ffmpeg 中的多个命名管道



在我的应用程序中,我想修改各种mp3,然后将它们混合在一起。我知道我可以在 FFmpeg 中使用单个命令行来完成此操作,但它最终可能会非常混乱,因为我需要在每个样本上使用各种过滤器,而我有五个过滤器。我的想法是单独编辑每个样本,将它们保存到管道中,最后混合它们。

import subprocess
import os

def create_pipes():

def create_samp():   
    sample= subprocess.run(["ffmpeg", "-i", "https://freesound.org/data/previews/186/186942_2594536-hq.mp3", \
                            "-af", "adelay=15000|15000", "-f", "mp3", "pipe:pipe1"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout

def create_samp_2():   
    sample= subprocess.run(["ffmpeg", "-i", "https://freesound.org/data/previews/370/370934_6399962-lq.ogg", \
                            "-af", "adelay=1000|1000", "-f", "mp3", "pipe:pipe2"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout

def record(samp, samp_2):  
    process = subprocess.Popen(["ffmpeg", "-y", '-f', 'mp3', \
                                "-i", "https://cdns-preview-b.dzcdn.net/stream/c-b0b684fe962f93dc43f1f7ea493683a1-3.mp3", \
                                "-i", "pipe1", \
                                "-i", "pipe2", \
                                "-filter_complex", "amix=inputs=3:duration=longest", "output.mp3"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)


samp = create_samp()
samp_2 = create_samp_2()
record(samp, samp_2)

当我运行脚本时,create_samp() and create_samp2()运行良好。但我跑record(),程序卡住了,没有错误消息,所以我无法弄清楚问题是什么。

使用命名管道(仅限 Linux):


从 FFmpeg 的角度来看,命名管道就像(不可查找的)输入文件。

在 Python 中使用命名管道(在 Linux 中):
Assume pipe1是“命名管道”的名称(例如pipe1 = "audio_pipe1").

  1. 创建一个“命名管道”:

  2. 将管道打开为“只写”文件:

    fd_pipe = os.open(pipe_name, os.O_WRONLY)  # fd_pipe1 is a file descriptor (an integer).
  3. 将数据分成小块写入管道。
    我决定使用 1024 字节的任意块大小。

    def writer(data, pipe_name, chunk_size):
        # Open the pipes as opening "low level IO" files (open for "open for writing only").
        fd_pipe = os.open(pipe_name, os.O_WRONLY)  # fd_pipe1 is a file descriptor (an integer)
        for i in range(0, len(data), chunk_size):
            # Write to named pipe as writing to a "low level IO" file (but write the data in small chunks).
            os.write(fd_pipe, data[i:chunk_size+i])  # Write 1024 bytes of data to fd_pipe
  4. 关闭管道:

  5. 删除(取消链接)命名管道:



import subprocess
import os
from threading import Thread

def create_samp():
    # Read audio stream from https://freesound.org/data/previews/186/186942_2594536-hq.mp3
    # Apply adelay audio filter.
    # Encode the audio in mp3 format.
    # FFmpeg output is passed to stdout pipe, and stored in sample bytes array.
    sample1 = subprocess.run(["ffmpeg", "-i", "https://freesound.org/data/previews/186/186942_2594536-hq.mp3",
                              "-af", "adelay=15000|15000", "-f", "mp3", "pipe:"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout

    # Read second audio sample from https://cdns-preview-b.dzcdn.net/stream/c-b0b684fe962f93dc43f1f7ea493683a1-3.mp3
    sample2 = subprocess.run(["ffmpeg", "-i", "https://cdns-preview-b.dzcdn.net/stream/c-b0b684fe962f93dc43f1f7ea493683a1-3.mp3",
                              "-f", "mp3", "pipe:"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout

    return sample1, sample2

def writer(data, pipe_name, chunk_size):
    # Open the pipes as opening files (open for "open for writing only").
    fd_pipe = os.open(pipe_name, os.O_WRONLY)  # fd_pipe1 is a file descriptor (an integer)

    for i in range(0, len(data), chunk_size):
        # Write to named pipe as writing to a file (but write the data in small chunks).
        os.write(fd_pipe, data[i:chunk_size+i])  # Write 1024 bytes of data to fd_pipe

    # Closing the pipes as closing files.

def record(samp1, samp2):
    # Names of the "Named pipes"
    pipe1 = "audio_pipe1"
    pipe2 = "audio_pipe2"

    # Create "named pipes".

    # Open FFmpeg as sub-process
    # Use two audio input streams:
    # 1. Named pipe: "audio_pipe1"
    # 2. Named pipe: "audio_pipe2"
    # Merge the two audio streams using amix audio filter.
    # Store the result to output file: output.mp3
    process = subprocess.Popen(["ffmpeg", "-y", '-f', 'mp3',
                                "-i", pipe1,
                                "-i", pipe2,
                                "-filter_complex", "amix=inputs=2:duration=longest", "output.mp3"],

    # Initialize two "writer" threads (each writer writes data to named pipe in chunks of 1024 bytes).
    thread1 = Thread(target=writer, args=(samp1, pipe1, 1024))  # thread1 writes samp1 to pipe1
    thread2 = Thread(target=writer, args=(samp2, pipe2, 1024))  # thread2 writes samp2 to pipe2

    # Start the two threads

    # Wait for the two writer threads to finish

    process.wait()  # Wait for FFmpeg sub-process to finish

    # Remove the "named pipes".

sampl1, sampl2 = create_samp()
record(sampl1, sampl2)


使用类(“NamedPipeWriter"class) 更优雅一点。
该类继承Thread类,并重写run method.



import subprocess
import os
import stat
from threading import Thread

def create_samp():
    # Read audio stream from https://freesound.org/data/previews/186/186942_2594536-hq.mp3
    # Apply adelay audio filter.
    # Encode the audio in mp3 format.
    # FFmpeg output is passed to stdout pipe, and stored in sample bytes array.
    sample1 = subprocess.run(["ffmpeg", "-i", "https://freesound.org/data/previews/186/186942_2594536-hq.mp3",
                              "-af", "adelay=15000|15000", "-f", "mp3", "pipe:"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout

    # Read second audio sample from https://cdns-preview-b.dzcdn.net/stream/c-b0b684fe962f93dc43f1f7ea493683a1-3.mp3
    sample2 = subprocess.run(["ffmpeg", "-i", "https://cdns-preview-b.dzcdn.net/stream/c-b0b684fe962f93dc43f1f7ea493683a1-3.mp3",
                              "-f", "mp3", "pipe:"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout

    return sample1, sample2

class NamedPipeWriter(Thread):
    """ Write data (in small chunks) to a named pipe using a thread """

    def __init__(self, pipe_name, data):
        """ Initialization - get pipe name and data to be written """
        self._pipe_name = pipe_name
        self._chunk_size = 1024
        self._data = data

    def run(self):
        """ Open the pipe, write data in small chunks and close the pipe """
        chunk_size = self._chunk_size
        data = self._data

        # Open the pipes as opening files (open for "open for writing only").
        fd_pipe = os.open(self._pipe_name, os.O_WRONLY)  # fd_pipe1 is a file descriptor (an integer)

        for i in range(0, len(data), chunk_size):
            # Write to named pipe as writing to a file (but write the data in small chunks).
            os.write(fd_pipe, data[i:chunk_size+i])  # Write 1024 bytes of data to fd_pipe

        # Closing the pipes as closing files.


def record(samp1, samp2):
    # Names of the "Named pipes"
    pipe1 = "audio_pipe1"
    pipe2 = "audio_pipe2"

    # Create "named pipes".
    if not stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(pipe1).st_mode):
        os.mkfifo(pipe1)  # Create the pipe only if not exist.

    if not stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(pipe2).st_mode):

    # Open FFmpeg as sub-process
    # Use two audio input streams:
    # 1. Named pipe: "audio_pipe1"
    # 2. Named pipe: "audio_pipe2"
    # Merge the two audio streams using amix audio filter.
    # Store the result to output file: output.mp3
    process = subprocess.Popen(["ffmpeg", "-y", '-f', 'mp3',
                                "-i", pipe1,
                                "-i", pipe2,
                                "-filter_complex", "amix=inputs=2:duration=longest", "output.mp3"],

    # Initialize two "writer" threads (each writer writes data to named pipe in chunks of 1024 bytes).
    named_pipe_writer1 = NamedPipeWriter(pipe1, samp1)
    named_pipe_writer2 = NamedPipeWriter(pipe2, samp2)

    # Start the two threads

    # Wait for the two writer threads to finish

    process.wait()  # Wait for FFmpeg sub-process to finish

    # Remove the "named pipes".

sampl1, sampl2 = create_samp()
record(sampl1, sampl2)


  • 该代码在 Ubuntu 18.04(虚拟机)中进行了测试。

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