

我正在创建一款棋盘游戏,并决定为此目的选择 Google 表格。我已将问题简化为由一张纸和一个脚本组成的最小示例。


Following points refer to my dice sheet:

  • Cells B2:C5 contain available dices. First column contains dice sprites, second comma-separated dice face numbers.
    • 游戏设计视角:艺术家可以更改骰子图像。设计者可以改变骰子面的数字。两种类型的更改都会自动传播到引用骰子的单元格。
  • Cells E2:I2 and E10:I10 contain particular throw. In each throw there's 1 to 5 references to dices in column B.
    • 游戏设计视角:有许多不同的游戏项目,每个项目可能都有不同的骰子来确定行动的结果。设计者可以添加或删除对骰子的引用,它将触发特定单元格的自动重新计算(在我们的例子中,这些单元格是K2 and K10).
  • Cells beginning at K2 and K10 hold the result of the DICEFACES function applied to the ranges E2:I2 and E10:I10.
    • 游戏设计视角:骰子面矩阵将进一步用于计算骰子概率。为了简单起见,我将矩阵本身视为最终结果。
  • DICEFACES是我在脚本编辑器中创建的自定义函数 文件Code.gs与样式表相关联。它返回一个矩阵 与所提供范围内的骰子相对应的骰子面。它是 正文如下:

    function DICEFACES(unused_ref_to_range_containing_dices)
      var app  = SpreadsheetApp;
      var spr  = app.getActiveSheet();
      // In the end this array will hold the dice faces. For example two
      // 1d6 dices would result in [[1,2,3,4,5,6],[1,2,3,4,5,6]].
      var Dices = [];
      // The the formula inside the active cell (i.e. the cell on which
      // we are calling this function). This is a string like:
      // "=DICEFACES(E2:I2)"
      var active_formula = spr.getActiveRange().getFormula();
      // Set item_range to the one pointed to by the formula. This could
      // be a range like E2:I2.
      var item_range = spr.getRange(active_formula.match(/=\w+\((.*)\)/i)[1]);
      // Loop over dice cells in the item_range.
      for (var i = 1; i <= item_range.getNumColumns(); i++)
        // "=B2", "=B3", ...
        var dice_formula = item_range.getCell(1, i).getFormula();
        // As soon as we encounter an empty formula, we skip (i.e. there are
        // no more dices).
        if (dice_formula == "")
        // A reference to the cell containing the dice image. We don't really
        // need the image, the dice faces are of greater importance to us.
        var dice_cell = spr.getRange(dice_formula.substr(1));
        // Move one column to the right prior to the dice_cell and retreive
        // the value of the cell. This is a string like "1,2,3,4,5,6".
        var dice_csv = dice_cell.offset(0, 1).getValue();
        // Convert the CSV string to a javascript array like [1,2,3,4,5,6]
        // and push it to Dices.
      return Dices;


问题是当我改变列中的骰子面时C, the DICEFACE公式不会被重新计算。就在我创建之前截屏我添加了,4单元格的后缀C2正如你所看到的,没有4在细胞内N2。然而,如果我either重新保存Code.gs脚本文件or改变骰子E2:I2,重新计算立即发生。

我很确定我知道问题出在哪里:因为我正在遍历脚本中的单元格,所以工作表应用程序本身看不到列中单元格之间的引用链接C和公式K2 and K10。看看我的工作表,单元格引用可能类似于:

K4  <-- E2:I2   <-- B2, B3 (C is not here)
K10 <-- E10:I10 <-- B4, B5 (C is not here)

我的符号的含义A <-- B is If there's a change in range B, update cell A.



问题是当我改变列中的骰子面时C, the DICEFACE公式不会被重新计算。

DIFACE 是自定义函数,当打开电子表格且自定义函数参数值发生更改时,会重新计算自定义函数。










I used a comma assuming that it's the Google Sheets argument separator being used but some spreadsheets instead could use a semicolon.


 * Returns a matrix of dice faces corresponding to the dices in the provided range.
 * @param {Array} unused_ref_to_range_containing_dices Reference to range. i.e. E2:I2
 * @param {String|Number|Date|Array} ref_as_trigger Reference to a range used as trigger. i.e. C2 or C2:C5
 * @return array
 * @customfunction
function DICEFACES(unused_ref_to_range_containing_dices,ref_as_trigger)
  var app  = SpreadsheetApp;
  var spr  = app.getActiveSheet();

  // In the end this array will hold the dice faces. For example two
  // 1d6 dices would result in [[1,2,3,4,5,6],[1,2,3,4,5,6]].
  var Dices = [];

  // The the formula inside the active cell (i.e. the cell on which
  // we are calling this function). This is a string like:
  // "=DICEFACES(E2:I2)"
  var active_formula = spr.getActiveRange().getFormula();

  // Set item_range to the one pointed to by the formula. This could
  // be a range like E2:I2.
  var item_range = spr.getRange(active_formula.match(/=\w+\((.*),.*\)/i)[1]); // CHANGED

  // Loop over dice cells in the item_range.
  for (var i = 1; i <= item_range.getNumColumns(); i++)
    // "=B2", "=B3", ...
    var dice_formula = item_range.getCell(1, i).getFormula();

    // As soon as we encounter an empty formula, we skip (i.e. there are
    // no more dices).
    if (dice_formula == "")

    // A reference to the cell containing the dice image. We don't really
    // need the image, the dice faces are of greater importance to us.
    var dice_cell = spr.getRange(dice_formula.substr(1));

    // Move one column to the right prior to the dice_cell and retreive
    // the value of the cell. This is a string like "1,2,3,4,5,6".
    var dice_csv = dice_cell.offset(0, 1).getValue();

    // Convert the CSV string to a javascript array like [1,2,3,4,5,6]
    // and push it to Dices.
  return Dices;

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