在 for 循环内等待承诺


let currentProduct;

for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) { 
    currentProduct = products[i];

        .then((subs) => {
            update(subs, currentProduct);

我正在使用蓝鸟,方法getAll and update回报承诺。我怎么说“等到两个承诺返回,然后更新 currentProduct 值”?我对 JS 还很陌生...


// Make sure that this code is inside a function declared using
// the `async` keyword.
let currentProduct;

for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) { 
    currentProduct = products[i];

    // By using await, the code will halt here until
    // the promise resolves, then it will go to the
    // next iteration...
    await subscription.getAll(products[i]._id)
        .then((subs) => {
            // Make sure to return your promise here...
            return update(subs, currentProduct);

    // You could also avoid the .then by using two awaits:
    const subs = await subscription.getAll(products[i]._id);
    await update(subs, currentProduct);


let currentProduct;

let promiseChain = Promise.resolve();
for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) { 
    currentProduct = products[i];

    // Note that there is a scoping issue here, since
    // none of the .then code runs till the loop completes,
    // you need to pass the current value of `currentProduct`
    // into the chain manually, to avoid having its value
    // changed before the .then code accesses it.

    const makeNextPromise = (currentProduct) => () => {
        // Make sure to return your promise here.
        return subscription.getAll(products[i]._id)
            .then((subs) => {
                // Make sure to return your promise here.
                return update(subs, currentProduct);

    // Note that we pass the value of `currentProduct` into the
    // function to avoid it changing as the loop iterates.
    promiseChain = promiseChain.then(makeNextPromise(currentProduct))



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    let currentProduct for let i 0 i lt products length i currentProduct products i subscription getAll products i id then s