Intellij IDEA:如何更改组织导入功能


我想知道如何避免让 IntelliJ IDEA 自动将包的所有类与*。例如,假设我导入了以下类:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Collections;


List list = new ArrayList();

I can type alt + enter on either List or ArrayList in order to automatically import them. The problem is that once I do that, automatically IntelliJ IDEA consolidates all the imports with java.util.* instead of adding the single class.

I have seen the tab "organize imports" but it's not what I am looking for. What I would like to have is that in such case as the one I have above described, when typing alt + enter I get added the single class along the others of the same package rather than having all of them consolidated in java.util.*;.


打开设置: 代码样式 -> Java -> 导入选项卡 在第一部分(常规)中有一个选项使用单类导入在该部分的末尾有两个值字段,您可以在其中设置导入包中的类限制,直到idea开始导入*


Intellij IDEA:如何更改组织导入功能 的相关文章
