

有没有办法简化 Makefile 中的这种重复?

duo = ./node_modules/.bin/duo

build: lib/background/build lib/page/build lib/popup/build

lib/background/build: lib/background/build/build.js lib/background/build/build.css
lib/page/build: lib/page/build/build.js lib/page/build/build.css
lib/popup/build: lib/popup/build/build.js lib/popup/build/build.css

lib/background/build/build.js: lib/background/index.js node_modules component.json
  @mkdir -p lib/background/build
  @$(duo) lib/background/index.js > lib/background/build/build.js

lib/page/build/build.js: lib/page/index.js node_modules component.json
  @mkdir -p lib/page/build
  @$(duo) lib/page/index.js > lib/page/build/build.js

lib/popup/build/build.js: lib/popup/index.js node_modules component.json
  @mkdir -p lib/popup/build
  @$(duo) lib/popup/index.js > lib/popup/build/build.js

lib/background/build/build.css: lib/background/index.css node_modules component.json
  @mkdir -p lib/background/build
  @$(duo) lib/background/index.css | $(myth) > lib/background/build/build.css

lib/page/build/build.css: lib/page/index.css node_modules component.json
  @mkdir -p lib/page/build
  @$(duo) lib/page/index.css | $(myth) > lib/page/build/build.css

lib/popup/build/build.css: lib/popup/index.css node_modules component.json
  @mkdir -p lib/popup/build
  @$(duo) lib/popup/index.css | $(myth) > lib/popup/build/build.css

基本上,我想运行一个简单的make build来自顶层的命令,并且仅在必要时重建这些子项目。我不想为每个子项目使用 Makefile,因为这也是重复的。我尝试过的与通配符路径相关的所有方法都没有成功,所以想知道是否有办法做到这一点。例如,我尝试做这样的事情(对于js和css都类似)但没有运气:

js = $(shell find lib test -type f -name '*.js' ! -path "*build.js")

$(js)/build/build.js: node_modules component.json
  # somehow get the directory such as lib/background based on the make command?
  local dir=$(shell dirname $(shell dirname $@))
  @mkdir -p $(dir)/build
  @$(duo) $(dir)/index.js > $(dir)/build/build.js


一个好的开始是停止重复目标等。在规则体本身中并使用自动变量代替。所以'$@'对于目标文件名,'$(@D)'对于目录路径(例如dirname) 目标文件名等。


duo = ./node_modules/.bin/duo

build: lib/background/build lib/page/build lib/popup/build

lib/background/build: lib/background/build/build.js lib/background/build/build.css
lib/page/build: lib/page/build/build.js lib/page/build/build.css
lib/popup/build: lib/popup/build/build.js lib/popup/build/build.css

lib/background/build/build.js: lib/background/index.js node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) lib/background/index.js > '$@'

lib/page/build/build.js: lib/page/index.js node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) lib/page/index.js > '$@'

lib/popup/build/build.js: lib/popup/index.js node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) lib/popup/index.js > '$@'

lib/background/build/build.css: lib/background/index.css node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) lib/background/index.css | $(myth) > '$@'

lib/page/build/build.css: lib/page/index.css node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) lib/page/index.css | $(myth) > '$@'

lib/popup/build/build.css: lib/popup/index.css node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) lib/popup/index.css | $(myth) > '$@'



duo = ./node_modules/.bin/duo

build: lib/background/build lib/page/build lib/popup/build

lib/background/build: lib/background/build/build.js lib/background/build/build.css
lib/page/build: lib/page/build/build.js lib/page/build/build.css
lib/popup/build: lib/popup/build/build.js lib/popup/build/build.css

%/build/build.js: %/index.js node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) '$*'/index.js > '$@'

%/build/build.js: %/index.js node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) '$*'/index.js > '$@'

%/build/build.js: %/index.js node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) '$*'/index.js > '$@'

%/build/build.css: %/index.css node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) '$*'/index.css | $(myth) > '$@'

%/build/build.css: %/index.css node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) '$*'/index.css | $(myth) > '$@'

%/build/build.css: %/index.css node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) '$*'/index.css | $(myth) > '$@'


duo = ./node_modules/.bin/duo

build: lib/background/build lib/page/build lib/popup/build

lib/background/build: lib/background/build/build.js lib/background/build/build.css
lib/page/build: lib/page/build/build.js lib/page/build/build.css
lib/popup/build: lib/popup/build/build.js lib/popup/build/build.css

%/build/build.js: %/index.js node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) '$*'/index.js > '$@'

%/build/build.css: %/index.css node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) '$*'/index.css | $(myth) > '$@'

然后,由于 make 不能像人们希望的那样处理目录目标/先决条件,因此您可以删除lib/background/build, lib/page/build, and lib/popup/build中间目标并仅列出实际文件作为先决条件build.

duo = ./node_modules/.bin/duo

build: lib/background/build/build.js lib/background/build/build.css \
       lib/page/build/build.js lib/page/build/build.css \
       lib/popup/build/build.js lib/popup/build/build.css

%/build/build.js: %/index.js node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) '$*'/index.js > '$@'

%/build/build.css: %/index.css node_modules component.json
        @mkdir -p '$(@D)'
        @$(duo) '$*'/index.css | $(myth) > '$@'



build: $(foreach d,background page popup,$(addprefix lib/$d/build/,build.js build.css))

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