Rails 4 表单:基于单选按钮选择条件显示字段


首先,如果这个问题很愚蠢,请原谅我,我刚刚开始了解 Rails,Javascript 和 jQuery 对我来说是一个全新的世界。


  • 如果选中复选框则显示/隐藏 div
  • 根据所选的单选按钮检查隐藏的输入字段
  • 根据单选按钮选择显示表单字段


在我的 Rails 4 应用程序中,我有以下 Rails 表单(我是NOT使用简单形式):

<div class="calendar_details">
  <%= f.label :target_relationship %>
  <%= radio_button_tag(:target_relationship, "B2C", :checked => true, :onclick=>"showMe('calendar_details_b2c')", {:class => "radio_button_target_relationship_b2C"}) %>
  <%= label_tag(:target_relationship, "B2C") %>
  <%= radio_button_tag(:target_relationship, "B2B", :onclick=>"showMe('calendar_details_b2b')", {:class => "radio_button_target_relationship_b2b"}) %>
  <%= label_tag(:target_relationship, "B2B") %>

<div class="calendar_details">
  <%= f.label :target_country %><%= f.country_select :target_country, ["United States"] %>

<div id="calendar_details_b2c">

  <div class="calendar_details">
  <%= f.label :target_gender %><%= radio_button_tag(:target_gender, "Female") %><%= label_tag(:target_relationship, "Female") %><%= radio_button_tag(:target_gender, "Male") %><%= label_tag(:target_relationship, "Male") %><%= radio_button_tag(:target_gender, "Both", :checked => true) %><%= label_tag(:target_relationship, "Both") %>
  <div class="calendar_details">
    <%= f.label :target_age_lower_limit %><%= f.select :target_age_lower_limit, (0..99) %>
  <div class="calendar_details">
    <%= f.label :target_age_upper_limit %><%= f.select :target_age_upper_limit, (0..99) %>
  <div class="calendar_details">
    <%= f.label :target_household_income_lower_limit %><%= f.select :target_household_income_lower_limit, ['Less than $10,000', '$10,000', '$20,000', '$30,000', '$40,000', '$50,000', '$60,000', '$70,000', '$80,000', '$90,000', '$100,000', '$110,000', '$120,000', '$130,000', '$140,000', '$150,000', '$160,000', '$170,000', '$180,000', '$190,000', '$190,000', '$200,000', 'More than $200,000'] %>
  <div class="calendar_details">
    <%= f.label :target_household_income_upper_limit %><%= f.select :target_household_income_upper_limit, ['Less than $10,000', '$10,000', '$20,000', '$30,000', '$40,000', '$50,000', '$60,000', '$70,000', '$80,000', '$90,000', '$100,000', '$110,000', '$120,000', '$130,000', '$140,000', '$150,000', '$160,000', '$170,000', '$180,000', '$190,000', '$190,000', '$200,000', 'More than $200,000'] %>


<div id="calendar_details_b2b">

  <div class="calendar_details">
    <%= f.label :target_company_size %><%= f.select :target_company_size, ['Self-employed', '1-10 employees', '11-50 employees', '51-200 employees', '201-500 employees', '501-1,000 employees', '1,001-5,000 employees', '5,001-10,000 employees', 'More than 10,000 employees'] %>
  <div class="calendar_details">
    <%= f.label :target_industry %><%= f.select :target_industry, ['Art & Entertainment', 'Autos & Vehicles', 'Beauty & Fitness', 'Books & Litterature', 'Business & Industrial', 'Computer & Electronics', 'Finance', 'Food & Drinks', 'Games', 'Hobbies & Leisure', 'Home & Garden', 'Internet & Telecom', 'Jobs & Education', 'Law & Government', 'News', 'Online Communities', 'People & Society', 'Pets & Animals', 'Real Estate', 'Science', 'Shopping', 'Sports', 'Travel']  %>


根据用户在第一个单选按钮(“B2C”或“B2B”)上检查的内容,我想显示calendar_details_b2c div, 或者calendar_details_b2b div.


正如你所看到的,我尝试添加一个onclick选项和一些特定的类到我的单选按钮,但后来我陷入困境:我不知道如何构建正确的 js 函数,而且我不知道在哪里包含它(在.html.erb表单的文件,在应用程序的标题中,在application.js file?).


UPDATE:根据 Ziv Galili 的回答,这是我现在所拥有的:

In app/assets/javascript/custom/calendars.js:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('input[type=radio][name=calendar').change(function () {
      // first: hide all the divs

      // then get the div ID to show (I stored it in the "value" of the radio button)
      var fieldToShow = $(this).val();
      // now use jQuery selector and change the display setting of that field
      $("#" + fieldToShow).css("display","block");

In application.js,我补充说//= require_tree ./custom在我的应用程序中考虑上述代码。


<div class="calendar_details">
    <%= f.label :target_relationship, "Business relationship" %>
    <%= f.radio_button :target_relationship, "calendar_details_b2c", :checked => true %>
    <%= f.label(:target_relationship, "B2C") %>
    <%= f.radio_button :target_relationship, "calendar_details_b2b", :checked => false %>
    <%= f.label(:target_relationship, "B2B") %>

  <div class="calendar_details">
    <%= f.label :target_country, "Country" %><%= f.country_select :target_country, ["United States"] %>

  <div id="calendar_details_b2c">

    <div class="calendar_details">
    <%= f.label :target_gender, "Gender" %><%= radio_button_tag(:target_gender, "Female") %><%= label_tag(:target_relationship, "Female") %><%= radio_button_tag(:target_gender, "Male") %><%= label_tag(:target_relationship, "Male") %><%= radio_button_tag(:target_gender, "Both", :checked => true) %><%= label_tag(:target_relationship, "Both") %>
    <div class="calendar_details">
      <%= f.label :target_age_lower_limit, "Age / Lower limit" %><%= f.select :target_age_lower_limit, (0..99) %>
    <div class="calendar_details">
      <%= f.label :target_age_upper_limit, "Age / Upper limit" %><%= f.select :target_age_upper_limit, (0..99) %>
    <div class="calendar_details">
      <%= f.label :target_household_income_lower_limit, "Household income / Lower limit" %><%= f.select :target_household_income_lower_limit, ['Less than $10,000', '$10,000', '$20,000', '$30,000', '$40,000', '$50,000', '$60,000', '$70,000', '$80,000', '$90,000', '$100,000', '$110,000', '$120,000', '$130,000', '$140,000', '$150,000', '$160,000', '$170,000', '$180,000', '$190,000', '$190,000', '$200,000', 'More than $200,000'] %>
    <div class="calendar_details">
      <%= f.label :target_household_income_upper_limit, "Household income / Upper limit" %><%= f.select :target_household_income_upper_limit, ['Less than $10,000', '$10,000', '$20,000', '$30,000', '$40,000', '$50,000', '$60,000', '$70,000', '$80,000', '$90,000', '$100,000', '$110,000', '$120,000', '$130,000', '$140,000', '$150,000', '$160,000', '$170,000', '$180,000', '$190,000', '$190,000', '$200,000', 'More than $200,000'] %>


  <div id="calendar_details_b2b">

    <div class="calendar_details">
      <%= f.label :target_company_size, "Company size" %><%= f.select :target_company_size, ['Self-employed', '1-10 employees', '11-50 employees', '51-200 employees', '201-500 employees', '501-1,000 employees', '1,001-5,000 employees', '5,001-10,000 employees', 'More than 10,000 employees'] %>
    <div class="calendar_details">
      <%= f.label :target_industry, "Industry" %><%= f.select :target_industry, ['Art & Entertainment', 'Autos & Vehicles', 'Beauty & Fitness', 'Books & Litterature', 'Business & Industrial', 'Computer & Electronics', 'Finance', 'Food & Drinks', 'Games', 'Hobbies & Leisure', 'Home & Garden', 'Internet & Telecom', 'Jobs & Education', 'Law & Government', 'News', 'Online Communities', 'People & Society', 'Pets & Animals', 'Real Estate', 'Science', 'Shopping', 'Sports', 'Travel']  %>


然而,我似乎无法做到这一点:当我访问Calendars#New视图中,我确实看到了选择 B2C 或 B2B 的单选按钮,但无论我选择哪个按钮,下面都不会显示任何内容(B2C 部分和 B2B 部分都没有)。



UPDATE 2:所以,我更新了我的代码作为Ziv Galili的新评论,即:注意按钮组的名称,它实际上是calendar[target_relationship].

当我这样做并尝试进入我的视图时,我得到了一个execJS::RuntimeError,这让我意识到我们使用的是纯 JavaScript,而我的 Rails 应用程序似乎使用的是 CoffeeScript。

所以,我删除了app/assets/javascript/custom/calendars.js,将 Ziv Galili 的代码转换为 CoffeeScript 并将其添加到 app/assets/javascript/calendars.coffee 中:

$('input[type=radio][name=calendar[target_relationship]]').change ->
  # first: hide all the divs
  $('#calendar_details_b2c').css 'display', 'none'
  $('#calendar_details_b2b').css 'display', 'none'
  # then get the div ID to show (i stored it in the "value" of the radio button
  fieldToShow = $(this).val()
  # now use jQuery selector and change the display setting of that field
  $('#' + fieldToShow).css 'display', 'block'

我也更换了//= require_tree ./custom with //= require_tree .以确保我所有的.coffee文件是通过加载的application.js.

尽管更新了所有这些代码,我仍然没有得到我期望的结果:没有一个divs 显示在我的视图中:

enter image description here








假设 HTML 为:

<form action="">
  <input type="radio" name="calendars" value="calendar_details_b2b">B2B
  <input type="radio" name="calendars" value="calendar_details_b2c">B2C
<div id="calendar_details_b2c" style=>
  content of B2C
<div id="calendar_details_b2b">
  content of B2B

添加 css 代码,这样 div 就不会在页面加载时显示:

  display: none;

JS 代码将是:

$('input[type=radio][name=calendars]').change(function () {
  // first: hide all the divs

  // then get the div ID to show (i stored it in the "value" of the radio button
  var fieldToShow = $(this).val();
  // now use jQuery selector and change the display setting of that field
  $("#" + fieldToShow).css("display","block");


至于您的更新,请注意 JS 部分中按钮组的名称与 HTML 文件中的名称相匹配:



要在 HTML 中查找名称,您可以(在 chrome 中):

  1. 右键单击其中一个单选按钮
  2. 按检查元素
  3. 在元素检查器中查找输入的 name 属性

<input checked="checked" id="something_calendar_details_b2c" name="这就是名字" type="radio" value="calendar_details_b2c">



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    我最近开始使用 Scala 我在其中编写了一个 DSL 可用于描述中的处理管道medici 在我的 DSL 中 我使用符号来表示锚点 它可用于在管道中放置叉子 或 T 恤 如果您愿意 这是一个正确运行的小示例程序 object Test e
  • Rails 4 表单:基于单选按钮选择条件显示字段

    首先 如果这个问题很愚蠢 请原谅我 我刚刚开始了解 Rails Javascript 和 jQuery 对我来说是一个全新的世界 我发现了以下类似的问题 但根本不明白它们如何适用于我的情况 如果选中复选框则显示 隐藏 div 根据所选的单选