使用 bash 我需要删除文件名中文件扩展名之前的尾随空格



"QDN34 Unit5 mark-up - Judy .pdf"  
"QDN34 Unit7 mark-up - Judy .pdf"  
"file with two character ext .ai"  
"file with dot. trailing space and no ext "  
"file with no ext"


The result应该:

"QDN34 Unit5 mark-up - Judy.pdf"
"QDN34 Unit7 mark-up - Judy.pdf"  
"file with two character ext.ai"  
"file with dot. trailing space and no ext"  
"file with no ext"


newName=$(find . -type f -name \*\ .* | cut -d'.' -f2 | sed 's/\ $//' | sed 's/^\/*//')
extens=$(find . -type f -name \*\ .* | sed 's@.*/.*\.@.@')
oldName=$(find . -type f -iname \*\ .* | sed 's/^\.\/*//')
for f in "$oldName" ; do mv -nv "$oldName" "$newName""$extens" ; done



mv: rename file with two character ext .ai  
QDN34 Unit5 mark-up - Judy .pdf  
QDN34 Unit7 mark-up - Judy .pdf to file with two character ext  
QDN34 Unit5 mark-up - Judy  
QDN34 Unit7 mark-up - Judy.ai  
.pdf: No such file or directory

Bash 解决方案

这也是 Bash 解决方案可能有用的地方。以下测试扩展(max 4 chars + .)设置为extsz在脚本中。如果找到扩展名,脚本会删除文件名中的空格,然后将文件从旧名称移动到新名称(实际移动在下面注释)。它依赖于参数扩展/子串替换操作空格和文件名:


declare -i extsz=-5     # extension w/i last 4 chars

## trim leading/trailing whitespace
function trimws {
    [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
    local strln="${#1}"
    [ "$strln" -lt 2 ] && return 1
    local trimstr=$1
    trimstr="${trimstr#"${trimstr%%[![:space:]]*}"}"  # remove leading whitespace characters
    trimstr="${trimstr%"${trimstr##*[![:space:]]}"}"  # remove trailing whitespace characters
    printf "%s" "$trimstr"
    return 0

## for each filename read from stdin
while read -r ffname || test -n "$ffname" ; do

    ## test for extension and set 'ext' if present
    for ((i=$extsz; i<0; i++)); do
        [ "${ffname:(i):1}" == '.' ] && { ext=${ffname:(i)}; break; }

    ## if extension, move the file to name w/o trailing space w/orig extension
    if [ -n "$ext" ]; then

        fname="${ffname%.*}"          # separate filename from extension
        fnwosp="$(trimws "$fname")"   # trim whitespace from filename

        printf "   renaming :  '%s' -> '%s'\n" "$ffname" "${fnwosp}${ext}"
        #mv "$ffname" "${fnwosp}${ext}"  # commented for testing

        ## if no extension, just trim whitespace and move
        printf "   renaming :  '%s' -> '%s'\n" "$ffname" "$(trimws "$ffname")"
        # mv "$ffname" "$(trimws "$ffname")"

    unset ext       # unset 'ext' for next iteration


exit 0


$ cat dat/wfname.txt
QDN34 Unit5 mark-up - Judy .pdf
QDN34 Unit7 mark-up - Judy .pdf
file with two character ext .ai
file with dot. trailing space and no ext
file with no ext


$ bash fixfilenames.sh <dat/wfname.txt
   renaming :  'QDN34 Unit5 mark-up - Judy .pdf' -> 'QDN34 Unit5 mark-up - Judy.pdf'
   renaming :  'QDN34 Unit7 mark-up - Judy .pdf' -> 'QDN34 Unit7 mark-up - Judy.pdf'
   renaming :  'file with two character ext .ai' -> 'file with two character ext.ai'
   renaming :  'file with dot. trailing space and no ext' -> 'file with dot. trailing space and no ext'
   renaming :  'file with no ext' -> 'file with no ext'

Note:当读自stdin,shell 将去除不带扩展名的文件名的尾随空格。




declare -i extsz=-5     # extension w/i last 4 chars

## trim leading/trailing whitespace
function trimws {
    [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
    local strln="${#1}"
    [ "$strln" -lt 2 ] && return 1
    local trimstr=$1
    trimstr="${trimstr#"${trimstr%%[![:space:]]*}"}"  # remove leading whitespace characters
    trimstr="${trimstr%"${trimstr##*[![:space:]]}"}"  # remove trailing whitespace characters
    printf "%s" "$trimstr"
    return 0

## test at least 1 command line argument
[ $# -gt 0 ] || {
    printf "error: insufficient input.  usage: %s <filename>\n" "${0##*/}"
    exit 1

## for each of the filenames give as arguments
for ffname in "$@"; do

    ## test for extension and set 'ext' if present
    for ((i=$extsz; i<0; i++)); do
        [ "${ffname:(i):1}" == '.' ] && { ext=${ffname:(i)}; break; }

    ## if extension, move the file to name w/o trailing space w/orig extension
    if [ -n "$ext" ]; then

        fname="${ffname%.*}"          # separate filename from extension
        fnwosp="$(trimws "$fname")"   # trim whitespace from filename

        printf "   renaming :  '%s' -> '%s'\n" "$ffname" "${fnwosp}${ext}"
        #mv "$ffname" "${fnwosp}${ext}"  # commented for testing


        ## if no extension, just trim whitespace and move
        printf "   renaming :  '%s' -> '%s'\n" "$ffname" "$(trimws "$ffname")"
        # mv "$ffname" "$(trimws "$ffname")"


    unset ext


exit 0


$ bash fixfilenames.sh 'testfile w end space '
   renaming :  'testfile w end space ' -> 'testfile w end space'

$ bash fixfilenames.sh 'file with two character ext .ai'
   renaming :  'file with two character ext .ai' -> 'file with two character ext.ai'

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