如何通过 $this->db->query() 在 codeigniter 中使用分页?





    $pagination_config['base_url'] = base_url().'welcome/index';
    $pagination_config['per_page'] = 3;
    $pagination_config['num_links'] = 3;
    $pagination_config['total_rows'] = $this->db->get('properties')->num_rows();


    $q = $this->db->query("SELECT title FROM properties", $pagination_config['per_page']);

    $r = $q->result();

    foreach($r as $p){
        echo $p->title.'<br />';

    echo '<br />';
    echo '<br />';
    echo $this->pagination->create_links();


$q = $this->db->query("SELECT title FROM properties LIMIT 3");


CodeIgniter 分页入门

无论您对什么进行分页,您通常都需要一个 URI 段来指定页面,除非您希望 URI 段指定一个偏移量。在我的示例中,我将假设需要页面。

因此,假设我们想要对一些 foos 进行分页,并且我们的数据库包含一个名为 foos 的表。假设我们有很多 foo (65)。在我们的 Foos 控制器中,我们有一些方法:

public function index()

public function page( $page = 1 )
    // Here we get and show our foos

当我们想要获取 foos 当前页面的结果时,我们有一个页码参数,这就是我们如何知道要获取哪一组 foos 的方式,但首先我们还需要 foos 的总数。因此,在我们的页面方法中,我们可以调用模型上的方法来完成所有工作:

public function page( $page = 1 )
    // Here we get and show our foos
    $view_data['foos'] = $this->foos_model->get_foos( $page );


请记住,在模型中,我们需要 foo 的总数、分页链接创建,然后是该页面的 foo。让我们从计算 foos 开始:

public function get_foos( $page )
    // First count all foos
    $count = $this->db->count_all('foos');

接下来,创建分页链接。假设每页需要 10 个 foo:

public function get_foos( $page )
    // First count all foos
    $count = $this->db->count_all('foos');

    // Create the pagination links

    $paging_conf = [
        'uri_segment'      => 3,
        'per_page'         => 10,
        'total_rows'       => $count,
        'base_url'         => site_url('foos/page'),
        'first_url'        => site_url('foos'),
        'use_page_numbers' => TRUE

    // Create the paging buttons for the view
    $this->load->vars('pagination_links', $this->pagination->create_links());


public function get_foos( $page )
    // First count all foos
    $count = $this->db->count_all('foos');

    // Create the pagination links

    $paging_conf = [
        'uri_segment'      => 3,
        'per_page'         => 10,
        'total_rows'       => $count,
        'base_url'         => site_url('foos/page'),
        'first_url'        => site_url('foos'),
        'use_page_numbers' => TRUE

    // Create the paging buttons for the view
    $this->load->vars('pagination_links', $this->pagination->create_links());

    // The pagination offset
    $offset = $page * $paging_conf['per_page'] - $paging_conf['per_page'];

    // Get our set of foos
    $query = $this->db->get('foos', $paging_conf['per_page'], $offset);

最后,在将它们传回控制器之前确保存在 foos:

public function get_foos( $page )
    // First count all foos
    $count = $this->db->count_all('foos');

    // Create the pagination links

    $paging_conf = [
        'uri_segment'      => 3,
        'per_page'         => 10,
        'total_rows'       => $count,
        'base_url'         => site_url('foos/page'),
        'first_url'        => site_url('foos'),
        'use_page_numbers' => TRUE

    // Create the paging buttons for the view
    $this->load->vars('pagination_links', $this->pagination->create_links());

    // The pagination offset
    $offset = $page * $paging_conf['per_page'] - $paging_conf['per_page'];

    // Get our set of foos
    $query = $this->db->get('foos', $paging_conf['per_page'], $offset);

    // Make sure we have foos
    if( $query->num_rows() > 0 )
        return $query->result();

    // Else return default
    return NULL;


public function page( $page = 1 )
    // Here we get and show our foos
    $view_data['foos'] = $this->foos_model->get_foos( $page );

    // Load the view and pass in the foos
    $this->load->view('foos_view', $view_data);


在视图中,我们现在能够显示分页链接和 foos:

echo $pagination_links;

if( ! empty( $foos ) )
    foreach( $foos as $foo )
        echo $foo->name . '<br />';


使用 CodeIgniter 对内容进行分页非常简单。如果您有疑问或问题,请阅读 CodeIgniter 文档:https://www.codeigniter.com/userguide3/libraries/pagination.html?highlight=pagination

有关使用 $this->db->query() 与 $this->db->get() 的额外信息

从功能上讲,只要不犯错误,使用 $this->db->query() 会产生与 $this->db->get() 相同的结果。在我的例子中,它看起来像这样:

// $query = $this->db->get('foos', $paging_conf['per_page'], $offset);

$query = $this->db->query(
    'SELECT *
    FROM foos
    LIMIT ' . $offset . ', ' . $paging_conf['per_page'] );

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