


" from" such that " from" is not within parenthesis

(忽略括号内的)这里a=" from"; b="("; and c=")";


string pat = @"^((?!\(.* from.*\)).)* from((?!\(.* from.*\)).)*$";



1: " from" 2:select field1 from t1 (select field1 from t1)   ---- 1 time in both
3: select field1 from t1 (select field1 from t1)select field1 from t1  ---2 times


1: select field1 no_f_rom_OutOf_Parenthesis t1 (select field1 from t1)
2: (select field1 from t1)  3: "" (Empty String) 4. No word as form
0 times in all four strings


最接近我的问题的最有用的链接,告诉我如何匹配“模式”而不是“常规”,是 stanav 在 2009 年 7 月 31 日上午 08:05 在以下链接中的回复...


Also: C# 中的正则表达式包含“this”但不包含“that”

Also: 正则表达式匹配不包含单词的行?



if (Regex.IsMatch(subjectString, 
    @"\sfrom           # Match ' from'
    (?=                # only if the following regex can be matched here:
     (?:               # The following group, consisting of
      [^()]*           # any number of characters except parentheses,
      \(               # followed by an opening (
      (?>              # Now match...
       [^()]+          #  one or more characters except parentheses
      |                # or
       \( (?<DEPTH>)   #  a (, increasing the depth counter
      |                # or
       \) (?<-DEPTH>)  #  a ), decreasing the depth counter
      )*               # any number of times
      (?(DEPTH)(?!))   # until the depth counter is zero again,
      \)               # then match the closing )
     )*                # Repeat this any number of times.
     [^()]*            # Then match any number of characters except ()
     \z                # until the end of the string.
    )                  # End of lookahead.", 


if (Regex.IsMatch(subjectString,@"\sfrom(?=(?:[^()]*\((?>[^()]+|\((?<DEPTH>)|\)(?<-DEPTH>))*(?(DEPTH)(?!))\))*[^()]*\z)"))

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