // await lat_longthread2;
                                                    //Thread lat_longthread2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(custom02));

                                            case 2:
                                                    Task lat_longthread3 = new Task(new System.Action(custom03));
                                                  //  await lat_longthread3;
                                                    //Thread lat_longthread3 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(custom03));
                                            case 3:
                                                    Task lat_longthread4 = new Task(new System.Action(custom04));
                                                   // await lat_longthread4;
                                                    //Thread lat_longthread4 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(custom04));
                                            case 4:
                                                    Task lat_longthread5 = new Task(new System.Action(custom05));
                                                  //  await lat_longthread5;
                                                    //Thread lat_longthread5 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(custom05));

                                    catch (Exception ty)
                                    { MessageBox.Show(ty.ToString()); }
                    { MessageBox.Show("select at cards to plot"); }

                { MessageBox.Show("flag is not updated"); }
            catch (Exception jo)
            { MessageBox.Show(jo.ToString()); }

更改:以下是我所做的更改,添加了绘图功能(如上所述),对于关键部分中的所有 5 个标记,问题仍然相同。

void marker_selection(int plot_no)
            int marker_no = plot_no;
            switch (marker_no)

                case 1:
                        plot(one1, two1, date[0], time[0], bty[0]);  // not sending bty part 2 which indicates milli volt value 
               case 2:
                        plot2(one2, two2, date2[0], time2[0], bty2[0]);  // sending only part one of bty
                case 3:
                        plot3(one3, two3, date3[0], time3[0], bty3[0]);  // sending only part one of bty
                case 4:
                        plot4(one4, two4, date4[0], time4[0], bty4[0]);  // sending only part one of bty
                case 5:
                        plot5(one5, two5, date5[0], time5[0], bty5[0]);  // sending only part one of bty

所以你提到你运行单独的线程来添加标记和路线。这可能会导致线程问题。 UI 线程尝试绘制标记,因此会迭代标记列表。当另一个线程将标记添加到当前正在绘制的标记集合中时,迭代器将变得无效,从而引发异常。

解决方案:确保添加标记以 UI 同步方式进行。


Edit您需要应用同步,如图所示在这个链接中在...的帮助下InvokeRequired and BeginInvoke。看看他们如何更新文本控件,将 uni 元素作为 gmap 实例。为此,标记的实际添加必须在该操作/委托内发生。让我们尝试从那里开始,请告诉我们您已经走了多远。


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