

我是 shell 脚本的初学者。我不知道如何使用 goto 语句。我正在使用以下代码。

echo "Main Menu"
echo "1 for Copy"
echo "2 for exit"
read NUM
case $NUM in
echo "CopyNUM"
goto start:;
echo "Haiiii";
goto start:
echo "ssss";

正如其他人指出的那样,没有goto in bash(或其他类似 POSIX 的 shell) - 其他更灵活的流量控制结构取代了它。
寻找标题Compound Commands in man bash.

就你而言,select命令是正确的选择。 由于如何使用它可能并不明显,这里有一些可以帮助您入门的内容:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Main Menu"

# Define the choices to present to the user, which will be
# presented line by line, prefixed by a sequential number
# (E.g., '1) copy', ...)
choices=( 'copy' 'exit' )

# Present the choices.
# The user chooses by entering the *number* before the desired choice.
select choice in "${choices[@]}"; do

  # If an invalid number was chosen, $choice will be empty.
  # Report an error and prompt again.
  [[ -n $choice ]] || { echo "Invalid choice." >&2; continue; }

  # Examine the choice.
  # Note that it is the choice string itself, not its number
  # that is reported in $choice.
  case $choice in
      echo "Copying..."
      # Set flag here, or call function, ...
      echo "Exiting. "
      exit 0

  # Getting here means that a valid choice was made,
  # so break out of the select statement and continue below,
  # if desired.
  # Note that without an explicit break (or exit) statement, 
  # bash will continue to prompt.


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