角度 6 ng-空闲


我有一个运行良好的 Angular 项目,我正在实施 NG-IDLE 和 KeepAlive,以便保持会话新鲜并在 API 会话过期之前注销用户。

我的问题是 ng-idle 也在登录页面上运行,这显然不是必需的,因为当它超时时,它会将用户带到登录页面。

因此,我在 app.component.ts 中启动并运行了 ng-idle 和 KeepAlive,但由于我使用延迟加载,因此我还有一个authentication.module.ts 和一个login.component.ts。


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { Idle, DEFAULT_INTERRUPTSOURCES } from '@ng-idle/core';
import { Keepalive } from '@ng-idle/keepalive';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']

export class AppComponent {

    idleState = 'Not started.';
    timedOut = false;
    lastPing?: Date = null;

    constructor(private idle: Idle, private keepalive: Keepalive) {

        // sets an idle timeout of 5 seconds, for testing purposes.

        // sets a timeout period of 5 seconds. after 10 seconds of inactivity, the user will be considered timed out.

        // sets the default interrupts, in this case, things like clicks, scrolls, touches to the document

        idle.onIdleEnd.subscribe(() => this.idleState = 'No longer idle.');

        idle.onTimeout.subscribe(() => {
            this.idleState = 'Timed out!';
            this.timedOut = true;

        idle.onIdleStart.subscribe(() => this.idleState = 'You\'ve gone idle!');
        idle.onTimeoutWarning.subscribe((countdown) => this.idleState = 'You will time out in ' + countdown + ' seconds!');

        // Sets the ping interval to 15 seconds

        keepalive.onPing.subscribe(() => this.lastPing = new Date());


    reset() {
        this.idleState = 'Started.';
        this.timedOut = false;

我知道我需要调用idle.unwatch以防止空闲运行,并且在需要时调用idle.watch,但是我如何从登录或身份验证模块调用这些,或者我可以从根app.component检测。 TS?

毫无疑问,你可以看出我是 Angular 的新手,所以如果这是一个菜鸟问题,我深表歉意。


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { Location } from '@angular/common';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';

import { Idle, DEFAULT_INTERRUPTSOURCES } from '@ng-idle/core';
import { Keepalive } from '@ng-idle/keepalive';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']

export class AppComponent {

    currentPath: String;

    idleState = 'Not started.';
    timedOut = false;
    lastPing?: Date = null;

    constructor(private idle: Idle, private keepalive: Keepalive, location: Location, router: Router) {

        // sets an idle timeout of 5 seconds, for testing purposes.

        // sets a timeout period of 5 seconds. after 10 seconds of inactivity, the user will be considered timed out.

        // sets the default interrupts, in this case, things like clicks, scrolls, touches to the document

        idle.onIdleEnd.subscribe(() => this.idleState = 'No longer idle.');

        idle.onTimeout.subscribe(() => {
            this.idleState = 'Timed out!';
            this.timedOut = true;

        idle.onIdleStart.subscribe(() => this.idleState = 'You\'ve gone idle!');
        idle.onTimeoutWarning.subscribe((countdown) => this.idleState = 'You will time out in ' + countdown + ' seconds!');

        // Sets the ping interval to 15 seconds

        keepalive.onPing.subscribe(() => this.lastPing = new Date());

        // Lets check the path everytime the route changes, stop or start the idle check as appropriate.
        router.events.subscribe((val) => {

            this.currentPath = location.path();
            if(this.currentPath.search(/authentication\/login/gi) == -1)


    reset() {
        this.idleState = 'Started.';
        this.timedOut = false;

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