


我只是想确定 C++ 是否无法执行(有效的)不区分大小写比较一个basic_string对象也包含任意任意的因素locale目的。例如,似乎不可能编写如下所示的高效函数:

bool AreStringsEqualIgnoreCase(const string &str1, const string &str2, const locale &loc);

根据我目前的理解(但有人可以证实这一点),这个函数has呼叫两者ctype::toupper() and collate::compare()对于给定的locale(一如既往地使用提取use_facet())。然而,因为collate::compare()特别需要 4 个指针参数,您需要为需要比较的每个字符传递这 4 个参数(在第一次调用ctype::toupper()),或者,首先将两个字符串转换为大写,然后进行一次调用collate::compare().

第一种方法显然效率低下(为每个测试的字符传递 4 个指针),第二种方法要求您将两个字符串全部转换为大写(需要分配内存以及不必要地将两个字符串复制/转换为大写)。我对此是否正确,即,不可能有效地做到这一点(因为没有办法解决)collate::compare()).






如果您有适当的区域设置定义,标准 C++ 排序规则应该能够处理所有这些问题。但它不能仅仅使用对成对的比较函数来简化为字典顺序比较whar_t,因此 C++ 标准库不提供该接口。

以下只是说明为什么区域设置感知排序规则如此复杂的几个示例;更长的解释,以及更多的例子,可以在Unicode 技术标准 10.



But that doesn't work for Northern European languages. The alphabets of Swedish, Norwegian and Danish have three extra vowels, which follow z in the alphabet. In Swedish, these vowels are written å, ä, and ö; in Norwegian and Danish, these letters are written å, æ, and ø, and in Danish å is sometimes written aa, making Aarhus the last entry in an alphabetical list of Danish cities.

In German, the letters ä, ö, and ü are generally alphabetised as with romance accents, but in German phonebooks (and sometimes other alphabetical lists), they are alphabetised as though they were written ae, oe and ue, which is the older style of writing the same phonemes. (There are many pairs of common surnames such as "Müller" and "Mueller" are pronounced the same and are often confused, so it makes sense to intercollate them. A similar convention was used for Scottish names in Canadian phonebooks when I was young; the spellings M', Mc and Mac were all clumped together since they are all phonetically identical.)


German also has the symbol ß which is collated as though it were written out as ss, although it is not quite identical phonetically. We'll meet this interesting symbol again a bit later.

In fact, many languages consider digraphs and even trigraphs to be single letters. The 44-letter Hungarian alphabet includes Cs, Dz, Dzs, Gy, Ly, Ny, Sz, Ty, and Zs, as well as a variety of accented vowels. However, the language most commonly referenced in articles about this phenomenon -- Spanish -- stopped treating the digraphs ch and ll as letters in 1994, presumably because it was easier to force Hispanic writers to conform to computer systems than to change the computer systems to deal with Spanish digraphs. (Wikipedia claims it was pressure from "UNESCO and other international organizations"; it took quite a while for everyone to accept the new alphabetization rules, and you still occasionally find "Chile" after "Colombia" in alphabetical lists of South American countries.)



由于相比之下,区域设置可以正确处理大小写,因此实际上没有必要执行不区分大小写的排序。进行不区分大小写的等价类检查(“相等”测试)可能很有用,尽管这提出了其他哪些不精确的等价类可能有用的问题。 Unicode 规范化、重音删除、甚至转录为拉丁语在某些情况下都是合理的,但在其他情况下却非常烦人。但事实证明,大小写转换也不像您想象的那么简单。

Because of the existence of di- and trigraphs, some of which have Unicode codepoints, the Unicode standard actually recognizes three cases, not two: lower-case, upper-case and title-case. The last is what you use to upper case the first letter of a word, and it's needed, for example, for the Croatian digraph dž (U+01C6; a single character), whose uppercase is DŽ (U+01C4) and whose title case is Dž (U+01C5). The theory of "case-insensitive" comparison is that we could transform (at least conceptually) any string in such a way that all members of the equivalence class defined by "ignoring case" are transformed to the same byte sequence. Traditionally this is done by "upper-casing" the string, but it turns out that that is not always possible or even correct; the Unicode standard prefers the use of the term "case-folding", as do I.

C++ 语言环境不能完全胜任这项工作

因此,回到 C++,可悲的事实是 C++ 语言环境没有足够的信息来进行准确的大小写折叠,因为 C++ 语言环境的工作原理是假设字符串的大小写折叠仅包含顺序和单独的大写字母字符串中的每个代码点都使用将一个代码点映射到另一个代码点的函数。正如我们将看到的,这根本行不通,因此其效率问题是无关紧要的。另一方面,重症监护病房图书馆有一个接口,可以像 Unicode 数据库允许的那样正确地进行大小写折叠,并且它的实现是由一些非常优秀的编码人员精心设计的,因此它可能在限制范围内尽可能高效。所以我绝对推荐使用它。

如果您想很好地了解折叠案例的难度,您应该阅读 5.18 和 5.19 节统一码标准 (第 5 章的 PDF)。以下仅举几个例子。


The simplest example is the German ß (U+00DF), which has no upper-case form because it never appears at the beginning of a word, and traditional German orthography didn't use all-caps. The standard upper-case transform is SS (or in some cases SZ) but that transform is not reversible; not all instances of ss are written as ß. Compare, for example, grüßen and küssen (to greet and to kiss, respectively). In v5.1, ẞ, an "upper-case ß, was added to Unicode as U+1E9E, but it is not commonly used except in all-caps street signs, where its use is legally mandated. The normal expectation of upper-casing ß would be the two letters SS.


Even when a case transform maps a single character to a single character, it may not be able to express that as a wchar→wchar mapping. For example, ǰ can easily be capitalized to , but the former is a single combined glyph (U+01F0), while the second is a capital J with a combining caron (U+030C).

There is a further problem with glyphs like ǰ:


Suppose we upper-case ǰ as above. How do we capitalize ǰ̠ (which, in case it doesn't render properly on your system, is the same character with an bar underneath, another IPA convention)? That combination is U+01F0,U+0320 (j with caron, combining minus sign below), so we proceed to replace U+01F0 with U+004A,U+030C and then leave the U+0320 as is: J̠̌. That's fine, but it won't compare equal to a normalized capital J with caron and minus sign below, because in the normal form the minus sign diacritic comes first: U+004A,U+0320,U+030C (J̠̌, which should look identical). So sometimes (rarely, to be honest, but sometimes) it is necessary to renormalize.

撇开 unicode 的怪异不谈,有时大小写转换是上下文相关的

Greek has a lot of examples of how marks get shuffled around depending on whether they are word-initial, word-final or word-interior -- you can read more about this in chapter 7 of the Unicode standard -- but a simple and common case is Σ, which has two lower-case versions: σ and ς. Non-greeks with some maths background are probably familiar with σ, but might not be aware that it cannot be used at the end of a word, where you must use ς.

In short

  1. 大小写折叠的最佳可用正确方法是应用 Unicode 大小写折叠算法,该算法需要为每个源字符串创建一个临时字符串。然后,您可以在两个转换后的字符串之间进行简单的字节比较,以验证原始字符串是否位于同一等价类中。对转换后的字符串进行排序规则虽然可能,但效率比对原始字符串进行排序规则要低得多,并且出于排序目的,未转换的比较可能与转换后的比较一样好或更好。

  2. 理论上,如果您只对大小写相等感兴趣,则可以线性进行转换,请记住转换不一定是上下文无关的,也不是简单的字符到字符映射函数。不幸的是,C++ 语言环境不向您提供执行此操作所需的数据。 Unicode CLDR 更接近,但它是一个复杂的数据结构。

  3. 所有这些东西都非常复杂,并且充满了边缘情况。 (请参阅 Unicode 标准中有关立陶宛语重音的注释i例如。)您最好只使用维护良好的现有解决方案,其中最好的例子是 ICU。


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